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Everything posted by mattjw916

  1. meh, I used to fly with my rig all the time... the only "odd" thing that ever happened to me was a screener asked to see my USPA card (which I showed him, but I also let him know that skydivers are not obligated to join the USPA) once a pilot saw me boarding with my rig over my shoulder and said "I might need that later" ... I told him to bring his own... my old rig was pretty plain (and gigantic) so I just tied up the leg straps and carried it over my shoulder since I would have needed a separate roller bag for it... my current rig could fit in a military style backpack so I probably would "hide" it. I always carried a couple pull-up cords, my USPA card, the Cyres card, and the TSA letter about AADs with me. Like I said, I was only asked for my USPA card once. I got "swabbed" a lot though. YMMV NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  2. not much more dangerous than a typical landing area at a big boogie... your honorary "Fun Police" badge is in the mail though NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  3. it might be worthwhile to have the cell replaced, it would essentially be good as new at only 200 jumps and have better resale value down the road request a demo canopy or two to fill the gap until it gets back NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  4. based on this weekend's news he and a bunch of innocent bystanders might have even been hit by a hail of bullets in the process... then they'd go to his house and shoot his dog for good measure NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  5. if you hang out downstream long enough you might be able to pick up some upgrades as they float by... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  6. this take a few deep breaths and relax... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  7. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  8. "space permitting" would my guess... whuffos won't be able to knock out big blocks of time like skydivers and tunnel rats can and a large portion of the population isn't on board with "extreme" type activities or are just plain gigantic and can't fly a 3 night cruise on the ship costs less than an hour of tunnel time out where I live so it seems like a nice little vacation to try out the whole "let's go on a cruise" thing... honestly, at some point diminishing returns sets in and you're going to want to do something else anyway... like roller skating, which I also love, and as luck would have it there's going to be a rink on board as well NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  9. The only way to really know what was going on with your deployment is either to review video or ask the instructor who saw it. No one here will be able to tell you for certain; it's all just speculation. Don't get creative at this point. It was probably just poor body position so just ask your instructors if they saw something wonky. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  10. I was never really interested in going on a cruise before... but put a freaking wind tunnel on a ship... SOLD! I am on the booking site as we speak. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  11. yes, stop saying things like "I'm going to die... I almost died... there I was, about to DIIIEEEEEEE...." relax and arch; I'm sure 2 hours () of tunnel fixed your backsliding problem or they'd be squeegeeing you off the glass by now you got a canopy out quite high, I'm sure that it was scary at the time, but in retrospect you will look back at this and laugh someday reeeeelax.... and breathe.... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  12. That's crazy... especially those shots from around town in Denver and Aurora. I used to live around there for many years and other some minor flooding here and there I never saw anything like that there before. Not even close. But if I know Denver they will be still screaming about a "drought" because there wasn't enough snow (is there ever?) and how water rates are going up and water "rationing" will be in effect come next spring. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  13. yeup... the black handles on a black MLW with a black jumpsuit or a black t-shirt untucked and blown up over them is something I see quite a lot on videos... but at least they look cool like a factory team! must... add... more... patches... personally my handles are fluorescent and don't match any other color on my gear or various jumpsuits for this exact reason NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  14. I thought it was all in good fun personally but I see the butthurt still flows freely on these forums after all these years. It's nice to know some things will never change. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  15. What about a third choice? There are a bunch of canopies between a Katana and a Spectre that would potentially be suitable IMO. Nitro, Nitron, Samurai, the often lamented Vengeance that I still know a lot of people love... I'd even rather go with the trusty Sabre 2 than a Spectre though. I really never cared for the 7 cells (although I haven't tried any of the new ones) and I'm certain that if I was bored, you'd get bored even faster coming from a snappy Stiletto. My Nitron 150 at 1.4 was pretty sporty and never dramatic. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  16. Warning! Level 5 autism has been breached!!! Danger! Danger! Abandon thread!!! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  17. they are generally rectangles, stop being obtuse take the labels off and 99% of skydivers wouldn't be able to tell them apart even when hanging under them... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  18. fixed NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  19. it appears to be some sort of an erection NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  20. all the lightly-tapered-9-cell-semi-elliptical-etc-etc canopies are going to have similar overall flight characteristics demo a few and pick the one that suits your personal taste; if you can't tell the difference, or they aren't different enough to matter to you personally, just buy the cheapest one NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  21. that's just an example of false equivalence a more accurate comparison would be if citizens were required to pass a test and obtain a license to travel between states operating an automobile is not a "right" guaranteed by the Constitution, traveling on the other hand is NSCR-2376, SCR-15080