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Everything posted by jimmytavino

  1. because it must be an Older canopy.... and those are slider stops
  2. c'mon dude,,admit it, you do it for the ladies too right? I definitely do it for the ladies,,,it's a great ice-breaker...i just tell my prospects that "I'm A Skydiver"..and from there they get all mushy hahaha... Kids today....sheesh... while i certainly DO enjoy having a hobby which can also be enjoyed by Women...i never have relied on that "ice -breaker " aspect of it. In fact, my wife of 30+ years sorta cringed when she first found out....But By then i had over 1,200 jumps none of which had helped me "find" a woman... WE connected because She is fantastic, and because of all the wonderful traits and Charm!! that i brought to the table. I started jumping when i was a teen so i USED to be able to say.. " I've made more skydives than times I've been laid.... and when whuffo guys laughed at me.. I'd follow it Up with "i've made More skydives than times YOU'VE been laid..." that usually shut 'em up...
  3. Because I ENjoy the disconnection ( figuratively AND literally ) from this absolutely CRAZY planet.... on which we live.... NOTHING from That existence Matters, once we jump IN that door.... i have been saying for YEARS... that when we are on jump run and we cross the plane of that exit door.... we are NOt jumping OUT of anything... Rather we are Jumping IN..... to a world which non-jumpers can Never imagine.... I've found great joy, exhiliaration AND friendship IN that world.... and always fly my canopy as safely and carefully as i CAN,,, soas to be able to be part of the NEXT skydive.. jmy A 3914 D 12122
  4. Can't the student STAY seated AND belted???.....while the TM moves to the door and then moves back ,,next to that student??? H & Ps are good for everyone... since they can help to fill a load.. and then they GET OUT..!!!!! making for extra elbow room for those who remain... I don't mind being the hoppenpopper... OR one of those who remain... ps.... nice photo Twardo.. the smile on your sons face....matches the words of his quote....
  5. i was in the 4 way base of an RW dive, when a bunch of pals and I attended a skyvan boogie @ United, in Penn. Home of The Herd... anyway it was loooong ago and there was a "lightweight" type , among our group, who favored himself to be quite the "late diver". Well he crashed into me , Hard, from above and behind...... Luckily, I was used to such things, since i had come up , during the "Kamikaze RW " days.... I shook it off, and we rebuilt the 4 way. But the guy wound up waaaay OUT of the dive, and basically, the fun was over with, shortly thereafter.. Upon landing he approached me, and said... "Sorry man,,,, I saw that i was gonna HIT you........ so i just "TUCKED UP,,, into a LITTLE Ball, and closed my EYES " !!! " hahaha.. no joke... But i REMEMBERED,,,,, and never again did i step up and volunteer to be in the base when THAT knucklehead was ON the dive..... This video,, with the dude falling past, all balled up.... JUST reminded me of that occasion....and of the EXACT same visual that i recalled from it... IF you're gonna skydive WITH others... it helps a Great Deal... to stay in the same general vicinity of one another..... If you can't DO that.....it could be time to re-assess your Mad Skilz !!!!! and maybe shrink Down the size of the group, with which you are playing..... jmy
  6. i'm not blaming the victim.... but pointing out that maybe her own inattentiveness contributed... Didn't she realize that a little kid was walking along with her????when she entered the room or else, that the child followed her..? i'm guessing she knows that there Are guns in some part of the room... It is HER room, after all... whether it's your child or the child of family or the child of a friend...it is best to be SURE that ( especially at certain ages )you REALLY keep an eye on them!! They are Quick.... and they are innocent...(for the most part ) and they are Unpredictable and spontaneous... It Would have been better if ALL who were in that room, were more attentive... i'll grant that the incident could have happened in a instant...but it also could have been avoided..... Any chance that there could have been alcohol at this B-B_Q.???
  7. Ouch!!!!! Some bunch of novices!!!!! i'm SURE all the people in that video had previously attended All sorts of safety training sessions......
  8. I wonder whose behavior the child was parroting when the fateful move was made... to take the gun in hand... TV, maybe??? What was the victim doing? not to notice the weapon on the bed..in the first place . AND not to be Monitoring the child more closely..The report seemed to say that the deputy was also in the room (and maybe another person) and yet none of these adults acted, to secure that gun, from the childs reach...nor to intercede immediately, when he picked it Up. sad situation all around. lots of so called "grown-ups", dropped the ball...
  9. be careful not to let "an ad in the classifieds" lead directly to the decision of WHAT gear to consider. better to decide on a size,,, narrow it down to 2 or 3 Models in THAT size,,, and THEN go through the ads or even better, put out feelers @ your DZ to finalize your options.....Plus your instructors might then be able to offer input.. BEFORE you commit $$$$ to anything " from out of town" ... studying the proven downsize recommendations is the first step in deciding on a size... jmy a 3914 d 12122
  10. I suppose it's a lot in How the message is communicated... Disappointing potential clientele is a difficult thing... for Both parties...
  11. Real GOOD Checklist TK and in todays climate of people feeling like they NEED to DO some "Bucket List" ( i don't much Care for that term) behaviors... skydiving tends to get ONTO such lists...... but common sense should prevail and if the general public is tooo naive to really understand Alll the details of the plane ride, the climb out, the exit, the skydive...AND the landing, then it IS important for those who DO know...to assert themselves in the best interests of the buying public...( as well as the DZ, soas to head off ANY sort of "aftershocks" ) Besides If someone has " always wanted " to make a jump and yet has gotten deep into their lives without Stepping UP to DO it....then there is nothing wrong with telling them that their "window of opportunity " has passed them by... Simply having a charge card with an " available credit limit " does not necessarily Qualify a person to make a skydive.. imho...
  12. fair enough... good luck then... jmy
  13. Hobbit ??? If you start out, 5 foot 9 you'll end Up, 4 foot 9 ..... like a Hobbit...... mostly just joking....But OLD ram airs are mostly JUST that...OLD.. How do you KNOW... the sabre 190 is "low mileage"??? what is IT'S date of man...
  14. Hey...we turned a whole 5 points on our 3-way and that's with taking time to dive down to Jimmy. That's mad skills right there! yes...BUt we got Twelve points !!!!in the Dirt Dive !!!..... I agree with skymama
  15. Maybe consider a DeHavilland Beaver. Good STOL capability. right....gets OFF the runway quick.... Up to altitude??? NOT so quick remember 8 ways Out of Howies Beaver,?? Andy9o8??? @ Seneca Falls !!!
  16. Best Cessna Jump Plane?????? ANY One that's paid for !!! good luck in your endeavor!!!
  17. Can a person qualify for SS Disability....IF they have never contributed INTO the program??? Since Soc. Security Does keep track of a person "contributions" over the years,, is it possible OR sensible to LIMIT benefits to the amount paid by beneficiaries over the course of their working years??? ( adjusted upwards a BIT to include SOME amount of "interest" ) and lastly ...THOUGH I HATE to suggest it... Should Soc Sec benefits be reduced or ended... IF a recipients Savings, IRAs and all other assests exceed,,,,, say a million dollars?? or even a half a million dollars???? AND if they have reached a point where amount received have exceeded amounts that they paid in...??? just wondering...
  18. re: advice or tips it IS fun to start from seeds but try to prevent the seedlings from getting toooo lanky or spindly Often it's good to get the plants AT planting time, from a reputable garden store soas to spare the plants the SHOCK of moving from indoors to outdoors... Resist setting them In the outdoor location too early, and cover them when a cold night is expected... P.S. grow some cucumbers AND Basil and a few red onions,,, as those items, when combined, make a Great summertime salad..don't forget the salt.
  19. hahaha THAT is the stupidest thing i've seen in a long time.... perfect example of the potential for Idiocy,,,on the internet... How about the part where the jumper screams!!!! as his "rescuer " deploys....??? That sure seems Likely!!! and is the only factual part of the whole thing....
  20. I would have taken you upon the offer...had it been made. Iwould have loved a jump with you and Andrea except you guys can't belly-fly I beg to differ popsjumper... normiss and skymama and jimmytavino did a 3 way belly fly out of the skyvan during which, the flying was terrific and the vibes were great...BIG Smiles,,,, All around... Those folks are All Purpose skydivers....they can DO anything.. WHY didn't you speak up?? I sure wouldda jumped with YOU... did you have gear, there??? jmy
  21. As I recall his rig was not ready when he wanted it. I know we did need more packers. Not ready then???? I see.. maybe....but when there are limited Nylon Compression Professionals on site. then folks Need to Chill.... It does no one any good to overwhelm any packer(s). Not happy with that idea???? then pack the damn thing Yourself!!... OR make prior arrangement to have someone There, to pack for you and who might then, give YOU priority... and tip accordingly !!! Did the offended jumper NOT realize that maybe the packers were there,,,, already having committed to pack for Other jumpers... surely common sense needs to apply here... Thanks Spence for providing the packing tent...
  22. just wondering?? If his rant was before the chop... any idea what THAT was about? Was a packjob done that he disliked??? and so then he UNpacks it ?and REpacks it? and then goes up and malfunctions it???geeze.. there's your "Karma " ... right there ! hahaha....did he pay for the packjob? Oh I Liked the Acronym for the car!!!!!
  23. sometimes....people who Hire packers.... do so because they don't know HOW to pack,,, themselves.... looks like evidence here,,,, of Just that FACT... Those packers were ALLL working, damn hard allll day and well INTO the "Beer Light" timeframe...no joke. Criticize in Private, Praise in Public..... jmy A 3914 D 12122
  24. There IS no "try "..... there also is NO " DO ".. there is ONLY " Do NOT "... "Rude" occurs when one has bad intentions.... your Intentions were GOOD... so the term doesn't apply...