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Everything posted by mattjw916

  1. that's close enough really... your weight isn't even constant throughout the day, nor is the density altitude, the prevailing winds, the clothes and gear you are wearing, etc, etc... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  2. if your canopy was any bigger you'd need a calendar to measure the flight time... at .65 flaring isn't even really required to put it in perspective I'd have to jump a tandem rig without a passenger attached to achieve that wingload unless you're landing on your face every jump something tells me it isn't unreasonable to go down a size (or two) NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  3. ...and there's your answer. Don't blow money on a smaller canopy right before the end of the season. The last thing you want to do is jump a new small-for-you canopy after a layoff. You can generally fit 3 sizes or so worth of canopies in a single container, even more so now with the new low-bulk canopies. I've had everything from a 189 to a 150 in my old rig, just make sure the closing loop is sized right and if you have concerns ask your rigger to take a look at it. Buy a rig that fits the main and reserve combo you are proficient in. You can always put smaller mains in there later... generally you really never need to swap out reserves unless you are making a major downsize (which is not going to be for a while hopefully). There's certainly no rule that says you have to jump the smallest canopy possible at all times. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  4. mattjw916

    Nitron 150

  5. Reminds me of that old joke about people on the freeway... anyone that's driving faster than you is "crazy" and anyone that's driving slower is an "idiot". NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  6. It's time for a status report I think! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  7. This is precisely correct. Adding a load to the belt does not preclude the mechanism from releasing as designed. If they couldn't we'd have a lot more people burn to death while hanging upside down inside a plane that rolled over. The belt mechanism is specifically designed not to trap people in such a scenario. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  8. SDAZ in Eloy is also doing night jumps... and despite being in another state is actually closer to Elsinore. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  9. rofl I've jumped and/or owned nearly a dozen canopies from 5 different manufacturers and bought a Pulse without demoing it either. I agree it's time consuming/costly to demo, especially if you aren't at a big DZ, and sometimes just getting "good enough" information online is enough when you just want to see if grabbing a used canopy off the classifieds is going to work out reasonably well or not. After all you can always resell it if you don't like it. Hanging out at a DZ may or may not even be a good source of info since a lot of places seem to think PD is the only canopy manufacturer in existence. When I first started out basically the Sabre 2 was the go-to choice and if you had landing issues (or were female) a Spectre was the alternative. Rarely, if ever, did I hear anyone recommend anything else. My Safire 189 was pretty rare and I got a few "I wouldn't jump that" comments about what was basically a nice, snively, sky barge at my w/l. There are a lot more options now though which is nice. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  10. Well that settles it! Shut down the forums immediately because the answer to every question is always "ask your instructors" or "go fly them yourself"! Silly people thinking they can have discussions in a discussion forum, WTF! Think of all the megabytes you are wasting, the power the servers are using, the trees you are killing... STOP POSTING NOW TO SAVE THE EARTH FOR THE CHILDREN!!! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  11. which is precisely why I said "if you have enough altitude available" even a brisk spin under loadings up to 1.4, 1.5, or so I don't really see rapidly incapacitating the average person, medical conditions and obscure corner cases not withstanding, again that is just my experience when I was jumping faster canopies I'm not advocating mid-air rigging but you don't need to go berserk and chop anything you can't fix in 3 seconds though... I'd probably have a dozen cutaways by now instead of zero if that was the case and that may or may not have caused a different set of problems and I actually have seen a lot of people, CRW dogs included, that purposely rode a mal down knowing they were going to chop it, so it would be easier to retrieve later... not something I would personally do but denial doesn't alter reality in this case... with almost an infinite number of variables I don't see how nitpicking over timestamps is going to accomplish anything though, or teach us any new lessons, since we already know that hitting the ground at the same time as your canopy, or going in without all your handles pulled, will not achieve a desirable result NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  12. I own a Pulse but still have a lot more jumps on Sabre 2s and the Sabre 2 definitely has a better flare and lands better IMO. The Pulse opens and packs up much better though so it's a trade off. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  13. There's nothing wrong with trying to clear problems if you have enough altitude available... and if you have the ability to lift your arms over your head and pull on risers you are likely nowhere near the level of g-force that is going to cause you to pass out. The "try it twice" concept is good for students but as you progress and have various malfunctions (especially of the low-speed variety) you will see that fixing some issues, like spinning line twists for instance, is a process oriented operation, not a try-once-try-again style fix. A lot of things go through your mind when you start orbiting your canopy... can I arrest the spin, what altitude am I at, did I hear my third alarm, how extensive are the twists, where's my slider, are the brakes still stowed, am I on my back or can I see the ground, what's my approximate rate of decent, etc... The faster the canopy the shorter your decision time is to analyze the problem and attempt to remedy it. In the end all you can really do is maintain altitude awareness and play the hand you're dealt. You have the rest of your life to deal with whatever garbage is overhead... choose wisely... then argue about it on the internet later. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  14. almost everyone from GnR to Clapton does a better "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" than Dylan NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  15. congrats that's a lot of PT tests, can you still walk? NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  16. smaller canopies are relatively faster... the effect is more pronounced the smaller you go w/l is just a guide, a reference point... it's not the only value to consider when choosing a canopy the type of wing, materials, cell count, lines, etc all contribute to a wing's perceived aggressiveness NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  17. well that's one way to ensure your rig doesn't grow legs and walk off the DZ by itself NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  18. rofl, that picture is even more funny since I remember when one of the people in the "serious" picture was a student and still flailing around NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  19. lol, I have it on DVD... and the MST3K episode with the even older skydiving movie too I'd look for a torrent if there is one up or I could probably rip/seed it since no one would care anymore it's so old lol NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  20. It's not the install that's the problem it's that the major new versions always make the phone laggy and sluggish compared to the previous version unless you're on the absolute latest handset. One or two generations back and the new IOS turns it into a laggy turd. I'm not really seeing a compelling reason to replace my 3GS and 4 at this point. If I wanted to blow money on something I'd just go schedule more tunnel-time. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  21. same story different day... every major IOS release renders all old phones unusable... the behavior is by design I'm sure I will not be upgrading personally unless I can get some sort of corporate discount. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  22. sounds like my old Jedei 150... the consensus seems to be "if you want airlocks, get a modern Samurai or a Lotus" time marches on I guess NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  23. the TR6 is tiny with ancient brakes, suspension, etc... get one if you like to be stranded on the side of the road frequently NSCR-2376, SCR-15080