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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. Ummm, no. Picketts Charge....now that was clearly, a "Southern thing". Sorry man, any buffoon that would order such a thing....well, history speaks for itself. Robert E. Lee was a great man in many ways but as far as his military performance, luck was his primary asset. "T'was ever thus."
  2. Yep. There's "freedom of religion", freedom to worship any religion but no such thing, as religious freedom...though some, like the Taliban and other extremists, are trying to exercise it. "T'was ever thus."
  3. I'm never comfortable with a leader that claims to be aligned with any religion.....since religion and freedom are opposites. "T'was ever thus."
  4. I can illustrate it for you. Let's say you have a house....it's raining and there's a hole in the roof. A Conservative.....will borrow money to replace the whole roof and then spend about $2.00 on a cheap bucket. He'll then place the bucket under the hole, pocket the rest of the money and leave it up to the next generation, to fix the problem. A Liberal....will hire expensive consultants to do various studies, on how to stop the rain.....then tell them to send the bill to his wealthier neighbor. A Libertarian....will try to sue the rain, for infringing on his rights, property damage and tresspassing....then sue himself, for impeding the rain's right to travel freely. An Independent....would ask for public donations to repair his roof, while blaming the Conservatives for creating the rain and the Liberals, for not preventing it. Non-Affiliated....would probably fix the roof, clean-up the mess, grab a beer and a sandwich and get back to watchin' the game. "T'was ever thus."
  5. Like God himself, talkin'. "T'was ever thus."
  6. Neither. They attack us here, only because they want what we have here, over there....they're just not willing to work for it. Oil is a "western" thing as are computers, telephones and automobiles but even the most extreme of them, won't get up offa' any of it. Seriously....we probably shoulda' left Hitler alone. "T'was ever thus."
  7. kschilk

    Truck Drivers

    I spent almost 15 years driving regional and local, in my father's rigs...mostly freightboxes but an occasional flatbed. My father is an owner/operator, as is my brother and most of my cousins and uncles, are/were company drivers...either freight, flat or tanker. I still work on trucks for both O/Os and fleets so I'm well aquainted with several drivers, on both ends of the spectrum. I come from a long line of truck drivers and have driven most types of trucks, for most of my life but I was just "a guy, driving a truck" and never, a "truck driver". It takes a rare breed, to be a company driver and I'd have to say a special breed, to even take a shot at being a successful O/O. There are ups and downs to both but there's more than most folks realize, to being an O/O. Truckers are basically land-sailors, it's a similar lifestyle and something you have to be willing to accept, as does your family (if you have one). Just like when I was in the Navy, I see some families that make it work and some, that just can't. Even as a single guy (or gal), it isn't for everyone. With the unstable price of fuel, I wouldn't be rushing into anything transportation-related. I urge extreme caution. "T'was ever thus."
  8. Spies. They'll drop 'em in with little, tiny parachutes. "T'was ever thus."
  9. Crap....I thought this was gonna' be another joke about the traveling salesman and the Pharma's dawta'....bummer. "T'was ever thus."
  10. There is no "national language" here because there is no nationality. There is no "American", other than Native American...everyone else is just a U.S. citizen. Apparently, as far as most of the world is concerned...the U.S. is a nation of immigrants, with descendants having no specific nationality. I seriously doubt there is such a thing as a "nationality" anymore, very few purebred anythings out there, these days. "T'was ever thus."
  11. 'Coz of the flames....or 'coz of all the white tiles, raining down? Ya'd kinda' think that by now, they'd have a little better handle on that sh*t. Surely...they've heard of duct-tape!?! "T'was ever thus."
  12. Wouldn't that be....FLP? "T'was ever thus."
  13. I'll admit to doing that, early on. Part of it was the pressure to "get your jump #s up" and partly, due to a whole season of crappy weather. Sometimes, a less than ideal day can still be the best you've seen, in a while...ya' get hungry and I guess that affects the rational thought process. "T'was ever thus."
  14. ....and at the Peapit! I thought I saw some Fly Right Gear! "T'was ever thus."
  15. Sounds like an 'acquired" taste... Well, yeah but if you're quick...it's warm, ready to eat and no dishes....the ultimate fast-food! "T'was ever thus."
  16. Time to develop a taste for road-kills! "T'was ever thus."
  17. Good thing electricity is pulled from the air and doesn't require coal, water (fast becoming less plentiful than oil) or natural gas to produce it. Once these things become more common, we can expect an instant overabundance, of all our natural resources. With the huge increase in demand, electricity is sure to become dirt cheap. "T'was ever thus."
  18. While stationed at Chambers Field (NAS Norfolk), I had the unique op to see her up close & personal...even got a peek into the cockpit.
  19. Probably be a draw....same guy. Of course, they'd likely buddy-up and call it off, since they're the only ones that could understand what the hell the other was sayin'! "T'was ever thus."
  20. Damn....up 'til now, I thought "paranormal", meant getting a good canopy. "T'was ever thus."
  21. I guess BASE is gettin' to be more popular! I wonder which one is gonna' funnel that formation? I see the three newbies already sunk-out! "T'was ever thus."
  22. What about the once prevalent North American Mar Iguanas?! They were on the verge of overpopulation, back in the '70s but their numbers have dwindled, almost to extinction. Amphibious, they were often found sunning themselves on beaches and were easily identified by their reddish, slit-like, glassy eyes and the whitish, cotton-like lining of their mouths. Their diet consisted mainly of donuts and sodas but could often be seen devouring ketchup sandwiches. Upon death, their bodies gradually reduce to ashes, with only a short stub of the tail remaining that resembles a small, armored insect and is often referred to as a "roach". Mostly silent, they can sometimes be heard emitting a call that resmbles a strong sucking sound, usually followed by a short period of coughing and hacking. Somewhat elusive, they could often be lured from hiding by the sound of loud rock music and the repeated flicking of a BIC lighter. "T'was ever thus."
  23. Coz' they were the only ones willing to pay the overtime, for the sun to stay out longer. I hear AL Gore negotiated the deal. "T'was ever thus."