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Everything posted by jimmytavino

  1. if more people did classic accuracy, perhaps these skills would not be so "unknown"... Simultaneous toggle depression.....seems like THAT only get done nowadays....when flaring..... Flats turns can pull your ass OUT of a bad situation in many cases, way better than cranking a turn with ONE toggle OR the other..... jmy
  2. I had a FEW buddies who jumped 5 cell foils....Mostly lighter weight Guys....Never jumped one, BUT I could pin one of those with my heavy weight cloud... like nobodies business.... Did a lot of BiPlanes,, with Kirk..... and with Henry....henrys 5 cell foil still hangs in the rafters of the clubhouse/barn, @ Frontier...
  3. a few years after that terrible day... I got to thinking about news reports which mentioned that there WERE some credible reports about 'non-Americans' who were seeking training at flight schools, in order to learn how to pilot ( actually just throttle and steer ) BIG passenger jets,,, I ALSO got to thinking about the unraveling of the OIL giant,,, Enron..... THAT actually Started in July, but the American public never HEARD about it, til October or so... BUT Damn sure, Oil Men Like Cheney AND Bush would have been privvy to that "inside information"... ANY chance that they could have been looking for... 1. a diversion from the impending Enron issue 2. a situation which would implicate " those dirty terr-rists". 3. a burning match, with which they could "light the flame of war".... 4. an excuse to work their way UP to "taking OUT " saddam hussien.... Soooo, they decide.. " let's sit tight," maybe wait and see IF something occurs,,, and then Go from there... problem IS , they underestimated the severity of the attack, and really wound up with a Calamity....for which Soooo many Paid dearly,, Except for those privileged Few...who were comfortably insulated by the power of their office.. Later in oct or Nov.. when the Enron scandal broke... it was easy to assume that it was influenced by 9 Eleven....Only some time later did We (sheep ) learn that the whistle-blowing from within was actually occurring months before September... WE didn't know it,, But you can be Damn sure that it was a BIG topic in the "Oval Office"... I have no evidence of such things,,, but Only a gut feeling...... possible ???? or Not???
  4. .... at the point when you HAVE zeroed in, on the house of your choice... take a few extra minutes to Investigate........ ...your potentional "new neighbors " Next door, AND behind you...Gone are the days of having a place all out by itself.. with "no one around " for miles.... Better to know FIRST,,, if the folks who own right NEXT to you, are nice or NOT,,,, are pleasant, or are jerks...Are easy to get along with ,,,, or will become the "neighbors from Hell "... Not being able to ENJOY your wonderful new back yard, because of uncontrolled pets,,, or even KIDS,,, "from next door".... or because of surly individuals who could be messy, or loud or just plain anti-social.... Loction Location Location DOES matter,, as pointed out ( thanx skymama ) especially when you could be located next to the WRONG people.. It can't hurt to knock on a door or two... Do NOT ask about whoever answers the door. But rather ask THEIR opinions of the OTHERS in the neighborhood, and then go to a different house to ask about those whom you just LEFT,,, good luck jmy
  5. Stroup... saw him last summer In New York... TM at Finger Lakes Skydivers...OVID NY ( northwest of Ithaca, south west of Syracuse ) Could be that he's working there again This summer... I have only visited once so far, this year.....9windy day ) He wasn't there THAT day...but If he's In NY and if he IS jumping.... good chance that it would be at That DZ..... and if the facts be Known....we are ALL assholes !!!
  6. ...damn... Well, at least you're a Top-Shelf Hostess....
  7. pros...?? you can leave your altimeter on the ground,,, and then, in freefall, just wait til you FEEL the warm air... and pull.... Cons...? a bunch... Real heat is an issue, at least for me... I was jumping @ Skydive Carolina for skyfest, the year that it Hit a Hundred.... THAT was rough...I made the mistake of drinking TWO complimentary Red Bulls, within about a half an hour of each other...... Never tried them, before.......anyway. right after landing and setting my gear down,,,, things got alllll flashy and zoomie,,, and I WAS seeing Stars!!!! had to lay right down,,,, and set up a fan. that scenario scared me, and was a real wake-up Call... IF it's HOT.....Hydrate,, starting WELL before arriving at the DZ...
  8. just a guess....but IF they did the T 1 out of a Cessna, i'd say UNDER 5 % ... and that would be for Starting AFF...EARNING an A License..??? the number will be Lower... imho. IF the T1 was out of a turbine.... and IF the AFF will be out of a turbine... then maybe the numbers go UP a little. BUT just guessing.... It would be interesting to see some actual, accurate numbers from DZOs and or manifest staff....because my reply (admittedly ) is just a guess.... jmy
  9. " ...given up everything ...for a dream " ? NOPE.... have most everything i need...AND the dream... life is good. jmy
  10. [quote "airtwardo " Better find Out just WHO that person is...... and then get him or her ON your ground support team !... ..or your rigging crew...
  11. welcome back to the Northeast.. Safe travels.
  12. Years ago I developed a philosophy about Cessnas vs. Turbines...
  13. Happy Birthday to a Girl who is always on the Go... And yet gives of her time here,, to welcome and encourage New Jumpers, to share stories and lessons and to Kick aNybodys Ass !! ... who proves, by their posts and/or rude comments, that They NEED Monitoring !!!!!
  14. Mike Truffer coordinated the National Collegiate Parachute League during the years I was a 'skydiver/student' , early '70s...and a group from here, drove to DeLand Fla. for the 1974 Meet....and Meet we did Many fun and interesting people !! Mike was one of them, for Sure. Years later I quickly signed up for SKYDIVING newsmagazine when I saw his name affiliated with it. A few communications over the years, letters to the editor etc. were always met with interest and attention, on His part... I was lamenting once, that my '74 NCPL meet tee-shirt had been Lost (or stolen) when I removed it after a water jump, set it to dry, and never saw it again.. Well a week or so later, a package arrived with the exact silk screened front, as the shirt in question...
  15. especially when most Tandem students are NOT hooked to the TM for 3/4 of the ride to altitude..... talk about the TM having to endure relentless questioning... "Am i HOOKED Up" " Did you connect Me " Hey WHY aren't we connected..???" " Did YOU connect me Yet.... " That SIGN says I SHOULD be Hooked Up to You".. "What about That"???? Huh?? Huh?? HUH???? Green Light !! Green Light !!!! GREEN LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
  16. welllllllll, you WOULDn't LEAVE the strings out there...!!!!!! you'd run them for marking purposes... !! and THen remove THEM....when the lines have been laid down..... or weed killer dispersed.. or Paint,, etc etc... "call the Ball"....hahaha!!! "talk to me Goose.." " Ah Roger, Mav,,, I Have him !! Bogey heading 3 -Two-Zero closure speed 900 Knots "
  17. depends on the situation.... depends on my level of assurance that "forgiveness" will be Granted.... when i already KNOW permission is Unlikely.. i hesitate... My Level of "misbehavior" can Vary dramatically... depending on Who is invloved, WHAT is involved, and whether My silliness affects the property of Others..... I SAVE UP the forgiveness.. for the really Important stuff.....sorta like "building Up credits".... ... Oh that Skyvan is Kool with a Capitol K...!!!
  18. just speak Up...I'd wanna Know IF my kids were skydiving.....( So that I could JOIN them in Freefall )... I had a jumping buddy at the local DZ who was a college student Here. His Home was Philly, PA and when one of our pals was gonna visit that city he asked the college kid... " do you want me to check in with your folks and say HEllo"?? the kid ( who had 6 or 700 jumps),,, answered.. "no no NO,, don't say ANYTHING... They don't KNOW I skydive" " They think all that money which they send me,,, is going for books and "student fees'>..hahahahahahaha....
  19. ... Excellent Rick uh - OH.... just in case he heads North,,, and just for the record... It's NOT Me......either..... normiss,,, "illigitimi Non Carborundum "...."don't let the bastards wear you down." I'm hoping for Sunshine.... in the SUNSHINE State..
  20. Re: "Shake up my life a little" . . . . ....." a LITTLE " ????? HOW did THAT work out for ya'???????
  21. ....send Mike Tyson with the payment and the request for a receipt indicating.."Paid In Full"... has the chance to send it directly TO the hospital been missed..?? call them...maybe THEY would accept even less..... and assure you of the deal.. plus then you might eliminate the collection agency ( middle man ) altogether.. good luck with the house.
  22. Just this past friday i visited a nearby C 182 DZ , and the DZO described how he recently created a 25 meter diameter Target, with a 10 meter diameter "Bullseye " which the jumpers tell me, can be seen Easily, from the air. He drove a stake into the ground at the center and used a correctly measured length of rope... and ran the perimeter, keeping the rope taut... and applying some sort of weed/vegetation killer....( Round - Up , Maybe ) It took a week or so, but the circle(s) then became visible...re-apply as needed in a stripe which is as WIDE as you'd like... Now jumpers can really tell if they are "within a certain distance of the target ". I suppose you could run strings, to lay out any shape design... good luck