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danornan last won the day on January 26

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  1. You can, but I'd be concerned with where you store it and how often you have jumped it between services. Also remember that when it's needed, if it doesn't work, you will probably die.
  2. "Search" can be your friend. Lots of opinions.
  3. I have sold gear through ChutingStar in GA. I sent them the gear and they prepared a written report that anyone purchasing the gear would want to see to determine the age and condition. They can also act as an intermediary for the money transaction. 770 445 4000.
  4. I don't think that most with a malfunction forgot to deploy their reserve after a cut away, I think they were trying to be riggers in the sky and ran out of time. An RSL removes that step from the equasion.
  5. Skydive Chicago comes pretty close, along with Peris in California. Z-Hills and Deland are not too shabby either.
  6. I'm not a rigger, but I think the simple answer is that in general, one side is enough and both could invite a problem. In an of it's self, an RSL is simple and has saved many lives. Not having it as led to deaths.
  7. Facebook Market Place also works.
  8. https://www.azcaf.org/fly-with-us/
  9. One or two loads went up today at Peris, based upon pictures posted on Facebook. It's back !
  10. Z-Hills or Deland can take care of you this time of the year.
  11. Awwww Parachutist is a good magazine, just not as good as Mikes paper. Take them to the DZ. New skydivers will appreciate them.
  12. I'm surprised that it was so good. Like many things, it was taken for granted. A lot of times it arrived on the same day as Parachutist and it was always read first. In addition to the art, it always had what was really going on in skydiving.
  13. Traveling, I carry my rig in a backpack and check everything else in a rolling hard bag. I'll pack a soft duffel bag for the DZ. There are soft rig friendly gear bags for sale that will hold all of your gear, but I prefer to break it down into two bags.
  14. I wish I had some good news for you, as I had the same happened to me about a year ago. I got no relief from Facebook. I lost about 10 years of pictures and all friends. I had to start my account from -0-. Good luck on a recovery. It might be the hackers trying to blackmail you. With billions of accounts, Facebook does not care.
  15. I would add, sitting in the front seat of your car, reach behind you to pick up something in the back seat. Is there any pain or discomfort? That should give you your answer after you think it's OK to get back into the sky.