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Everything posted by Travman

  1. I've used a programme called Getdataback many times with great success (I am a Network Engineer), I would highly recommend it. The potential to get your data back depends on many things. If its just a corrupt partition table then the data should all still be there, I have had this happen a few times (with the same symptons you have said) If its a hardware fault then every spin of the drive you are probably using more and more data. But as other ppl have said, if this is important data then TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER NOW, use another computer to recover the contents of your hard drive.
  2. I don't remember who it is, but someone here posted a story how they were filming camera for a 4-way and they noticed someone's helmet was undone, so they came down took that persons helmet off and held onto it for the duration of the jump and returned it to its owner on the ground.
  3. Everyone should own one of these, just in case a big space station comes to try to blow up our planet. You just never know....
  4. Travman

    Geeks.. help!

    Its not as simple as making a cable with the correct pin outs. You need a scan converter. A TV draws pictures differently to a monitor so the signal is different. Some monitors do have inbuilt scan converters and you can plug RGB signals straight into them. The cable in the link posted above does have a scan converter built in, hence why it is quite expensive.
  5. I still cringe every time I see that
  6. The best pizza place I ever went to was in Paris. A little wood fired place, just near the the hotel Panorama
  7. Burning hair... But I like a little bit of burnt pop corn (just a little burnt, not charcoal)
  8. We have to pay GST on our jumps in Australia.
  9. I have 3 DZ's all about the same distance away, 2-2.5 hours drive. I do plan to go and check out the other 2 DZs sometime. But I still consider Picton my home DZ, plus I love the skyvan there. There were a few guys from another DZ at my DZ on the weekend, one of them was a rel coach. I did a few jumps with them, including my last B-rel and I learned a few extra things as well. So its good to get around and talk to other people at other DZs IMO.
  10. I've got some Tiesto and Gatecrasher - Transmission in my car atm, some cool beats in that
  11. Why.... what have you done?
  12. I packed mine probably about six times, each time I felt my pack job was neater and neater. I was nervous it was my first time on my new rig, and my first pack job. I watched a few people pack before I went up just to make sure I didn't miss it. Damn it felt good when it opened
  13. Fear during AFF is common, I found the last few stages much harder to get on the plane and out the door than the first few stages. You just need to calm down, relax and move foward one step at a time, you'll get there.
  14. Travman

    Bailing out

    At my DZ we were told anything at 1500 ft and below you go straight for your reserve, above 1500ft you can use your main.
  15. Your eye reads shapes not letters. If there was an unfamiliar word there, something you don't often see you would have trouble reading it because your eye isn't trained to read it.
  16. The thing with skydiving is some stuff just takes time. Up until jump #22 or there abouts I always flipped on exit from the skyvan, every single time. But after that I just "got it". I can't say exactly what I do different, I think its just more relaxed but I got there. Your landings you will also get the hang of, are you landing under advice from a Target Advisor. Here the students are guided to the ground by a TA, who tells them when to turn, when to flare etc... you learn then when to flare to get a stand up landing. You've got 4 jumps and many more to go, you'll get the hang of it.
  17. :3:1 Did 3 4-ways, completed my last B-rel jump on jump #50, so also got my B licence signed off
  18. The way I look at it is, sure I COULD be killed skydiving but I also could be killed not skydiving. What if one saturday instead of going skydiving (I know thats hard to believe, but try) I stay home, then I go outside and step off the kerb and get hit by a bus. Now skydiving would have saved my life. It doesn't matter how safely you live your life, you WILL die, so just make sure you do live your life.
  19. Drink some milk and come and do some jumps!
  20. I wear a leatherman wave a lot of the time, use it a bit at work. Great tool, the blades are quick to access, plus the many other useful items there. Its also a bit easier to explain to a cop if you get pulled over and he notices it on your belt.
  21. 40% of statistics are made up.