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Everything posted by mattjw916

  1. anything other than deploy IMO once you start deployment, freefall is over and you have a window of time where you are out of control... if it's after break-off and you're already tracking just make a slight heading adjustment and hope for the best... any radical direction changes could just end up trading the collision with the person you do see, with the person that you don't... if they are immediately below you just punch it out to the absolute max since you already have a bunch of forward momentum doing something unpredictable or drastic is probably not a good idea IMO chances are shit is going to go down so fast you won't have time to do anything but pucker up your butthole my $0.02 NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  2. that's pretty much all network TV does for the most part... appeal to lowest common denominator and suck up to their target demographic NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  3. "Hey guys, let's dirt-dive this!" "Okay, we're going to get 8(?) random people together and try to kill each other" "Sweet!" "Make sure your GoPro is on this is gunna be awesome!" NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  4. Safires are very snively... A Pulse opens a bit quicker but still soft but they don't have that great of a flare in comparison... more like bury the toggles and hope for the best. My Safire would snivel for like 1000ft so plan accordingly. By far the slowest openings out of the dozen or so canopies I've been under. i've never jumped a Pilot and Spectres are nothing special... I'd probably try a Storm if you wanted a 7 cell. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  5. There needs to be a "Gypsy Moths" freestyle competition... Bonus points will be awarded for: - Using excessive talcum powder on your main canopy for visual effect - Humming it down low enough to hear the event m/c tell you to "PULL IT!!!" - Actually using a rip-cord to deploy your main - Firing a pilot chute at a crowd of women - Dropping 100lbs of paper flyers out of the jump plane over a populated area telling everyone how awesome you are - Fabricating your own wingsuit for a "cape jump" (additional points for actually using wood or aluminum in its construction) - Using a camera heavier than Carl Boenish's (you may substitute a cinder block affixed to your helmet if needed) Points will be deducted for: - Having a total and bouncing (but you get points back if the spot was good) - Pulling your ripcord completely out of the pack - Using break-away pants ('cause frankly no one wants to see that) - Not being able to remove your entire rig before your main touches the ground and produce a microphone - Having to ask someone with grey hair what a "Para-Commander" is - Not yelling "5 left!" and "cut!" at your pilot regardless of the type of aircraft you're in before exit NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  6. sure, as long as you can do it without dicking with your cell phone every 30 seconds... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  7. um yeah... we were all enthusiastic about how skilled Josh, Emily, and Brady had become out there in lovely Colorado right up until the moment they died sometimes you don't even get a chance to hear someone tell you to slow down before it's too late, just sayin' NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  8. I'd recommend these personally: Acoustic panels can't remove voices from your head or sand from a vagina though so YMMV... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  9. go to FL, CA, or AZ... board airplane... make jumps... take your A license progression card, log, etc with you and stay current if you can a lot of people change dropzones during student status... talk to the school at wherever you end up tunnel is also nice in winter NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  10. I can't remember the last time I even met someone at a Cali DZ that actually was from California originally. Far more people are mid-west transplants or from overseas... I'll be willing to grandfather in anyone that has either experienced a riot, an earthquake 6.0 or greater in magnitude, or been trapped in a "lockdown" during an active shooter situation. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  11. same Jump #22, Navigator 220, Eloy, Skyvan, 21 Aug 2004, Will Pesek signed the jump! I don't even remember the jump anymore, but at least I logged it... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  12. you'll be fine... I suffered through many a frozen wasteland back in the military and still have all my pieces and parts intact... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  13. I have never once thought to myself, "Gee, I wish I could shut my Cypres off now" while riding in a plane. Not even the one time everyone had to ride the plane down due to some insane weather out of nowhere in Longmont. We were in one of SDAZ's Otters and Suzy looked over her shoulder and said "We're going down!" or something to that effect... I thought the tandem passenger next to me was going to have a heart attack. I literally saw all the blood drain out of his face as he clutched a seat belt. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  14. pshop the rigs off their backs... send to CNN... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  15. if this gets any more ridiculous it's going to end up like this: NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  16. rubbish... go book some time NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  17. I'm pretty sure he was just soliciting input... I seriously doubt he doesn't know how because he offered two methods in his post. You realize this is a discussion board right? People ask questions looking to perhaps learn something new... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  18. harsh language and pulling apart worked fine for me NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  19. also remember the nice thing about SoCal is if you don't like what one DZ says, you can always go to another one... or drive to Eloy... if amputees and paraplegics can jump out of planes and get licenses, I'm sure you can make it happen if "sunglasses" are your only hurdle FFS NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  20. I carried my old rig on over my shoulder many, many times for the same reason. It wasn't quite that big (189/176R, M5 sized Mirage, just a tad smaller than a student rig) but I didn't have anything it would fit in. I just tied up the leg straps, shoved the hackey all the way into the BOC, removed the hook-knife (not sure if they even care anymore due to rule changes), and carried a few extra pull-up cords for emergencies. It was pretty plain as far as colors go so I'm certain 99% of the public didn't even know it was a rig, just a goofy backpack with rings on the shoulders. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  21. I'm not sure that really makes sense, but if you are cognizant of your own limitations then it's quite easy to avoid getting seriously hurt at all. Accidents happen, and sometimes shit is just out of your control, but the key is to mitigate the dangers you actually can control. Just last weekend I saw someone take some damage on exit from a Skyvan... being hurt as you step off a plane seems pretty quick to me, especially when there are over a dozen people following right behind you. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  22. NH tunnel is nice but Paraclete is closer and bigger. If I was set on traveling to get coaching in the east that's where I'd go. In the west it's Eloy unless it's mid-summer but I'm biased since that's where I learned to jump before there even was a tunnel. Regardless of which tunnel you're at a good coach makes any tunnel shine. Design, size, and amenities are all secondary IMO. If you want to jump in progression just take a pile of money and a sleeping bag to Eloy. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080