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Everything posted by jimmytavino

  1. FYI their KingAir takes 9 minutes from wheels up to exit at 18000ft with a full load. 7 Minutes for 150000ft. I did hundreds of jumps there and never felt or seen anything remotely resembling hypoxia during them. Nice..... ( I guess) But what FUN is it..... IF ya' wind up doing a SOLO skydive for a minute and a half ???? KAs are Ok... but i'd rather take an otter or a skyvan ANYday.... ps/// I don't NEED to get to altitude in 9 minutes......I'll take a 15 minute trip, happily. jmy
  2. rather than a skydive for him, with His Fiance' On the ground,,, (nervously) waiting it out,, how about using the same 200 bucks or so... to lease a C172 or C 182 WITH Pilot, so that they Both can take " an engagement flight " over the TOP of their "usual stomping grounds" then at some point in the flight he might present Her with the ring.....NOT as exciting maybe,,, as a tandem jump,,,, (which CAN certainly be made Another time ) BUT it could be Fun and Different,, and memorable and Significant,,, to BOTH of them..... If You are able to watch the child during the flight,,,, then everyone can be on hand , Upon LAnding,,,, to Share the bottle of champagne !!! Then by NOt having to "get the video" the money saved can be used for a romantic celebratory dinner,,, later that same day... Congrats on being a Grandpa...Good luck to the Happy Couple... jmy
  3. a true, sit down hard, butt landing can get ya' hurt...So more like when the great Maury Wills would steal second,,,,, use a baseball slide..... But only IF you had been taught the Right way to perform such a slide..... ( hearkens back to those summer days of little league baseball and sandlot pick up games ) If possible , complete the slide with a Pop UP move... utilizing the last of your momentum, to finish back on your feet... Not only might a " flat on your ass " landing hurt.....by compressing the lower spine / tailbone, But you can also cause injury to arms shoulders wrists and elbows..by smacking One of those parts or another into the ground , as the landing commences,,,,When in a full flare,,, your hands will hit the ground,,, before your butt does. Please, also take into account the time of Year and whether the ground is wet/ spongy OR dry/hard...don't forget that the landing area at the DZ can get hard as concrete once the dry season arrives... Probably best to always land on your Feet... but when running out a speedy final is tooo challenging, or physically demanding,,,it's best to find a safer alternative.. I'll take a few well earned grass stains, over a break or dislocation, anyday....
  4. there were many MANY days ..... when I SHOULD have been getting some WORK done..... BUT instead I went to the Drop Zone Was I Sorry.. for my transgressions???????? I must Now confess..... I was NOT !!! hell.... i'd do it AGAIN... in an instant !!!! mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa jmy
  5. " a drag of concentrated sin" hahaha... I SAW this movie many times.... decades ago !!!! will never forget the guy who was puffing away, maniacally, while banging crazily.. on the piano keys !!!!( it's bad insidious Stuff ) as for the Feds' position on the subject.... there are FAR more important issues, on which they need to be Concentrating...... HERE...that is... and NOT all over the damn world... imho
  6. hell,,,, it was JUST lunch..... me??? i'd fold my arms, grin, feign surprise, and ask......"so how IS it "??? if you have dined together in the past,,, AND if such sharing has occurred during ANY of those times,,,,,,, then NO... a "formal request" should not be needed.....since you would KNOW to 'expect' it.... ( however, if it was a person with whom you have never dined,,,,,, then sure, to "ask first " would have been in order....) If the course is an appetizer or Non-entre and only ONE of you has ordered that course...then No big deal.. sharing is acceptable among family and friends
  7. Well.. we didn't know how to DO relative work..... hell the word hadn't hardly been Invented yet !!! and there weren't very many " RW ONLY " Types around.....at least in our small corner of the skydiving world. and so really,, alllll we had was accuracy... Not so much style, however. We did "hook-ups " during freefall and shot accuracy whenever we could. 20 , 21 years Old , and full of piss & vinegar !!!
  8. sadly, the ONLY W M D 's were the ones that We brought with us....when we went There... what else would you call a laser guided missle ? or our arsenal of jet fighters ? or fast firing, HIGH capacity firearms.... hell,,,, special forces and delta teams.... just by themselves, are WMDs.... A Good thing... when it's US. A bad thing , when it's them... War of ANY kind , is NOT the way to create Peace...OR prosperity... regardless of how we Spin it... its' a terrible waste of LIFE, of resources, of money, of structures and buildings in our "targeted areas" and as a result of alllll this DEstruction,,, of our stature, within "the world community" .... when the hell will we EVER learn that.....???? The Department of "Defense".... has become waaaay too " Offensive " !!! (imho )
  9. Play Nice with Others Try to keep a smile on your face.
  10. Re : Huh??? ....perfect... you doin' OK there,,, Krip????? I started at a small dropzone where Accuracy was highly regarded...we always had a pea gravel pit and often enjoyed accuracy meets... Downwind... using Para-Commanders and Papillons...it was '73...The peas were actually not that hard to hit...Or rather Crash-Land In... just as long as you had the horses to sit on your brakes..during final approach...I made 2 jumps on a PC, after shooting accuracy with a 28 foot LOPO for maybe 20 jumps...and then Found the French Papillon and eventually made OVER 800 jumps on 3 different French Paps... it was nice to learn that peas are Just as soft,,, in Fact, SOFTER... when you turn it around and fly a ram-air....Upwind... When the pattern to it is Clear... I still like flying to a nice touchdown.... IN the Pea gravel!!! jmy A 3914 D 12122 scr scs nscr
  11. O M G !!! .... and i thought I was havin' a BAD Day... never heard of such a thing..... poor bastard... glad there can be medical assistance , for him...
  12. I've seen "Airplane Repo" on TV a few times.... sorta like stealin' a plane but ONLY from someone who is Stealing it Already.......From the bank.... or whoever financed it... There was that kid on the west coast,,, who was stealing planes a while ago ... wasn't there????? ...and i would guess that it happens more often than we know....
  13. good deal.. May you be graced with GOOD instructors, gear, and weather.... I can SEE that you already have a Super.... airplane. Grand Caravan will do just fine...
  14. since you have ALREADY updated your profile to show TWO jumps...... I would Say that Skydiving IS for you..... where are you located??? what sort of aircraft??? how close by to where you live....is the DZ located???? have fun. Be Safe. jmy
  15. ...Because social change comes slooowwwllllyyyy and while marriage and kids have been "the standard course" for most,,, things ARe starting to change... it always takes decades for certain common sense behaviors to take hold... and so people can easily still be "behind the curve".....in their thoughts... and THAT is why they ask.....Kind of, " from old habit " Do NOT take it personally... especially if the question(s) come from old timers.... However,,, IF you are not A PARENT....please be careful NOT to bad mouth That choice.... when it is made by Others.... in the past, kids were the foregone conclusion for most couples....but That was BEFORE tougher economic times, different carreer opportunities,,, the "shrinking of the world" in terms of travel and technology and a generation of kids, ( now adults) who were raised with Tooo much emphasis on "self" and whose parents may have gone overboard on building SO much "self esteem " for the Y generation, that Now, they are TOO concentrated on themselves....to even find ANY room for kids...... meh..... to each his own...though as a Parent, I CAN testify to the wonder, the energy, the love that kids can provide.... and whether You want them or not.... fact is,,, you'd miss out on A lot...... You can also spare yourself the other end of the spectrum, which IS pain, heartache, and expense (emotionally & financially ) and truly..... the choice is for EACH of Us... Best to shrug off such comments from others...as simply "making conversation" and take a humorous approach rather than to be irritated or upset by them... Marriage is a WHOLE other subject......as as for KIDs..... Don't knock it,,,,, if you HAVEN'T tried it....Like everything it takes WORK and dedication and patience and yes even some LUCK.....and there are MANY who maybe should never have Been parents..... best to figure that out Beforehand, as many have done... things ARE changing.... Good Luck and much happiness to you and your GF...Preserve your position on t he matter but do NOt be surprised, if as time goes by,,, your feelings and/or the feelings of your GF may change... Never say Never... jmy
  16. pretty likely it fell from an aircraft... but not likely a skydiver would be involved... Could have been a helicopter, Could have been Police. Could have been a paparazzi (sp). Could have been some idiot sightseeing with the lens OUT the opening of an aircraft window... and it broke off while trying to bring it back IN to the Cabin...... could have been USA Homeland Security..... now i feel REAAAAALLLL secure... for SURE.... it wasn't me...
  17. hahaha...Thanks The_Don.. Rockstar??? not me pal..... Allison is the rockSTAR...having done sooo much planning and prep work..... good to see all that effort paid off in the form of a great Day... they are in St. Lucia now. until August 8th. jmy
  18. It wasn't easy Rick.. but we got through Most of the ceremony , tear-free... What a wonderful weekend and celebration. Happy Couple Happy Parents Happy Friends & Family .. Sooo many people came up to us and said some version of,,, " this is the BEST wedding... i have EVER attended " hahaha Unique venue, delicious dinner, great band, Candy Table... Pastries and Wedding Cake ( Carrot Cake ) Table. Much Love... and JOY!!! The outdoor Garden Wedding completed literally 8 or 10 minutes before the rain began and as the couple were Announced to the crowd, a local Church bell began chiming for the 6 o'clock hour !! Just Perfect !!! Thanks everyone for the kind and friendly replies...!! jmy
  19. thanks GKid message it to me, if it will get it off your chest... I'll understand it,, and PROBABLY laugh, whatever it is. skydive safely jmy
  20. The Paterfamilius of the Bride.... well, our sweetheart of a daughter, who is currently the Fiance' .... willllll in about 32 hours be .... The Bride !!! we are so very excited and happy....Mother Nature seems to be working With us, as it has been cool and sunny,, after 2 pretty WARM weeks.... We are looking forward to celebrating with family & friends, many of whom are On the Road Today... and heading into Rochester..!! Wow... for ONCE a Family gathering where WE don't have to drive... nearly 350 miles to attend... so thanks to alll who ARE making that effort... Everything is ready, including some surprises. Mike and Allison have done a great job in taking care of Soooo many details... all that's left Now???? ...Green Light !!! Ready , Set, GO!!!!!
  21. Re: infatuation the Line is Long and Quite Full..... but if ,,,, and only IF .... it's OK with HER... you may queue up. jmy
  22. Geeeze...!! ground crew ????? someone to Yell,,, "Heads UP " !!!??? did the Jumper yell " heads UP"? did the players even realize that jumpers were incoming??? damn. sure would have been nice to use a Slooow,, sink- it-in type of canopy in That situation,,,,,, now wouldn't it... better than a fast fast. zoom it in..>>> alternative,, that seems to be the choice of the day.... jmy
  23. I guess so..... whole new generation of canopy flyers today...... I stand corrected.... different gear, different techniques....