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  1. What are those verticle things behind the people?
  2. Sadly enough, it's my girlfriend that beats me to it. She's not afraid of heights at the level I am. I can handle fourty-fifty feet... Breaking 1,000's a bit iffy. 2,000's a no. And 12,500 is an unimaginable. --Arojekt.
  3. I don't really have the choice now. Someone bought it for me, and invited me. I can't decide. Besides... having some guy strapped to me from behind... I dunno. That just makes me uncomfortable. --Arojekt.
  4. Thanks guys. I'm a kiteboarder, and I got at most 40 feet in the air - if I am lucky. Up's not a problem. Down is. Heh. Thanks again. --Arojekt.
  5. Hello, I'm a bit new to everything. I quite haven't made a first jump other than a 32 ft. simulation at encampment. I've been invited to go jump with some friends, it'll be a first for all of us. Free fall sounds amazing and all, but I have a problem with "ground coming at you at 140 mph" feelings. I am not great at handling those especially while in the plane. I will be doing an Accelerated Free Fall with two instructors and stuff. I know I can handle a flight down with a chute, but it's the fall that kinda makes me nervous. I know that it's pretty much enjoyable, though I love rollercoasters. I was just wondering, what do you guys do to conquer your fears? --Arojekt.