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Everything posted by Travman

  1. I can't help with the rules in the US, but the australian Op Regs are as follows 5.7.17. Night tandem jumps with a student who does not hold at least a Certificate "A" may be made only as display jumps by a tandem-master who has made at least 100 previous tandem descents as tandem-master, and in accordance with 5.7.16.
  2. You'll soon learn that you shouldn't be afraid of heights, you should be afraid of lack of height!
  3. I think this comes back to the Nature or Nurture argument. At what point to they loose the ability to choose their sexuality? Are they born gay, is it something from childhood?
  4. I've used valerian root tablets, a herbal extract. Sometimes they help, if your already quite relaxed, but if you are stressed out about stuff I find it doesn't help. I often have trouble getting to sleep, most often on Friday nights when I know I have to get up at 6am to drive to the dropzone.
  5. :0:0 Didn't get to jump, but did get to see the Army parachute display team.
  6. The reserve flap is also very well protected on the voodoo.
  7. I can sorta see a resemblence to Dolf Lundgreen, are you the same sort of build?
  8. It starts by saying we don't like the smell of raw meat. But thats just about society. There was a case where a kid was found in the wild, i think he was a teenager by this time. He was raised by wolves (no this isn't the jungle book). They brought him to "civilisation" and made him eat cooked meat instead of the raw meat he was so use to, and it eventually killed him.
  9. Too me it sounds like hunting over the internet would destroy the experience. I've never been hunting myself, but I know a lot of people that do it. I've listened to the talk about it and its being there with mates...etc.... that is whats enjoyable.
  10. I got 2 pull up cords in my rig back, one in a pocket on my rig and a pack boy.
  11. [reply*Pound for pound, grasshoppers are 3 times as nutritious as beef. I bet the scientists are already working on a cow sized grasshopper, but then comes the question of fences. Surely a grasshopper the size of a cow could jump very high, so how would you graze them?
  12. I've got my midnight ticket Saw the last 2 at midnight as well. Though my car got broken into and my stereo got ripped off at the last one
  13. Maybe thats something they need to add to the massive release forms we all sign. "I herby certify I am not affiliated with the jack asses at RIAA"
  14. The skyvan is heaps of fun, very easy. Being a low timer, we usually keep it simple with a Star or an accordian. But there is lots of room in the door and no wind.
  15. The only reason he didn't die is because God doesn't want an idiot like that in heaven.
  16. That thing would be very old. The gun buy back happened in '97 from memory. 40% of all statistics are made up anyway.
  17. Remember, its not cheating if... 1. Its in a different zip code 2. Your too drunk to remember, because if you don't remember it, then it never really happened 3. if they are 2 girls, because they cancel each other out.
  18. When they are far too clingy. Like when you are out with mates and you get phone calls every 15 minutes to check up on you and see when you will be home..damn that's annoying, not just for you, but your friends as well.
  19. I still haven't anyone come up and jump (except the girl who did a tandem along with myself for my first jump). I've had a few come up to the DZ and have a look around. I find it intersting to hear the different repsonses. Most people say they don't have the cash, which is fair (but I know some are just using that as an excuse) Other are very curious, but say they just can't bring themselves to do it. Others are very "Yeah yeah, I'll do it, sounds good" Then I go "What are you doing this weekend?" and then the excuses start...
  20. I've had quite a few people tell me I look like Lleyton Hewitt. Often when the tennis is on TV I get lots of people saying I look "very familiar", I also have a friend that looks like Maria Sharapova and another that looks like Robbie Williams.
  21. Here is the URL for Adrenaline Rush. When I saw this movie in iMax I had already done a tandem and wanted to do another, but this is the movie that really made me want to get my licence.
  22. My dropzone teaches the one handed method for cutaways (one hand on each handle). We are taught to clear the cables, but thats not done until the end of the procedure. You should know if your arms length if enough to safely clear the three rings by going through your EP's before your next monthly 3 ring maintenance.
  23. I think often I will be looking up at the sky and I can't see the plane, then someone will point it out and I will be able to see it and the jumpers coming out. But if I look away for an instant then I will loose the plane. I think its the same if someone is wearing a camouflage suit. You can't see them, no matter how hard you look - then someone points them out and you can't figure out why you couldn't see them before.
  24. Not that it applies to you, but just in case any aussies are interested in the rules in Australia, here are the Op Regs about relative work with tandems. 5.4.7. A parachutist shall not engage in relative work with a Tandem-Master carrying a student unless he or she is the holder of at least a Certificate "C", and has the authorisation of the DZSO and the Tandem-Master for that descent. (See also 5.8.11.) 5.8.11. A Tandem-Master carrying out a tandem descent shall not engage in contact relative work unless he or she has made at least 50 descents as a Tandem-Master since gaining his or her tandem endorsement. (See also 5.4.7.)