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  1. I posted something a little while back about buring my cx100 footage onto blu ray disc and someone suggested cost saving by burning the footage onto a normal dvd but in a file format called dvd5 and it would then only play back on that burner. My first question is i use adobe prem 7 im not really sure how i would burn it in that format using this prog so i guess i have to extract it and use another prog like nero or roxio? My other question is if i want to burn the best quality dvd but for it to work on a normal dvd player what format is best to use? When i burn my cx 100 footage through Adobe its final format is .dvd. Any info to clear up some of my confusion would be great. Thanks Tom
  2. I will loook into the dvd5 but thanks everyone for all of your responses. Blue ray is the way i want to go however being able to supply HD quality to both blu ray player and normal dvd players might be a good half way point until the price falls a little more. Tom
  3. Going to be using a cx100 soon and looking forward to burning footage onto a blu ray disc. I went out to look how much these disc's were going for and was very suprised with how much some places were charging. Just wanted to know if any of you have found a good place to buy thses discs for a reasonable price? Im even prepared to buy in bulk if it makes the price better. Tom
  4. How i would love to get the pot of gold! But i do understand what your saying. I updated my profile, i dont use this site very often. Thanks for all of your help. Tom
  5. Lol great response! Do you know of a camera out there like the 500v that just has a steady shot. Basically what im needing is HD quality video and that it can take pics in dual or manually that are higher than 5mp :/ I just want to be rid of the SLR if possible. Thanks again.
  6. Hey, I have been looking at this camera for a little while now and only found out yesterday about the optical image stabilzer causing a flutter or shake effect in freefall. I have read a few posts about this concern but dont have much time so if this has been answered i am sorry. Is it possible to turn this OIS off or to maybe reduce it down to just steady shot? I know the CX100 is working great with the steady shot its just the 500 does what i want it to do for me.Quote Seems like every company is heading with the OIS now so surely there is a way around it for us skydivers. Any help or info would be great. Tom