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Everything posted by kschilk

  1. I guess I'm older school....if my dog isn't welcome, neither am I. "T'was ever thus."
  2. I used to dream about the bomb bay thing, 'til I got to jump from a fighter-trainer....fighters is funner! "T'was ever thus."
  3. Yeah, it sucks....even if you ain't a mailman. Hope you get rid of it soon! Meds should only be taken for sport, not health. "T'was ever thus."
  4. Nope, the most overused word over there would be :- Awesome. I'd say in skydiving...."inherently", is the most overused and misused. "T'was ever thus."
  5. Naturally, I mean....you know, with the rapid cabin depressurization & sh*t, we don't stand a chance! "T'was ever thus."
  6. Oh, I know what #1 is....loading-up on beans and cabbage, the night before and using "thrust-vectoring"!
  7. Oh, waydaminnit....this one might be better! This thing's been useless, for ages. "T'was ever thus."
  8. In this day and age....I gotta' go with this, for the most useless..... "T'was ever thus."
  9. Obviously, he was catapulted over the bars and I can tell you from experience...impact velocity is multiplied several times over, in that situation....same with a hi-side. Most injuries in motorcycle racing (most any type), seem to be caused from being hit by your own, or someone else's bike. I think all racers learn to MLF (Motorcycle Landing Fall), pretty early on and that helps to reduce the damage, done on the initial impact....it's the secondary hits, that usually do you in. "T'was ever thus."
  10. Try this.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/motorbikes/7403931.stm Here's a bio...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dunlop Kinda' ironic...since I was on my way out to my garage, with a new set of Dunlop knobbies and somehow, felt compelled to stop and take a quick look at the forum. It's another sad loss to the sport but at least he went out, doing what he loved and probably....that's how he'd have wanted it. "T'was ever thus."
  11. If you pay attention to your instructors and do everything they teach you, the way they teach you to do it....it's about as dangerous as a walk to the corner store.....maybe less, depending where you live. "T'was ever thus."
  12. As I understand it, the currency exchange rates are based largely, on the prevailing price of pussy in Paraguay.....or maybe it was the total number of tiny, tanned tits in Turkey. Seems like the older I get, the harder it is to dismember things. "T'was ever thus."
  13. Naturally, I mean....somebody's gotta' clean the head! "T'was ever thus."
  14. The Navy's mission is a bit different....instead of search & rescue, it's find 'em & sink 'em. "T'was ever thus."
  15. I had a similar experience but luckily, caught it before the cops did. I was batching for a concrete company and I occasionally drove a mixer, when we got in a bind for drivers. One day, the driver foreman came to me and asked if I knew that my drivers license had been suspended...for the last three months!?! (Our company got a DMV report on all of our CDL licensed drivers, every month.) I had no idea...I'd had no tickets, no accidents...nothing! I phoned the DMV and was told that I'd failed to provide "proof of insurance". I'd bought a used Camaro (three months before)...had to show the dealer proof of insurance, before I drove off the lot. According to the DMV, they supposedly sent me a letter, asking for proof of insurance...which I never received. When they didn't get the info, they automatically suspended my license. It was in Virginia and if you get caught driving with a suspended license, it's an automatic 10 days in jail! Luckily, I got it all straightened out but in the end, the DMV admitted that they had never even sent the letter, in the first place. "T'was ever thus."
  16. I have no doubt, that would seriously curtail....if not solve the problem. Judging from the recent antics of the NYPD, I'm a bit surprised they haven't already tried it. Well, that's ok...it puts me in line with other military "failures", like George S. Patton and Norman Schwartzkopf. "T'was ever thus."
  17. If it was a stick-shift...we called it "ridin' eunuch". "T'was ever thus."
  18. Still seeking that relevance. Really, this could go on forever, as it all boils down to us basically agreeing to disagree. Believe me, I'm as humane as the next guy but there's a real world out there and sometimes, ya' just gotta' adapt. I've lived through most of the "modern conflicts"....old enough to remember most all of the Arab/Israeli conflicts, Vietnam, the Munich Massacre, the Achille Lauro, Grenada, etc. I served during Desert Storm, Panama (lost 5 friends in that one) and the first part of the Somalia fiasco. I also had several relatives who served in every war, from the American Civil War, to Vietnam. I have been a military history "enthusiast", for over 37 of my last 50 years...compiling an extensive text and video library on the subject. Meager qualifications, I agree but from what I've seen, heard, saw and felt over the course of all this, my general opinion is this... Wars should be entered into, with the intent of a quick, clear and decisive victory that, if at all possible...should be accomplished in one massive attack, with overwhelming firepower and the taking of no prisoners....i.e. a mushroom diet. The simultaneous nuking of Kabul, Baghdad, Damascus and all of Somalia (with whatever's left, dropped on Paris)...would pretty much eliminate terrorism, altogether. "T'was ever thus."
  19. I was a "command financial advisor", while in the Navy...counseling members who'd fallen into these payday lending and "easy financing, E-1 and up" scams. Some of the situations I encountered were unbelievable. One kid bought a $2000.00 car on one of those "E-1 and up" deals...had he paid the full term of the loan, according to the payment schedule....the car would have cost him over $35,000.00! With pressure fron NIS and Navy legal, we finally got him out of it but there were cases, where we really couldn't do anything to get them out of the contract. At one point, nearly half of the members in my division, had filed for bankruptcy. "T'was ever thus."
  20. I totally agree, on principle but unfortunately, times have changed, the nature of warfare has changed and militarily speaking...you can't put a kitten, up against a badger. As I said in the beginning...taking no prisoners, is the best course of action....nobody gets "mistreated" and everybody's happy. "T'was ever thus."
  21. "Shotgun" had a bit different meaning, in the '70s. "T'was ever thus."
  22. No, we haven't...but some are asserting that we are "approaching" their torture methods, by the alleged use of "waterboarding". I am simply saying that we have every right, to adopt their methods...across the board, both in battle and in the treatment of prisoners. "T'was ever thus."
  23. I haven't "avoided" answering anything...you ignore what I say, change my wording to try to make a valid argument and frankly, I don't play that game. You're basically recounting the failed US strategy already in evidence, in Iraq....same strategy we used in Vietnam and the same strategy the Russians used, against Afghanistan. As for greatness of generals or other leaders, it is purely opinion. R.E. Lee was a great leader, a great man and according to most, a great general. As far as I'm concerned, objectively speaking....he was a great leader but a lousy general. When he failed to match the tactics of his enemy, he basically wiped-out his own army. "T'was ever thus."
  24. The enemy chose civilians as "legtimate targets", not us. They made the rules and as far as I'm concerned, we're obliged to play by those same rules. Why "obliged"? We didn't have to play by the same rules to beat Germany and Japan. And we're a much stronger country because of that. Actually, we were losing our a*s...until we adopted the tactics of the Germans and Japanese. There was a point, when our soldiers stopped taking prisoners, we shot Japanese and German sailors in the water and shot Japanese pilots, under their parachutes....just like they had done to us. The US daytime bombing practice was more accurate but had little effect, since it was directed mostly at hardened military targets. The British practice of night-time "area bombing", was directed at the civilian population and had greater effect. "T'was ever thus."
  25. Nah...we'll just supervise the yankees. Just make sure you let 'em have their 2 major holidays off...."The First Day of Buck" and "First Day of Trout". "T'was ever thus."