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Everything posted by RayLosli

  1. calvin19 ..."and A large, long range bottle of a particularly Horrible strain of Mace." ,,,,,,,,,,, I don't think that using Mase & getting that close in range to the NPS especially when there is more than on of them on you is wise. I whole Heartedly endorse the carry & use of a decent Quality of Mase/pepper spray. If there is a chance of Dogs being used by anyone perusing you though. It readily available, cheap and very compact to carry. An old trick. Just a little on the ground in your trail. then button-hook back to see if your being followed or keep putting some distance between you and them. happy trails on Public lands................ also: .Dont laugh like im NOT kidding, .
  2. Now Dex. be easy on the NPS. They are only Fighting Crime the only way they know how. To run you down like the Dog & Public Enemy you are & With shaking hand on there Weapon to take your life if you cowardly attempt to escape prosecution. For that lapse of judgment you took when you got back from Iraq and BASE jumped off Public Property . They Deserve that small reward to High-Five each other and say. "Good Job guys !" after the handcuffs are tightened around your wrists. For a Job Well Done. (you can't see me but) I am standing at attention and giving them a Salute. I mean you really have to admire the dedication the NPS has for there perseverance & dedication to Jumpers as Well as (let's not forget the) Climbers alike. We should not forget those Climbers because they can be charged with Arial Delivery as well for even dropping down gear bags to the ground. The energy it must take them to actually, Save You from Yourself. It is enough to boggle the mind of the average common citizens. You are obviously an Ameba in your personal, selfish and destructive needs when making that BASE jump after paying your fee-$$ to enter that piece of publicly owned dirt .You obviously are just an Idiot for questioning the NPS policy. Paying to enter and jumping and landing a Parachute without ever actually leaving, is Delivery. You moron ! Never attempt to deliver your own living, breathing Body unharmed with a Parachute to publicly owned property you paid to enter. Chad what you need to do is just quietly stand in line like everybody else and just do what your told to do without question. .
  3. base813: ..."When did people getting scared jumping off a cliff suddenly become obsolete?" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Reading that statement brought back the last jump that Dex and I did before pulling out of Moab. We pushed our skill level a little on a couple jumps that week and ended up on the Crown for a quick easy, fast hop on a Object we know very well. We got geared up and ready to exit and I said. "Ok dude. All we got to do is survive one more easy jump and we are Home-Free and sitting pretty." . I don't know about everyone else but I find that the more BASE jumps I make and the longer I walk away from them. I find my Self Getting Scared more @ the objects that should be the easiest to my experience level. Also I find myself thinking of more things that I might lose if I don't walk away. That years ago I think I just took for granted. So for me anyway I think SCARED is NOT getting obsolete. It just gets worse as I get older as a BASE jumper and continue to walk away with a big smile on my face from the last jump. . Also made the comment after a couple of our more challenging jumps was that. "...We made out like fucking Thieves this week.".......... I am really starting to feel Privileged and lucky sometimes to make it home and to go back to the ordinary daily grind that I hated before I leave to go BASE jumping. .
  4. Dude the Only Thing in Eugene Oregon is. TieDye T-shirts, Bull-Dikes & a shit-load of Dope........... .
  5. RayLosli

    Turkey Jumps

    980: ..."She said Marty had decided to use toggles for heading corrections, as he could not get his canopy to turn using rear risers when he tried that." ..................... OK I am totally guessing about this in Marty's situation / Also would like to hear it from the Pilot to be a learning lesson for me and anyone else. but not being able to turn a No-Slider opening with a line twist using Rear Risers & having to go to Toggles sounds pretty suspect. The one thing that is consistent with lookers was that it was a Slow Canopy Carve to impact and That really has my curiosity up on why. This sport is non-forgiving sometimes on simple mistakes or just simply making a wrong move under extreme pressure. I am Not so much being critical of Marty's situation but my curiosity just gets Peeked-Out when I see 3 cliff Strikes in less than 24 hours. Two walk away and One gets carried out. I just have the need to understand why some make it and fill in the blanks -why- when they don't get to walk away. OK - Unlike the endless possibilities of twists you can have with Slider-Up openings. Or the dreaded Twist below the Slider. Locking/Keeping it from completing it's travel to the Risers and far out of reach to go above the Line Twist to make Heading Correction. For one No-Slider line twists are for the majority are Very Low and can even get so low as to Pin your head down. -(i have had this and seen this)- Also the opening of a No-Slider usually Whips the Pilot Out of the twist pretty quick just on it's own energy span wise of canopy and line spread. It would be a Rare Thing to have a line twist high and being physically able to reach above it on a No-Slider. If you have a line twist on a No-Slider opening and are under extreme pressure of a possible Strike. Pulling down on the Risers below the twist rather that reaching above would give hampered Heading Correction Input. Not only by friction of twist but by the fact that you can Not Give a compete Range of Motion (short stroke) Not able to pull Down Completely. Because of the fact of the twist being so close to the Risers on a No-Slider opening. Reaching Above the Twist will give you a full stroke/Range of motion. In all cases. Hopefully Marty will be able to fill in the blanks at some point if only it to be educational to everyone. Until then I'm only guessing on why he did not get a free pass to walk like everyone else did & that really sucks. Hopefully Marty wont keep me Guessing why. Untill then it only gives me a false feeling of security thinking I might know the answers by guessing. .
  6. RayLosli

    Turkey Jumps

    crazydave44: .."told me personally that he didn't have the strength to pull on his rears. So he goes to his toggles no matter what." ----------- I might be a little harsh here but You have got to be joking ??? You are saying that he Knows he does NOT have the ability to Pull Rear Risers ???? Holy Fucking Shit ! Say It Isn't So. I personally know that Smacking an object hurts but That is one of the most fucked-up things I have Read in a while. Knowing you have low experience and BASE Jumping off a shear-face object and NOT knowing that in desperation of Not Dieing that proper use of Rear Risers is Ohhhhhh so important to say the least. To personally make a decision to jump shear faced objects knowing you are going at it with a physical limitation that would have a direct effect on the outcome of a lifesaving recovery maneuver is just plain wrong but personal choice. Going for Toggles only for heading control on shear-face is an advanced move to say the least. If it was a personal decision that you go in the jump knowing the consequences of having physical limitation to save your life. That is a Ruff choice. That's a personal Choice and you knowingly accept the consequences. You are a free acting BASE jumper. .
  7. RayLosli

    Turkey Jumps

    dmcoco84: Anybody get a Turkey Day jump? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Uh Ohhhhh, Just so happens that Dexterbase and I got to Jug-Up a couple lines to top-out on, C-Tower on Thanksgiving Morning. we got 2-Min. canopy rides down the 1000 ft. talus & out to the Desert floor. . sucks you could not go.......... . Day before Thanksgiving We Also got to work on the BIG FISHERman, Pile-O-dirt. to Jug-up 5 pitches on the Colorado Route to TOP OUT and get Min.+ Canopy rides off that BigBoy and fly down and past Ancient art/cork-screw each to make a sweat landing. . ALSO: .......Most Entertaining was the 3 wall strikes in less than 24 hours we both got to see before pulling out of town back to the great N.W. .Chad says: "I'm workin on my BASE rescue number. Just One More Object to go ! "....... .
  8. Ya, Jimmy could well be the Tallest and Lightest WS pilot that is currently Flying. He has a WS profile/shape that would be desirable extended hang-Time for sure. The couple of BASE WS flights I saw him do in K.L. off the Menara tower. On One He went for a LZ lower down the base of Tower and made it there with about 150 ft. of altitude to spare on line stretch and pressurization. It was one of the best short altitude WS flight I ever saw. Not just any body shape would have made that distance no matter what the skill level. .
  9. ya dude and while your at it. You can Pay-Back that 100-$ spot I leant you also............. .
  10. don't know about heavy-weight but Jimmy freeman, an Aussy is one tall and Lanky guy in WS. he got to be @ least 6' - 6" PLUS could easily be taller. he is VERY slender body-build... (talk about a lawn dart) . Who is the Tallest and Skinniest flying a WS in the world ??? .
  11. ..." you'll be fine so long as you wear the helmet and knee pads you "borrowed" from me over a year ago! " -------------------- Dude that's Sweet the way you just Sliiiiiiipped that into conversation without skipping a beat. .nice move. .
  12. I'm stating to recall more about it know. I am really sure it was Smiley and he did get wet also after deployment. Steve Janz (AKA - Smiley)....... I saw him summer before this last and he was STILL jumping that same old BM-Classic up in Kamloops Canada. It was looking patched-up, pretty shabby and there were old burn holes in the legs from smoke cans. He can fly that thing good by now. . .
  13. Hang on DUDE I don't know about that. I think I remember Smiley on his Classic or somebody. I remember because I was there but I have seen so Many BASE jumps there all running together in my brain tonight. I think it was about 2000. I'm not trying to bull-shit you. Let me call DJ or somebody else that is still alive and double check who it was. I think for sure it was Smiley though. .
  14. Witelli: ..."I can't picture what action causes the femur to break." -------- Mostly, That would be the Action of, Flying above your level of skill you THINK you possess -AKA- ( flying above your head) ...... As I did in early 90's. Thinking I was a few hundred jump wonder. The one thing that you don't Realize & (it's kinda funny) is HOW MANY other people have & tell you that they broken there Femur until you do yours. Ahhhhh Yes I can still remember that till this day. My NEW ZP and every day going faster & faster & FASTER !......Wuuuu Haaaaa If I am not mistaken back then (the same year) It was the worst injury rate that year that uspa had on record for Low-Hook Syndrome. In my Case. Until that time. The Hottest Canopy on the DZ @ that time was a PD-150 & I would not listen to anybody's advice. So basically I was a case of ---- Flying With Head Up-ASS................ .
  15. nice. I basically made my Phantom order with all Black front / all Red Back. Nice and dark silhouette when someone looks up @ it and Nice and bright when someone is looking down on it. should be here shortly. Just in time to ENJOY this beautiful WINTER weather. .
  16. I don't think there is an answer on a lot of the arguing on. IF/Why/Or, she knew / if she understood the gear or all the bells an whistles. All this argument in defense of No Action Taken. It a big Smoke Screen and is not Relevant. Man this kind of a catch22 thing. You can Go On Forever on why you think she - Took No Action. and WHAT is to Blame for the person to just hang air time till the pyro pops the loop. this is all a big blame game to not deal with the Offense. This feeble defense & argument just goes round and round with no end. This is so Simple. Back to the original Post: Details: jumper with 100+ jumps hard a hard pull went back for second attempt, again hard pull. She them pulled the cutaway ONLY and went back to position. Cypress fired, and she landed out safely. When asked about the dive and why she did NOT pull the reserve, she stated that she was waiting for her RSL to deploy the reserve. ???? She was spoken too by many on the ground. Question to all is: Is this a grounding situation? . Answer to all is: YES . Fact is there are jumpers out there that don't have any mechanical aptitude what so ever. It just amazes the shit out of me because they jump year after year and nothing ever happens to them. Some never even pack there Main Canopy. I mean Never. It's either lack of mechanical aptitude or there just plain LAZY. You can call skydiving a sport but the fact is when your pulling of your Chosen Stunts in the Air called Disciplines. You are relying on a MECHANICAL MACHINE made of fabric and hardware to save your life in the end. It basically take WORK to learn the mechanical workings of a Rig and how all the components work together. Nobody's asking a person that Fails to Take NO Action to pick-up a Master Rigger ticket as a requirement to actually STAY ALIVE . All there asked to do is take responsibility for there Action on a skydive and be - Attitude aware - Get Something Out - And If nothings OUT. go to Plan-B. you ask ? Yes Plan-B. You take your hand and PULL the Reserve. THE ONLY reason a person does not pull there reserve is if they Brain-Lock. Brain-Lock leads to No Action Taken. No Action Taken leads to a Cypres fire. Cypres Fire leads to - Grounding. . Look it's not that big a deal. Grounded is a Time-Out. A Time-Out to think of what you Did Not Do. A Time-out for That Person to think of why and attempt to find Answers. A Grounding is a Learning experience. A time to think. Why they did not die and why they could NOT save there own life. .
  17. Man this is getting beat to death but I cant help myself. > > livendive: ..." teaching the cutaway-pull reserve procedure should make it moot." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Should make all else Moot. Buddy that about say's it all right there. I don't understand what everyone is arguing about ? It does not mater what safety back-up a student has in there Rig. an AAD. RSL or whatever else that person THOUGHT they had to save there life. I don't know what everyone else remembers about what they were taught in very beginning but It's always Cut & Pull. (maybe things have changed ???) As a student I was taught to Quickly assess your situation and cut & pull / 1-2 cut & pull / right and left. cut and pull. over & over & over. Apparently it was the Trainers that may NOT have drilled that into the person before turning them over to themselves. The person was cleared, cut loss to go out in the air. Right ? So it seems to me that it's 50-50. - Instructors and Student both - that are at fault. So each should take an ass-chewing equally. BUT if they did there job of instruction. Then that person should go back into the hanging harness and drill for a couple hours on EP's. Because apparently it's harder than it sounds. Cut & Pull. Fact is also: that if your AAD fires and your basically not Unconscious. Your Grounded. becouse guess what ? your not altitude aware. just my .02 cents. .
  18. RayLosli


    I found that when I started to get out there by and then between the Armatures. Usually It's the middle one because It is the longer one than the one above and one below. The static is worse but I try to keep a constant hand hold on the metal structure as much as possible as I am making my way out there to make a launch so the static does not get to build up as bad. It's when you are standing there with your boots as the only thing touch and the static builds up. Then you gab something and get popped by a spark. When you are surrounded with wires above and wires below and you are on the middle arm standing. It's like jalisco says you are surrounded by a huge amount of energy. like a huge energy flux field. it' gets to feel pretty weird. Your senses tell you that you are not suppose to be there The static builds fast on the armatures and I might be wrong but I think I got zapped even more on dry and cold nights when the air is real dry/low humidity. .
  19. Nice pics. I luv a nice antenna. I must be a tower whore @ heart. It's the best standing on top exposed 360 deg. to the natural elements and seeing the view. Nothing better. .
  20. mrt: ..." I know I should ask a doctor but I thought i would see if anyone else had encounted anything similar. " - Dude I hear ya on seeing them little white Sparkles. But I would not be to concerned though. I just write them off to all those (Magical) days I had back in the 70's. . Man I wouldn't go to a Doctor unless you can pass a piss-test......... .
  21. night BASE # 's ??? I thought that was just being a Normal BASE jumper. .
  22. I took the wing tip extensions/handles off on Sunday. Before doing a few more jumps with the tail Mod. I really did not care for the Handles. You could hold them and Lightly pull to make the trailing edge a little more taunt. but the GTi wing is very thick when inflated (thick all way to trailing edge) and I really did not know if it as really doing anything all that great that just using proper arm positioning did in flight. It might of made a small difference but the Tail extension and thinning the trailing edge is the major boost worth screwing around with. The last jumps on Sunday really started to feel good with the longer Tail. . wing tip extensions & gripper are easy to make / just lay wing out flat and follow the taped seam from trailing edge up to where you wound put a Gripper. They kinda resemble a small triangular shape with a gripper. They are not Big at all. / just sew/connect to the existing taped seam They look kinda cool but I don't think they go with the suit. Because the wing is really hard and thick when inflated all the way to the trailing edge. Just hold your wing out the door when you are taxing down the Runway and you will examine & see. Not to much more you can do to improve except build a whole new wing shape. A GTi is a GTi and that is that. .
  23. Katie don't apologize to that little fucker for bringing the Heat. Just tell him that if your not Burning an object. Your not jumping it hard enough. ------------- ..." I just jumped down after you four to tell you that you had been seen." . ........... .."Jumped after you four." - Must have been a ZOO Load. Sweeeeeeeeet........... .
  24. Hey I did more jumps and today with the Tail mod. I put on GTi. On the last jumps today I really had smooth flights. I got the body position dialed on it. It does up the forward speed performance for sure. because it is now narrow and long tail and has a totally different sweet spot. So when I got aggressive with it to max it out. It did not act the way I wanted it to act and was used to the way it was flying. It was just letting me know that I was Not dialed in on it by being ultra-sensitive and twitchy. I got some people telling me it that it most likely is acting like S-1 did and I just needed to give it a few more jumps so apparently they were right. .
  25. Ya it made me kind of aggravated too. I think that is why they call it Teasers. So warren miller has rights to footage and this is good stuff ? The biggest aggravation is that I have to sit through an 1-1/2 hour of ski/snowboard to see a couple minutes of kickAss WS footage. Cant one of you guys just take your HandyCam down to the theater and record the WS and then just post it ?...... .