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Everything posted by Icon134

  1. Karma has learned how to wake me up in the middle of the night without barking (because despite my efforts I could never teach her to do that...) she has learned that shaking her ears and running into/along side the bottom of the bed is effective at waking me up... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  2. Are you sure your dog isn't a "dislexic agnostic insomiac" you know lying up at night wondering if he or she really does exist... honestly I'm not entirely sure what Karma believes... I know she hates thunderstorms... and believes she should be in the bed with us when they're passing through the area... she is also strange in that when only one of us is home she'd rather be downstairs (on the sofa) if we're upstairs... or vis-a-vis if I'm downstairs she'd rather be upstairs (on her bed which is beside our bed)... but if we're both home she wants to be in the same place as us... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  3. I'm a road biker almost entirely... I got a set of Chro-Moly Zeros... because the difference in weight between the Cr-Mo and Stainless wasn't enough to justify the cost difference... and frankly Ti pedals were quite a bit too much... As for Shoes... Alas... I guess all bicyclists are required to have narrow feet... anyone want to buy a 2007 Schwinn Fastback Comp (with a number of upgrades)? Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  4. Wow... With my SPD-SL pedals I usually would have knee discomfort in my right knee after most rides... but with the float in the speedplay pedals it isn't happening anymore. Thanks Remi... if anyone wants a set of lightly used SPD-SL cleats and pedals I'll sell them to you...
  5. Perhaps people aren't awake yet... I think if both the man and woman are making money... then they should split up who pays... having said that... there are awkward and not so awkward ways of going about spliting the expenses... having one person paying for dinner one night then having the next person get it the next time... or one person buying movie tickets while the other person gets dinner... and when a couple is "adding up" who pays (has paid) more or less then the other then the focus in the relationship is on the wrong things... One thing I find entertaining is when we go out to dinner with my parents... my dad usually pays for dinner and I almost never protest... because although he and I understand that both of us can easily afford to pay for dinner he is the senior male an gets the option to buy his son dinner if he wants to... I won't protest... I am however happy to pick up the check if he's not fast enough to collect it and there are times that we've split the check... but we've never had trouble figuring out how to do it without even needing to speak up... it just comes naturally... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  6. I have one that fits in the bike rack on my commuter bike that is 18 oz... It's spill proof to the point where I can ride and not have to worry about losing a drop of my morning coffee... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  7. 0:8 (I think):0 mostly tandem video jumps one of which was with dz.com's very own Phreezone doing a tandem with a guy in a speedo... I'm not sure I want to know what's up with Eric's Tongue... maybe Phreezone can explain... All in all the guy and his buddy who also was wearing a speedo had a lot of fun... both Eric and I agreed that they were great because they seemed to be having so much fun... I also did one jump with a 4-way team... edited to add: a cool picture of a tandem pair with the caravan and the sun behind it... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  8. I haven't put anything in here in a while... so here are a few shots from last weekend. A nice exit shot I learned this technique from the jumper in the Blue and Yellow jumpsuit. I wasn't supposed to be here but it made for a pretty good photo I was warned on the ground he was going to do this... pretty cool though... fwiw... most of the jumpers didn't make it back to the main landing area to the right of the runway off in the distance... and finally it's not a picture... but I had a fun time playing with ACID Music Studio making the music for the video from the three jumps...
  9. Well... he is the lead rider of the team... so staying at the top is important... although he does seem to be riding his own race using the team then trying to take as much glory as possible... The Tour is definitely a Team sport though... (considering how well the Schleck brothers managed to put Andy in a position to get a solid hold on second place in the overall standing) Ultimately the race for Astana changed when Levi L pulled out of the race due to a broken wrist... and frankly I am quite impressed with Armstrong being in the third position overall at 37 years old after 4 years out of the sport... and he seems to be quite comfortable and as always is very well spoken when interviewed. I certainly respect him a lot!!! Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  10. I'm probably interacting with a computer of some kind most of my day... even when I'm riding my bike I'm using a computer... (since I have this wonderful Garmin GPS...) but I don't need technology!!! Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  11. Seriously... I'm out!!! Ok not really... but I'll probably get something to eat for lunch later... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  12. You will want to solder the wires to the wires coming from the plug... There are three wires on the plug but only connection points for the in the blow switch. I have mine wired so the ground is attached to one side of the switch and the focus and switch close is attached to the other side. I also constructed an adapter so I could use my blow switch with a 50D. I'd answer the whole blow switch multiple shots question but PharmerPhil seems to have covered that pretty well... The blow switch basically is a diaphram switch and although some air is likely to escape keeping positive pressure causes the switch to close and thus releases the shutter. The camera needs to be in the appropriate mode and you can only take shots until the camera's buffer fills up... (which is dependant on the camera and other settings... ) but you can easily take multiple shots... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  13. I kinda got the impression you were joking... was I wrong? because I think the iPhone would create relatively poor video regardless of your skill flying camera or otherwise... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  14. I have and use a blow switch... and I'm able to take multiple shots... it's really quite simple to do this... you just blow through the tube and the switch stays closed... you stop blowing and it opens and it stops taking pictures... (depending on the settings in your camera) a blow switch however might be considered to be somewhat bulky... My first switch was a Conceptus Tounge Switch... but when that failed I switched to a blow switch and like it a lot better... (besides with a blow switch I can tell tandem students the "tube" is for beer/vodka/etc... ) Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  15. It's pronounce SKINTCH - and, strangely enough, it stand for a metric simultaneously describing the location and velocity of Douglas Adams while he is eating lunch on any given Tuesday. Douglas Adams is dead... so does that mean that there is no actual unit of measure for the SKINTCH... since he won't be eating lunch on any given tuesday (or really any day for that matter...)? Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  16. Icon134

    Lance is out

    Contador very well may be the team captain but I'd be willing to bet that Lance is calling a lot of the shots regarding strategy and such... but like others have said I wouldn't count Lance out yet... and for all we know getting Contador and subsiquently the team the yellow jersey may be precisely why he is in the tour anyhow... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  17. I got a Synology Cube station (http://www.synology.com/) and love it... it is attached to my LAN and it performs a backup of my desktop workstation onto a set of redundant disks... (2 - 1TB drives and 2 - 640GB drives) It's also running a webserver with a small website (blog)... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  18. I love that poem... Nobody loves me, Nobody cares, Nobody picks me peaches and pears. Nobody offers me candy and Cokes, Nobody listens and laughs at me jokes. Nobody helps when I get in a fight, Nobody does all my homework at night. Nobody misses me, Nobody cries, Nobody thinks I'm a wonderful guy. So if you ask me who's my best friend, in a whiz, I'll stand up and tell you that Nobody is. But yesterday night I got quite a scare, I woke up and Nobody just wasn't there. I called out and reached out for Nobody's hand, In the darkness where Nobody usually stands. Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and nook, But I found somebody each place that I looked. I searched till I'm tired, and now with the dawn, There's no doubt about it- Nobody's gone! -Shel Silverstein Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  19. Intervals are definitely a good way to build speed... and for what it's worth... I imagine one of the major killers of my pace are stoplights and traffic (which I wouldn't be stopping for in an actual race environment.) having said that I did the reverse (more or less) of the course I did on tuesday, yesterday and completed the course and my average speed was 1/10 of a mph faster overall. (but only 16.6 mph average vs 16.5 mph the time...) I think I liked it a bit better... although the finish is rough... with a climb of from 740 ft MSL to just about 900 ft over the last 10 miles of the ride... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  20. The rear brake is on the right... and for that matter... it is the brake I'm more likely to go for first... because if I apply too much braking power on my front brakes (without applying the rear brakes) I'm more likely to go flip the bike in just about any situation... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  21. i use smugmug and like it a lot... I don't make a whole lot of money... ok... I don't really make any... but it's easy to upload pictures and videos (which can't be sold yet... although it would be nice (you know... DVD's... bluray cabable DVD's... from the HD videos that I've uploaded...) I can't imagine it would be that challenging... although I'm not sure how it would work... with a Pro account you can use your own domain name... and can set the prices... you have a lot of control over access to your photos... and there is a lot of customisation possible... and there is a lot of help available to create customisations... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  22. Hey... What did I do? Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  23. I know this question was directed to the women... but as others have mentioned there really is no right or wrong answer to the question being posed... Which some others have alluded to... and the "rules" change from woman to woman and in each individual situation... The best advice anyone can give you is to be yourself... which I'm sure you're doing... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  24. why is that a surprise so NOW they want to talk, the cost just went up I didn't say it was a suprise... just depressing... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  25. the depressing thing is that it took the song going viral to get any kind of reaction from the airline... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...