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Everything posted by Feeblemind

  1. Yes I got PIED. pictures are here http://pz1.photosite.com/Album1/ Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  2. What a great time I had at the DZ yesterday! I finally made it to 100
  3. Well if your profile is correct, you broke the USPA guidelines for required equipment while being a student: Section 2-1, paragraph K section d: a functional automatic activation device that meets the manufacturer's recommended service schedule [FB] I am assuming this is the 1st time you have broken the USPA rules while skydiving, so more . Personally I will not jump without an ADD, it just seems foolish to me. I don't ever plan on depending on the ADD, but glad it's there just in case shit happens and I am incapacitated to the point I cant pull my handles. Editied for spelling Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  4. CONGRATS!! I still remeber getting the sign from Kieth when I got my A,what a great memory. The best part is now you can go jump with your friends that dont have a coach or instructor rating. Congrats again!!! I will drink a for you tonight. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  5. Just wonder what everyone's thoughts are. I recently saw an interview with Donald Trump regarding the Freedom Tower designs. He said it was the biggest hunk of crap architecture he had ever seen. Being a fire fighter I would personally like to see the towers back the way they were. Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  6. Well here is my noob opinion. My first 25-30 jumos I suffered from "door" anxiety, saying my prayers and asking myself WTF are you doing. Well that has passed and I love flinging myself out the door!! There is so much to learn and falling through the air makes me feel so alive. With that said, this sport is a choice, I would reccomend you get you "A" and jump with some groups before you make a fnal decision, jumping with friends is a blast. Good Luck, Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  7. Rember tell them to administer the medication that puts you to sleep VERY SLOWLY, it's really a fun ride Good luck with your recovery, Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  8. So true, I just didn't wanna seem like was advertising for the business. And yes my rigger is the bomb!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  9. Hehe we are a clumsey group aren't we? No matter we seem to ride up into the sky in we always manage to fall out somehow Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  10. Conrats Dude (Flings a PIE) I am hoping to make my 100th this saturday and i have actually talked my dad into riding up in the PAC. Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  11. I added myself, I have registered but I do not see my name. If anyone wants to learn how to hit the walls in the tunnel uncontrollably or laugh hysterically as I do, please look me up. Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  12. Well I better load the CD player, looks like it's gonna be a long lonely ride Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  13. I just needed to give praise to the manager at Action Air!! I had a small gear issue and Ryan took AWESOME care of me. I just wanted all to know what an great job he did!!
  14. After a horrible tragedy I witnessed yesterday this brought a smile to my face, Thanks Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  15. Sorry to be simple minded, but I would never buy a car without a test ride, parachute without a demo, etc etc Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  16. It's really that long?? It has never taken me more than 15 minutes from the 113/I-5 interchange. Hmmm maybe I need to slow down? NAH Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  17. Anyone want to split gas from Sacrameto for the boogie? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  18. I can feel your pain Clicky http://themooseisloose.net/.../tn_tech-support.jpg Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  19. I just wenty through this last week when my computer completely crashed. This is a basic war story......NO SHIT THERE I WAS!!! http://themooseisloose.net/mis_files/tn_tech-support.jpg just like the clip they were absolutely no help!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  20. Horny Gorilla, Front float with leg inside the door, Rear float with same leg inside the door wrapped around the front float's. Inside diver with the same leg wrapped around the other 2 (or more depend on how many sky divers). Everybody out the door and you lock your legs and back fly (like in a bath tub). You sit back relax and for the most part laugh your ass off. I did this with Nick and Kim at SkyDance and we were spinning while linked up as above. We were flat laughing our asses off. This is still one of the funest skydives I have done in my brief skydiving tenure. Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  21. Damn them were some nasty coochie models Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  22. Back in the early 1990's I responded to a fire the day before Christmas. We were all having a large breakfast to say goodbye due to upcoming transfers. Well needless to say an alarm was sounded for a structure fire, due the time of morning we all new this was a working fire. While en route we were advised there was the possiblity that people were traped (our worst scenario as firefighters). Upon arrival the fire was kicking ass!! As we were deploying hose lines the skipper advised there was a possibility two kids were trapped in the room he was defending. I slapped on my mask and started a seach. I will spare you the trauma , but it was fucking hot in there!! We did find the two children, but unforunately the fire was two hot and they expired due to exposure to the heat and toxic gases prior to our arrival. This was the hottest as well as the worst fire I have ever been on in my 20 years in the fire service. not only was it one HOT S.O.B. that almost punched my ticket, it took the lives of two young girls. There is not a holiday season that goes by that I don't remeber ths fire. Hold your children close and live life for today, tomorrow may be to late!!! Blues, Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  23. The moment I met her!!! it took a few months to realize it, but it all worked out. We met at a party, I lost touch for several months. We re-connected, dated for one month, got engaged and then married a year later. We have now been together 12 years and have 2 wonderful children. I am truly the luckiest man on the planet. Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  24. I'm jumping today and hoping to get BYTCH slapped at lunch time on the airplane. I'm gonna take some friends food so maybe I can get in a fun jump with them while their on their lunch break. (hint hint cough cough) Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked