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Everything posted by Feeblemind

  1. If you the last one in the plane you can hop/pop at 13k but I believe you need to advise the pilot if you plan on deploying above 8,000 MSL Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  2. Well I think we figured out who the extra cans are for.. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  3. sorry - removal really wasn't intentional. Find me there and I'll bring you some beer to make up for it. And then I'll slight you! Yup, I got those in play. And I want the biggest hybrid we can sanely plan at my skill for #100. And if the beer sluts are really stretching, it should be the first double digit jump weekend for me, with prior high of 8 for 2, 6 for 1 day. So those of you who like Dry Creek Zins or Guiness should follow me around in July. EWWWW Pie for Kelpdiver also, I better buy a few extra cans. Good thing I saw your post before I went to the grocery store Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  4. Ryan is there anything I need to bring besides a large mug? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  5. GG, next time you take the little one to Disney land stay in a mom pop hotel called the Candy Cane Inn (it's the only nojn-disney owned property within 5miles of te park) There is a taco stand about a block away, best damn fish tacos I have ever had and they are only a buck each!!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  6. No you are not alone, I am with you. I have no desire to downsize in a hurry. I learned on a 260 triathalon, was a student and until around 65 jumps was on a Fusion230 and Sabre2 230. After a discussion with my instructor and the S,T, & A, I ordered a recommended container and was advised that a pilot 210 would be appropriate (which I have been under for almost 60 jumps). I plan on taking a canopy control class and jumping my butt off this summer, but will only downsize after conversation with my instructor and S,T, & A. I am sure flying a high performance canopy is a total blast, I just don't want it to be the last thing I do. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  7. Thanks, that saved me alot of typing Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  8. Gee should I feel special or is this typical for all tourists? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  9. I love beer as much if not more than the next guy but I just have to speak up about this. The beer rules do not apply at a boogie with free beer. However... that little piece of information will cost you a six pack of Sammuel Adams to be delivered directly to me at your earliest convenience. Carry on. And please send hate mail for disclosing that via PM. I wouldn't want to see this thread get bogged down with it. WOOT!!! One six pack coming up, thanks for the info!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  10. I'll be incurring a massive 'beer' debt on this one, to be doled out on other weekends. Not sure I have enough wine left, might have to go back to real beer. See you early Friday. What's up with leaving me off the list now? Did you decide I couldn't come too? I put myself back on....so there! Tell me about it..... 1st boogie 1st helicopter jump 1st night jump 1st casa jump new canopy as well as whatever else skybytch can come up with in addition Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  11. You don't have to feel left out, you are more than welcome to pitch my tent while I go out and skydive Skye will let you know were to put the tent up... Hey, just cause you're picking me up from the airport doesn't mean I'm gonna pitch your tent while you skydive! (erm, does that sound weird?) All I have to do is park my tent, start the generator and turn on the A/C But I am sure I could pitch a tent or two after being properly encouraged Also, I will also have my truck there if folks need a ride in from the airport. Please send me a PM if you need a ride. I am sure someday I might need a ride to your boogie from the airport. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  12. WHOO HOO! Someone to pitch my tent! I think the pitching of tents may directly correlate with the exposure of boobies Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  13. The American Boogie is my boogie and I was curios to who all from dz.com is coming. Here is the list that I know of for sure: Me Weakmindedfool Skybytch Windcatcher Avgjoe Add on to the list and I cant wait to meet you all Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  14. Awesome!! Tell her congrats from me for graduating and that I'm waiting to congradulate her again when she passes AFF In all seriousness, what a great accomplishment, you should be a proud Dad!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  15. Depends on whether or not you fall off, the helmet will offer VERY little impact protection, So if the rider is not a clown and doesn't do anything stupid, chances are you'll be fine. Do you take chances Well even if the rider is not a clown but another clown turns left in front of him/her the result could be tragic. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  16. /3/0 Had a short day on Sat. at the DZ, had daddy duties and had to work today Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  17. I might be incorrect, but I believe Jay did 547 in a 24 hour period. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  18. KingAir Pac 750xl Cessna Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  19. Congrats on your "A" and your Tat. Where the did your toon find that eight cell canopy? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  20. Just wanted everyone to know Ryan (a.k.a. rigging65) was sworn in last night as a firefighter/paramedic for the fire department I work for. The program he participated in is a very long one and one that does not come without sacrifices. Part one: Paramedic prerequisite courses (one full semester) During this time the interns are in the fire stations several days a week getting exposure to what lies in their future. Part two: Paramedic course, this course is a year long and very comprehensive/intensive. Not only does this include a ton of academics, but also lab time to develop the skills used by paramedics. Part three: Back to the fire stations for a field internship. This is where the rubber meets the road, the intern proves him/her self as a qualified paramedic under the close scrutiny of a seasoned paramedic. Part four: The fire training tower, this is where we take newly hired individuals and train them to be firefighters. This is where Ryan is now and it has taken him over two years to get this far. He will now report to his fire station for continued training and evaluation. You may wonder why I added so much? Well Ryan was an intern at my fire house. For many hours we discussed skydiving and how I told him I would never do it. Well its two years later he is a new firefighter and I am a new skydiver, kinda funny how things workout. Last but not least, due to the fact Ryan is totally dedicated to his career choice he had to give up one thing....SKYDIVING!! Out of concern of being injured and released while not at work he made the decision to postpone his passion while he perused becoming a firefighter. I know Ryan misses the sky, but soon he will rejoin us, WAY TO GO DUDE!!!!! Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  21. www.matterclothing.com Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  22. Dont Firemen have to stay at the station for the entire shift? btw, Jonathan ROCKED through my private AFF course. 2 Days, 6 jumps Be safe. Ed I worked a trade until 3:00pm (had gear in car to head to Lodi) Damn phone rang, it was the boss with a mandatory shift from 4 pm till 10 pm. I was not the least bit happy Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  23. HHmmmmm don't you also need a case of for your A? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  24. We all make mistakes, as long as we learn from them all is well (especially if no one gets wounded in the process). As far as instructors go, I expect mine to correct me if I make an error. I choose him for a reason (he has a strong personality for my stubborn head) and I expect him to correct me for my errors. I doubt your instructor was scolding you even thought it felt that way at the time he spoke with you. I just screwed up a Hybrid the other day because I was totally focused on the exit. I had a few bad exits and I didn't want to blow this one. Well I nailed the exit and forgot to release a grip that ruined the skydive. Yes I felt like shit, but I learned. Have fun and stay safe, Phil Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked