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Everything posted by flyhi

  1. flyhi

    Sex (Where?)

    I assume it wasn't flying, so does that make them members of the Meter High Club? flyhi
  2. "Son, never ask if a man is a fighter pilot. If he is, he'll tell you. If he isn't, you'll just embarass him." Clay, name the movie. flyhi
  3. Was in Vegas once and stopped by the SANDS. Saw a guy in a tux drop my house payment, utilities, and food for a month on the roll of the dice. I laughed all the way back to the nickel slots. My mantra: Play slow, lose slow. flyhi
  4. flyhi

    Sex (Where?)

    Women's Room at the Velvet Club (Manhattan's lower east side) and, really proud of this one, the bosses desk. Lenny: Hey, Homer? What do I tell the boss? Homer: Tell him I'm going to the back seat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for ten minutes! flyhi
  5. I salute the Master. This is the funniest post I have read on here. Must now clean breakfast off my monitor. BTW, they really hate it if they catch you playing air guitar. flyhi
  6. New York City, 1997, Temporary Restraining Order, The only thing that saved me was the fact that I never touched her. BTW, do NOT do this on the subway. flyhi
  7. I picked one up in a tourist-trap Christmas store (Is that redundant?) in St Aug, FL. Actually got two. The last really nice big one (sorry) and another one. If you know, or more accurately, trust someone who jumps in Deland or Palatka, they could probably score one for you. Homer: A big mountain of sugar is too much for one man. I can see now why God portions it out in those little packets. flyhi
  8. That's a little over cautious, isn't it? (Aren't you proud I didn't say anal?) Lisa (reading invitation): "Come to Homer's BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB." Bart: What's that extra B for? Homer: That's a typo. flyhi
  9. I loved Uncle Leo!! Thanks for the info. flyhi
  10. Michele, On one of Clayton's old post you said your father was in Kelly's Heroes, but didn't say who he was. Are you Michele Eastwood, Michele Savalas, or Michele Southerland or something? Don't hold out on your East Coast brotheren (and sisteren) who don't have the proximity to Hollyweird to know these things. Please allow us to live vicariously just this one time. Until the next time, that is... Homer: Movie stars... is there anything they don't know? flyhi
  11. Count me in. I write good and know exsactly what I want to write about. And I really mean that, two. Homer (Upon finding out he's been admitted to college): (Singing) I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T! flyhi
  12. Watching Nick at Nite and playing a game of "Hi Bob". Homer: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose... it's how drunk you get. flyhi
  13. If you put "Penis" in the EBay search engine, this is one of the 495 hits it finds. Guess how many you get if you search for "gummy & penis". flyhi
  14. flyhi

    NOT FAIR!!!

    In response to AggieDave's entry on that very thread: Note to self: Never date a girl after Aggie Dave. Nothing you are going to do will impress her now. flyhi
  15. Move to FLA!! Light, scattered clouds, mild winds, 70 deg and up. Did a 3 point 17 way on Friday. The amazing part? Not that we got it together, but that someone knew three 17-way formations. Homer: Oh, Lord! Why do You mock me? Marge: Homer, that's not God. That's a waffle Bart stuck to the ceiling. (Marge pries the waffle off the ceiling.) Homer: Lord, I know I shouldn't eat Thee, but... (munch munch munch) mmm... sacrelicious. flyhi
  16. 1. My Best Friend Ever 2. Family and Friends 3. Push Up Bras 4. Living in the Greatest Country in the World In that order flyhi
  17. Georgia that the channel with Hee Haw on it? Homer: Ahhh... sweet pity. Where would my love life be without it? flyhi
  18. A wise Englishman said it best a long time ago, "Being on a ship is like being in prison with the added benefit of being able to drown." Plus they have better weights in prison and cable TV. However, AF pilots are a lot more anal than Navy ones. They fly by the book down to the last detail. Was flying with one once and told him to climb to 1000 feet. He wanted to know the rate of climb to use. Doh! Homer: Mmmm... urinal fresh. flyhi
  19. Jumped with a "new' guy two weeks ago who asked for a gear check. He had a rented Vector on. Got to the Cypress, and it wasn't turned on. Said something and he said, "Oh". Exact same thing this weekend. His response this time? "What's a Cypress?" Swear to god. Sometimes we forget, on every jump we can be an instructor, whether we want to be or not. Homer: If something goes wrong, blame the guy who can't speak English. flyhi
  20. flyhi


    Strynx, Advice from someone who's been there: Never, ever say, "Wow, where'd you learn that?" Results could be painful. flyhi
  21. flyhi


    "Careful, that might be loaded..." flyhi
  22. Heh heh heh. He said Dong. flyhi
  23. I thought the tunnel went from England to France. Live and Learn. Have done Deland and liked it because you can just about turn around. Jump, pack, jump. Homer: Mmmm... beer. flyhi
  24. When you said worst possible scenario, I thought someone lost a penis. So, all things considered, it really wasn't the worst, now, was it? flyhi
  25. flyhi


    Went to a three day, Casa boogie. Reading from the Book of Bottom Lines, 14 jumps, 10 out. Five on one day. As a diver, I have never checked the spot and I dare anyone who is a diver, and wants to do it again, to say they have. Be honest now. There is a lot of faith involved. You just can't get locked in to "Get-home-itis". It's killed more pilots than mechanical failures and can do the same stuff to skydivers. flyhi