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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. Jeb who? "T'was ever thus."
  2. There are a couple of those (at least) out there....I have a Numark TT-USB, got it just for transferring vinyl to disc (since most of the good stuff will never come out on cd). There is one (can't recall the brand name), has a built-in pre-amp...with the Numark, I had to add one in-line. They actually work pretty well and come with software to clean-up scratches, dust noise, etc. "T'was ever thus."
  3. His inability to pronounce "Iraq". Every time he speaks, I'd swear I'm watchin' "Johnny Dangerously". "T'was ever thus."
  4. To each their own, I suppose. I love the smell of the fuel but the exhaust, not so much. I do miss the aroma of crisp afterburner, though. "T'was ever thus."
  5. I guess with today's economy, it's wise to diversify a bit. "T'was ever thus."
  6. Sounds alot like electroplating, to me...don't believe that'll fill holes....but I've been wrong before. Does it have to be a metal fill material? There are two-part putty-type fillers, made for various metals. "T'was ever thus."
  7. All good advice but I urge caution, don't buy out of haste (as hard as that is, not to do). Nothing much worse than a white elephant or "boomerang gear"...stuff you can't even throw away. Whatever you're into today, might not be what you'll be into, at the end of the season. Not all gear is as marketable as we're sometimes told and sometimes, ya' just get stuck hangin' onto old gear. Instructors' advice is prime, as long as they're truly familiar with you....not just quoting general recommendations, from some outdated guidebook or chart. Canopy design has improved, as well as selection and some of the old guidelines, may not exactly apply. "T'was ever thus."
  8. kschilk

    US calendars

    It was a simple process......that's where the dart hit. "T'was ever thus."
  9. Here, it's 0.08 but you can be convicted of DUI with less, if the officer testifies that you were swerving, had slurred speech or other signs of intoxication. For me, it doesn't matter. Since I hold a CDL license, I'm only allowed half of the legal limit...I can't legally come within' 50 feet of a cough drop and still drive. "T'was ever thus."
  10. Ya' done good....now suck it up an' take it like a man!
  11. Though not an expert in either of those ares, I've used skydiving for years, as an effective treatment for stress, depression, anxiety, boredom, backache, scrotum itch and bellybutton lint.
  12. Absolutely....if it's an incident caused by personal error (failure to pull, packing-induced mal, etc.) a stand-down may not be called for but anytime it's an equipment or gear-related issue....until a cause is determined, at least....activities should be temporarily suspended or limited, to those with a certain level of experience. "T'was ever thus."
  13. It should really never be necessary to cut-off a helmet. Helmets should be slightly snug, as per fit....not tight. Protection value of the helmet is lost, if the fit is too tight. A slight upward pressure and rolling the helmet forward, should be all it takes to remove it....anything more, it's too tight and basically moot. Some potential problems can be avoided, by proper sizing. "T'was ever thus."
  14. I don't believe anyone said a stand-down should last for months. If any investigation into an incident takes months, it's time to get some competent investigators. Take, for example....last year's tandem accidents. That was a case where a stand-down was certainly warranted. Despite all the claims that there were no problems with the gear, alterations eventually were initiated, proving that the gear was, in fact, faulty. Had a stand-down been initiated and had the investigation and alterations to the harness been done, before another tandem went up, at least one life would've been saved. There are incidents in other sports (particularly racing), where races have been halted to make changes to the track, due to safety concerns.....of course, these are usually the actions of professionals. The yellow flag, is essentially a temporary stand-down. "T'was ever thus."
  15. I had no idea these were so dangerous! "T'was ever thus."
  16. Just happened to run across this game, "Army Of Two"...looks kinda' cool. http://play.tm/wire/click/1762151 "T'was ever thus."
  17. Oddly enough, nobody sees a potential safety issue here? I've never had the experience while jumping but from other experiences, I find it hard to believe that anyone could witness a death and not have some (even minor) problems with concentration, during their following jump. One would think that in a sport, where the majority of participants and their governing body, seem to believe that neither they nor anyone else, can lay-off for as little as a couple of months and still remain aware enough to pull, before they hit the ground....there would be some concern for likely associated safety issues. The military regularly uses "safety stand-downs" and often, to great effect. Though we like to think we are at the pinnacle of safety and responsibility, the military has been around a lot longer and has much more experience with safety issues...even those pertaining to skydiving. There might just be a bit of wisdom in following their lead, on occasion. "T'was ever thus."
  18. Nothing wrong there, far as I can see. I too have a Safire 2 139 but I'm only at a 1.04. I'm getting pretty much the same openings but my end cells are coming out a bit quicker....still absolutely sweet and soft, though.
  19. ...and in New Bethlehem, PA. "T'was ever thus."
  20. Well....probably 'coz weed's cheaper, easier to get and a lot tastier. "T'was ever thus."
  21. Funny, considering the high unemployment in this country.....how kids today are willing to go that extra mile, just to make themselves that much less employable. "T'was ever thus."
  22. Now that is interesting! The mounting is easier for a car w/o a rollbar (where I put my camera in the Jeep), and I like the wide-angle lens. But it costs 4 x what my cheapo solution costs. Did you watch the 2nd video on that page? Dumbass driving like an idiot and has an accident. Bet he won't be showing that video to the authorities! Yeah, the auto-on is a double-edged sword. I'd thiink that could be adapted to motorcycles, too. "T'was ever thus."
  23. For in a car, I thought this one was pretty trick.... http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/car-camera-recorder.html "T'was ever thus."