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  1. I think I already know the answer to this, but I'm a noob and want a second opinion. I recently got my A and I'm still jumping a 210. I'm looking to get my own gear and I'm currently looking at a complete rig in the classifieds that's a 170. I weigh about 170. I'm assuming going from a 210 to 170 is too much too soon. Am I right or is it manageable? Thanks
  2. Hi. I'm about to finish my A so I'm going through the dilemma of deciding how to get my gear. I'm currently going over the pros and cons of buying used or going through Square's demo program. Another thread goes through some of them a little bit, so we don't have to do it here; I'm just curious if anyone has picked the demo program over buying used and are glad they did. It's super expensive, but I like the idea of trying out different gear, being able to downsize, and then settle on a rig I'll use for a looong time. Thanks
  3. Thanks guys. That's what I thought. I told the seller he can send it to skydive perris and offered to give him my uspa# and name so he can call them. I mentioned I wouldn't jump it; just inspect and try it on.
  4. I'm new to skydiving and am trying to find a rig to buy in the classifieds section. I'm communicating with one seller but they want me to pay the entire sum first before he ships it. I thought the protocol was for them to send it to my DZ first to have it inspected and so I can try it on; then I pay. Is that how it goes or is it normal to pay first? I don't feel comfortable sending someone several thousand dollars before I even see or try on the rig. Thanks
  5. I'm looking into getting my AFF/A soon, but I still can't decide on the DZ. I live in the LA area so my choices are Perris, JW, or Elsinore. From my research I've found that I can't go wrong with either of them, but Elsinore has been getting the advantage because people feel its more 'communal', which is important to me. The reason I still can't decide is because my dad lives out in Moreno VAlley, which would make for an easy 20-30 minute ride to the Perris DZ on the weekends. So, what would you do in my situation? Is Elsinore worth the extra 30 minutes? Is splitting the AFF and A up into two DZ locations a good idea? Thanks for your input!