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Everything posted by Icon134

  1. actually I just got an ASUS laptop... the UL30A... it has a ULV Core 2 Duo (1.73 GHz), 4 GB of RAM, 500 GB harddrive, a 13.3 in16:9 display, and windows 7 preinstalled... it seems really nice so far...I've installed LR2.5, Vegas, DVD Architect, and Windows... It doesn't have a DVD drive but I have a compact portable one that plugs into a couple of USB ports. The battery also is supposed to run for upwards of 12 hours as well... About the only thing I don't like about it so far is the configuration of the harddrive... they seem to have split it into a few partitions... I have considered reformatting it and starting from scratch... but I think I might try and figure something out without having to reformat the drive... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  2. Icon134


    actually it doesn't really suprise me that they don't... Winter coats are expensive and when it gets to those sort of temperatures 1-2 days out of every year it really isn't cost effective for parents to spend the money on coats for kids who are likely to grow out of them in another year especially when the money can be spent on other things like a roof over their head, food on their plate, etc... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  3. I've tried doing that with single movies in Vegas Pro 9... and although it appeared to work when I did it a year ago it doesn't seem to work anymore in my Samsung BD-P1500. Despite the fact that it appears to support AVCHD which I assume it what is needed. Is there a trick in Vegas/DVD Architect to generate DVD-5s with BD content? Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  4. That's great!!! really... occasionally I have thing happen to me that do in fact restore my faith in humanity... but alas this thread going in the direction it did was unfortunately not suprising... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  5. Really? I kind of did actually... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  6. Do you need laws to make you drive like you need a brain? Perhaps you do... or a car driver could kill or maim a bicyclist... and stand over their dead/broken body and exclaim that he/she should have paid closer attention to the laws of physics (mostly the one about inertia) while the police come and take you away for vehichlar manslaughter... agreed... and I certainly do if cars don't have an oportunity to pass... I don't know about other cyclists... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  7. I'll field some of these... ok all of them... a side walk isn't designed for riding a bike it's designed for walking... and sometimes mulituse paths are layed out to facilitate commuting to and from work... besides I have a right and responsibility to share the road just as any automobile drivers... first off who's to say I don't... but I live in an area where I need to take one or two busy roads to get to those "lightly" traveled back roads that are only sometimes safer to bike on then the "busy" roads... The short answer is that I do obey all traffic signs and lights (that is unless the lights are not functional... as some of the time, although not most of the time any more, lights won't trigger if a bike in the lane... and in that case... a bicyclist is allowed to go through a red light... because it isn't functioning properly...) Oh and as a cyclist it kind of pisses me off when other cyclists don't adhere to the law I don't PLAY in traffic... I do ride my bike in traffic... but I don't PLAY. this is a question of effeciency... frankly having cards in my spokes severly cuts down on my effeciency and I like to think I'm an efficient rider... edited to add besides most drivers wouldn't hear the sound anyhow over the radio anyhow... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  8. I'm at about 170 per year... however this year I think I've gotten 200-250 jumps... and the year isn't over yet. Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  9. it doesn't look overly pretty but ultimately unless the underlying frame is damaged the skin can be repaired with duct tape (or more commonly aluminum speed tape) and something that helps with the air flow. if I were the pilot (or the engineer signing off on the "repair") I wouldn't want to fly it like that any substantial distances however and would have some serious flight restrictions... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  10. @ work google.com @ home google.com/ig Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  11. I also recognized 16/20... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  12. I just got an email from Adobe today it appears that Lightroom 3 is going to be in Beta Testing over the next few months... (I haven't decided if I'm going to install it yet) but I do really like Lightroom 2... Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  13. This is how I always approached it too... I didn't date much but I did find my wife being who I am... and I think she's pretty cute... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  14. Let me be more clear... I'm looking at replacing the car with a compact SUV (current front runner is the RAV4) and although I could probably hold onto the car for a time... I'd rather not have to pay for the insurance on two cars until next summer... I'd rather sell it now... fwiw the "shine" has disipated somewhat... I think I'll try to reduce the shine further by running an old tshirt across it. Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  15. can you post a picture of your setup? Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  16. I'm looking to sell the car soon so I wanted it to look nice... and prior to cleaning it the car was REALLY dirty... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  17. So I cleaned my car out after having gone quite a long time without cleaning it... (it really is a substianiantal difference) and I used some of that ArmorAll protectant/cleaner and although it looks really good (being shiny and all now) I'm sort of regreting it as the Glare from the shiny dashboard is really bad... does anyone have an idea about how I could remove this stuff? I don't think I'll ever use this stuff ever again... Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  18. Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  19. I'm closer to Cleveland then you are Chris... but I don't consider myself close enough to be of use... however if Phree is suggesting you listen to Dave then I suggest listening to Dave. Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  20. Icon134


    So the consensus is that the OP should use WPA2 encryption... but that masking the SSID and MAC filtering are pointless... Granted breaking through a masked SSID and MAC filter are generally considered to be simple enough... your average next door neighbor isn't likely to be able to do that sort of thing (especially if they don't have internet access to look up the information online... ) having said that... I have a few friends that insist on using WPA2 encryption with Randomly generated 64 character keys on their wireless network... now that's a secure WiFi connection... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  21. They just pushed the resume back to 1500Z (1100 EST), launch of 1104 EST. At least until it's delayed again... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  22. Boring AFF skydives are good... The exciting/scary ones are the ones you train for in the AFF course... One Cavate is that I'm not actually an AFF instructor I have watched some AFF dives as a videographer... and have also done some video of AFF course jumps... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  23. I'd probably survive your Yoga Class just fine... I've always wanted to learn Yoga just never really taken the time to take a class... and I knew what the T-shirt said... My wife has a shirt with that saying on it too... I always have issues comming up with something Nerdy to say when she wears it however. Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  24. I think it took me about a month... give or take a few days... I did AFF-1 on a Wednesday then a couple of weeks later I did AFF-2, AFF-3, AFF-4 on a Saturday. Then two weeks after that I did AFF-5, AFF-6 and AFF-7. That was back in the spring (March/April) of 2004... I did run into one of my AFF level 1 instructors this winter when I was in Eloy this winter... (I hadn't seen him in almost 4 years) I guess my other AFF-1 instructor is now retired and living on his inheritance (which I understand was a sizable ammount of money)... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  25. Oh I don't know...:0:0 no jumps this weekend... I did do 5 jumps last weekend however... I went to a toyota dealership on sunday to look at a RAV4 and a Venza... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...