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Everything posted by Icon134

  1. I had a friend of mine a couple of years ago send me a couple of Cereal bowls which each have the image of a Serial Killer in the bottom... I have 4 of them... If I remember correctly the 4 bowls I have are of Charles Manson, David Berkowitz, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffery Dahmer... the bowls themselves are actually very disturbing... the reason I was given these bowls is because for holloween one year I "dressed" up as a "Cereal" killer and wore a "trophy" necklas made from a variety of those mini cereal boxes... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  2. 0:8:0 I think I did about 8 jumps over the weekend... either RW videos or Tandem videos... I didn't jump at all last weekend as I was away on vacation... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  3. Doing the prejump interview with the lens cap on... ... at least I noticed before walking out to the plane and I could redo the interview... it is unfortunately an awkward conversation... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  4. you could probably get by with the standard music... I did download a few others... specifically, Corn Fest, Hot Curry, and Hard Tail from the Real Rock Theme Pack... because I like rock and roll... I have used some of the built in themes from the Cinescore DVD themes (which is a seperate DVD and you'll have to pay shipping if you want to get it... but it adds several themes so I think it's worth the $10 or what ever it is for shipping... It certainly does take a more time to build music with Acid then it does in cinescore but I get more control over what I'm building... and fwiw I don't consider myself to have a great deal of musical prowess... and I mostly screw around and figure it out as I go along... I did get some extra loop packs for Acid because I like a particular style of music... I think Funk has a good feel for skydiving videos and there are several funk style loop packages... I imagine I could do more with it if I got some instruction or was more creative... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  5. That's a great idea however it hasn't actually been released yet... he should however be able to upgrade to Win 7 when it is released if he buys a new computer soon... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  6. I never said I agreed with you... just that it's what I inferred from your lengthy post... I think you're generalizing... and from what I've seen (having been around my fair share of engineers) they are just as diverse as the rest of the world... albiet sometimes a little bit smarter... and in my experience we look for stereotypes but don't pay much attention to the people that don't fit the stereotypes because they're the "exception" even if in reality they're not... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  7. I do think I'm lucky... I met a great girl and I get to marry her in a couple of months... and for what it's worth... I'm an air force engineer most of the other engineers I know are just as active and fit as I am... and often just as dorky as I am in their own way... Honestly I don't imagine that your engineering friends are special in any way due to being divorced a few years after getting married and with a few kids... divorce is just as common among the business majors, lawyers, doctors, etc... people have forgotten how to treat each other with a modicum of respect and don't realize that marrige is sometimes going to be work... despite the fact that most of the time it's wonderful... (even sometimes when it is work...) fwiw: my father is an engineer (I think I mentioned that before) and has been happily married to my mother (who is smarter then him in some ways but not in others) for almost 40 years... and although they do have the occasional fight I know they love each other because every winter they spend several days in a car together driving across the country... and you can't do that successfully unless you love someone... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  8. I never said any of that, but if that's how you read it then...who am I to argue with you. A good portion of engineers can be a bit shy and as such a bit unconnected with how to speak and to sell themselves. I don't know... that's a pretty clear discription of the average engineer... describing a shy, unfit individual, who is questioning himself... and I guess I get the other part about being "fished" by your friends first wife... I've been caught by a wonderfully smart cute chemist (whom I found at a university well after I graduated from college)... and honestly I think most Men are Caught by women in lieu of the other way around... but that doesn't mean we don't play some part in the capture... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  9. Wow that was like long and stuff... so in that I got that all engineers are desperate, unfit, shy losers... I guess I'll stop going to the gym regularly to lift and maintain my fitness... and I suppose I'll have to stop socailzing with any and all females... because I wouldn't want to bust any stereotypes... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  10. Icon134

    Open Caskets

    They don't creep me out a little... They creep me out a lot... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  11. OH, and I'll admit that I don't have any "Game" in the sense that you are talking... but it isn't because I couldn't develop it... it's because I don't play "games" other then cards... I like card games... especially Hearts... although I don't recommend playing with my brother... he's a Professional Engineer (Civil) and he's really good at shooting the moon. Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  12. I've always wanted to be an engineer or scientist... I do enjoy philosophy, history, psychology, and other humanities... but I like designing, building, fixing things... I learned how to do that better as an engineering student... but that doesn't mean that I don't have an interest in humanities... I do... There is/was a time that Engineers/Scientists were looked up to more then they are today... in the US many kids want to grow up to be a doctor or a Lawyer but not as many want to grow up and be an engineer/scientist... and that is the type of individual that didn't necessarily invent the car... but did make it better!!! by the way... I was doomed to be an engineer... My great Grandfather, Grandfather, and Father were all engineers... So I was genetically predisposed to being an engineer... Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  13. Outstanding Max... have fun in the real world... and I'll echo what Matt said... Thanks for your sacrifice... hopefully we'll cross paths at the DZ some time... Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  14. I think most people even outside of the engineering/sciences world could be considered wierd. no offense but I have met my fair share of "normal" people and most of them are downright boring... I however try to keep my life interesting... Edited to add: I think its pretty odd to sit in front of a television and watch most pro sports (football and baseball in particular) but it seems to be pretty common among a large percentage of the population... (which means it's probably considered to be normal) Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  15. It's always possible to find an individual that fits the stereotype you're interested in reinforcing... but it's just as possible to find those that break the stereotype. Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  16. I know you're very set in this attituded but I really don't think there is a link to being an engineer and having no skills working with the opposite sex... granted most of us technical engineering types tend to look at the world from a different viewpoint than your average business major but that doesn't mean we are assured to lack people skills... I was in an engineering/science fraternity in College and a number of my engineering brothers were quite skilled at dating... I however spent my college years focusing on college and didn't really worry about dating... and when I finally did meet my fiancee things just kind of worked... there wasn't any effort... we just kind of understood one another... and enjoyed each others company... (and still do of course...) I never played any "games" and I still don't... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  17. more or less what he said... I create the video sequence then using the Cinescore plugin in Vegas I create the music tracks based on the length of the clips... I can't access the 4-way video folders from the office but they aren't difficult to find on my website... http://www.scottgunstills.com/ (look in the "Skydiving 2009>Grippers>Grippers Videos>" Category and although there are a few that don't have Music but a number of them do...) my method to create my own mixes using Acid Music Studio tends to vary a bit depending on what I'm creating... for one of my year end videos from last year (the first section I created the music first and did the video editing such that it fit to the music...) the second section I had an idea for what I wanted from a video standpoint and had some idea for the style of music but created the video first and made the music to fit the video... which is what I typically do now when creating videos for up jumpers. such as this one http://www.scottgunstills.com/gallery/8999959_4jSv5/1/#598772870_niRVS-A-LB And yes the Cinescore plugin works with Sony Vegas Moive Studio as well Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  18. I ususally use Cinescore for 4-way videos... and have been using Acid Music studio for fun jumper videos that I've been making because I have more creative control with Acid loops and can have a lot more fun...
  19. 0:7 or 8:0 I think I did 5 jumps on Saturday and 2 jumps on Sunday... but I might have miscounted... I chased Beth and John Hart doing some CRW jumps first thing Saturday... then did several RW video jumps... along with one tandem and one AFF video... where one of the instructors just about threw a pilot chute at me... Then I actually put on my RW suit and attempted to complete a few hybrids... but alas they weren't very successful. (which was not necessarily my fault...) On saturday night Beth and I along with Phreezone and Dasiey bought everyone Pizza, Beer and Cupcakes... to celebrate them getting married a few weeks ago and Beth and I getting married in a couple months... around the bonfire I also broke out my Torches and let Phreezone play with my 50D and the external flash (and second shutter)... attached are a couple of my favorites of me spinning torches... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  20. Yep... which is one of the reasons I like about the CX-100 as well... what I would like to have is a small case that can hold a SD card and a MSPD card so I can throw a set of cards for the occasion that I have to meet the plane immediately after landing... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  21. See, that's O.K if I did the same thing at my age now... the "disk" would have to actually work like it did in the movie... I was a kid when the movie came out... and it really was a great movie... i hope the remake does it justice...
  22. There is a lot of good information in the photo & video forum... The Sony CX-100 seems to be quite a popular camera at the moment... as for helmets there are a lot of options... personally I started out using a RAWA helmet but grew out of it quickly and moved on to a Flat Top Pro which has allowed a lot more versitility then a side mount platform... and it looks a lot more professional when I'm interviewing tandem students. Scott Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  23. I was never and will never be that bad... but I did try and make my own Tron "Disk" out of a piece of wood (painted green) when I was a kid... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  24. Saturday, a 6+ hour flight back home from Oregon that puts me back in Atlanta after 4:00pm; so no time for much jumping then. Sunday, hopefully going to fly over to Skydive Atlanta (SDA) in Thomaston, GA for a few jumps. Never jumped there, so not quite sure what to expect. Being painfully shy always makes going to a new dropzone frightful experience. unless a lot has changed they have a really fast and plush King Air... and there are several people on here that jump at SDA (I have before) and frankly there isn't anything wrong with a shy skydiver... there are a lot of us on here... (Being a tandem over the last few years has resulted in me opening up a bit... but I too am pretty shy especially when I'm at a new dz... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...
  25. I have three SD cards for my XSi... a 1 GB Sandisk (ultra) with a built in USB adapter... a 4 GB SDHC Sandisk Extreme III and a 16 GB SDHC Transend Class 6 for those times when I don't want to have to swap out cards for a weekend or more... (and am shooting in RAW) I use the 1 GB and 4 GB cards for tandem videos... and the 16GB card for everything else... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...