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Everything posted by Travman

  1. My brother has tried several times to quit, his major problem is going to the pub every sits around smoking. We went over seas for a month and he was fine until we came back through duty free... Personally when I was working in theatres I started smoking a bit, it was sort of a communial thing. But after got out of the theatre industry I decided to stop, I was lucky -no cravings or anything- I just decided to stop and I did, never been tempted again.
  2. No sound? Turn your speakers on Its pretty cool, watched it a few times today... its been a slow day at work.
  3. I think turning 180 from centre is very tried and true. You should still be able to see your other jumpers. Just look left, right and between your legs.
  4. 40% of people know that statistics are just made up.
  5. Cool vid, good to see some familiar skies. One question... how the hell did you get Phil to take the chopper up?????
  6. When I traveled a bit for a work, I had an SMTP server on my laptop. Its much easier because you never know what network you are going to be plugged into.
  7. Some programmes don't like outgoing SMTP authentication. I've had problems with the SMTP filters on high-end firewalls stripping out the authentication from SMTP on their way out.
  8. He must have a high wingloading, I mean balls of steel that big would certainly weigh you down a bit.
  9. There is an SMTP server in Windows XP (very very basic one), again as bob.dino said you have to be careful about becoming an open relay. It can be installed through Add/Remove control panel and configured using the IIS snap on for MMC. Most ISP servers are set to only relay for trusted IPs, and some allow outbound authentication to relay. So basically if you are connected to your ISPs network you should be able to send through their SMTP servers. I am not sure exactly what you are trying to do with your message board, but you should be able to relay through the ISP smtp server.
  10. I heard for the first flight they cruised mostly at 10,000 feet. It sounds like they were just teasing skydivers!
  11. The sky isn't going anywhere, get well first.
  12. Just because a dropzone is the biggest, doesn't mean it is the most respected. A lot of people love the dropzone they went through their AFF at because they know lots of people there, and it feels like home.
  13. I hate all the software firewalls, cause more problems than they are worth. Just give em a NAT router, that'll do the job.
  14. Why explain? I had a whuffo friend come to the dropzone for a day (he didn't jump). Whenever someone asked him what the DZ was like would go on about how friendly and cool everyone was.
  15. An instructors at my DZ got pulled over by a cop for speeding. The cop asked him for his licence so he pulled out his F licence (in australia we go to F) and the cop was a bit confused and said "Whats this?" and the instructor said "Its my F licence, it allows me to do f**king everything." Yes, he did get a ticket.
  16. I voted female... but somethings man just wasn't meant to know...
  17. Your instructors would be the best people to talk to about this as they are aware of your skills. But generally for a first canopy you are looking at a 1:1 wingloading, or there abouts so probably a 200-210. The more experience will be able to give you better advice than I can.
  18. Quote It seems almost inconceivable to hit 98mph like someone posted, but with enough wingloading and a small enough canopy, sure. Quote How about Luis Cani under the VX-39? I think he got up to about that speed, I could be wrong, just remember reading it somewhere.
  19. 1.3 How many people have a wingloading higher than their post loading? My wingloading is lower.
  20. I was the same, nobody said anything until a week or 2 ago when someone asked me to sign their logbook - so now I will get other people to sign it, it does make sense. I have checked the APF Op.Regs the only regs I can find about signing is 7.1.1 All Parachutists will keep a log of their decents. The log entry for each descent made by a student parachutist shall be signed in accordance with 6.1.9 7.1.2 The log shall contain the type of parachute desecent, the date on which the descent was made, the location of the DZ, the exit heigh, the freefall time in seconds, the distance landed from the target centre and the type and registration of the aircraft. 6.1.9 The jumpmaster or DZSO shall make appropriate remarks in each student parachutist's log and authenticate the descent by signing the entry.
  21. I'm looking forward to the course at Picton. I have been meaning to get a copy of The Parachute & Its Pilot. Brian, will you have books with you for purchase?
  22. WOW. This is the same guy that landed the VX-39, now he is competing in speed...
  23. Something I have heard about full face helmets is problems with the visors. Due to the speed you are doing sometimes the full face visor can flip up and suddenly you have an open face helmet.
  24. Another comment I have heard from people before is about how passenger planes should have a parachute for each passenger... just in case.