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Everything posted by RayLosli

  1. I e-mailed this to (mfnren) along with some other canopy mechanical input . But I think I will put this up for anyone who has got the Newbie BASE Jumper, Slider-Up Shakes. Who is scared shitless of Line-overs and Line Twist and Ball-Buster openings and Rightly so. So if your already a Expert BASE Jumper No-Need to Read. Just Disregard. ................... So you think you now how to BASE jump because you got a Hundred slider-down BASE Jumps ? It's not like the 1-2-3 second delay Slider-Down - Wham-Bam. 7-cell BASE canopy you Grew to Love. BECAUSE Now Ha-Ha you put a Slider on it. The 7-cell BASE Canopy can be a complex tool for Slider-Up BASE. With many Facets of Pressurization on the Slider-up Mode. Even though you pack the BASE Canopy Fabric, Slider-Down almost identical to the way you pack Slider-Up. 1st off. Slider-Up in BASE is an Art in itself. You need to Throw out the Majority of what you learned of Canopy Packing as a Skydiver. To control opening pressurization speeds. Don't Roll the Nose / No Need for Small-Mesh or Sail-Sliders. Also: the biggest wives-tale in town. so pull your fucking Skirts up and Leave in or Tack-in Permanently your Tail-Gate because there is no way in Hell it is ever going to get caught in your Large-Mesh Slider. Look @ the Nose & size of your 7-cell Nose openings and Side-Porting. You can climb inside each cell. Canopy Venting is nice-+ and has some presurization input on opening but the Nose is in Control of the Majority of Air Volume consumed at pressurization. It also Points the Direction you want to Fly In when Open. But this is NOT a double edged sword as most people think when try to Control opening speeds. I, Like some others have learned how to control my opening speeds without Rolling the Canopy Nose. I don't screw with the nose I just Directly Present It to the air-flow for Canopy-Pressurization. and to MAXIMIZE good Heading. Open & Rap the center Nose around pack job and do not fold or role the end three on each side. I control the majority of - Canopy Opening Delay Speed - with direct Slider control with Primary-Stow control / direct break-line control will give just a little extra delay @ different air speeds with different amounts of tape rap. / I use Tape in conjunction with Slider and Primary stow for the desired amount of delay I want. Slider-Up. I Never use the Nose of Canopy for delay control / You are directly affecting Heading and pressurization @ the same time. So Why Do It If you Don't have to ? You can achieve what you want for Canopy Opening delay with direct slider control with primary stow control. I get nice smooth openings at even the highest air speeds. Never overly snappy hard. Also nice Headings. .
  2. It would be that skydiving Animal and Legend - Fradet .
  3. JACKO ! - France ? Did he sew/make, the. -( Jacko ) ???? I think we have a -World Famous- Jacko BASE Rig up here in Oregon. D.J. up here has a old,used (very basic) -no padding, no frills, Velcro BASE rig bought 2nd hand from jumper named Eric from France. A few years back. If you ever see that Mr. Jacko. Tell him that that. I made TWO Shivel-Flaps for it over the last few years.The Rig is old, tattered and Raggy but still holding together and still being jumped. .
  4. I can't believe this thread got dragged up. OK how but this one While standing on the edge of a Cliff. A few of us were getting ready to Exit. . " Your standing on your Bridal. IDIOT. " - Slim .
  5. jejejelle .... "so dont focus on the coin, but on the theoratically controllable stuff and practical improbabillity (sp?) of controlling it"..... ------------- When you say - ..."the flip of a coin." - What that means to me is. Or how I interoperate that is. Just tossing your Pilot-Chute out and What ever opening you get. Just Deal With It. I also don't assume on any set of facts or principles When I toss It out. Theories on trying to gain or have control and theories why things did not turn out the way you planed them to. After you toss your Pilot-Chute out. I threw that crap out the window a long time ago. I don't believe or Assume to believe in any set of fact or principals involved with prediction of Heading Performance on Opening. I Self-Empower with Fact / Repetitious Training and gaining awareness in depth of body position and awareness in my surrounding elements including the object I am standing on and always folding the Canopy fabric the same on Every Pack-job without deviation. So there - Na Na NaNa Na -and- sticking my tongue out at you. Now back to reading my Comic Book. . .
  6. Fortunately it NOT just the - Flip of the Coin - When you are Making a BASE Jump. Even with some of your most technical objects. The Jumper Is In Control. / Control of all Variables and the Outcome. .
  7. JFK: ..."nice to dig out a one year old thread " ------ No shit. I about freaked out when I saw ManBirds post. I thought he was banned for life for Hacking in to this fucking Cesspool. My first thought was Steve must have given Sangiro blow-job's via e-mail to get back in.......... . .
  8. Dude that is an extremely broad question. You need to narrow down the type of Delay along with slider-Up or slider-Down. ( there is probably page opon page of endless dribble on What Causes off-headings in the forum-search ) . Actually I never had my first true 180 till 300+ jumps. Then I had like two in one month about 3 weeks later. - SoYou never know when or where. I would say I had a good 5-6 good 180's in the first 500 BASE jumps. . Yes a bigger Canopy with a proper Brake setting is Slower on Movement than the same Canopy in smaller square footage. .
  9. ..".In the past two months, three people have tried the jump there." .............. TRIED, wtf , TRIED. ! 3 people in the past 2 months ? You need to take there fucking parachutes away from them until they grow-up and learn how to make a BASE jump. .
  10. RayLosli

    full moon in CA

    Dude, Jesters Dead. .
  11. RayLosli

    Birth of a rig

    Tree: ..." Bolivia, you say? " . Ya Mon, das hwat i say, fuuuken lookin lika Bolivia Flag. . Ahhh, It's a job sewing -(cringe)- I broke down this last winter & designed & built a couple of new single-pin BASE containers and done some A-S-E jumps on them to check them out. have done over 500 on totally all my own equipment except the Canopy. Dude you wont regret jumping ALL YOUR OWN container systems. It's a good feeling to be Mechanically self-contained for BASE. I know I would not want to be Caught DEAD jumping in someone else's Container System and equipment. ..
  12. RayLosli

    Birth of a rig

    Dude that thing looks like the National Flag of Bolivia. I thought you finished that Pin Rig of yours a long time ago ? . .
  13. pBASEtode: ..."I think the scary part will be when I'm in a wheelie, balancing on the rear wheels, with the fronts wheels over the edge, hanging there for a few seconds while I muster up the courage to go." . I was Wondering. Can you also wear a pair of Water Skis and a Red Bull Helmet while sitting in the chair when you exit ? . .
  14. RayLosli

    LB swiss

    Ya you Punks - Take it to the Horner ! I don't appreciate Me Reading about all the FUN your having. - Kids and there WingSuits. What are you gona do, You can't tell them shit ? . .
  15. Hydro "My Dark Side sig refers to freeflying...not BASE...maybe I'm using it wrong." - Excuse me for misunderstanding your dark-side as being Free-flying. "I forget sometimes that the BASE Zone is mostly Skydivers. . Hydro "I'm definately not in a rush. If there is one thing I have learned in my 100 or so jumps...it's that I have lots to learn, and will ALWAYS have more to learn." - Dude I still learn something New every time I make a skydive or a BASE Jump. & I cant Wait to learn something new on the NEXT ONE.......... Sunny Cal. is not to far away from where I live, when ya start BASE jumping give me a call.. . .
  16. Thijs" ..." I could just buy a base rig, fly to the US and give that ski-dude a call." - He's a smart-ass. I like him already. . .
  17. HydroGuy: ..." I now have ~110 jumps. I would love to say that the magical number 150 is coming up soon and I'm off to Apex...but the fact is I don't think I'd be comfortable enough @ 150 jumps. I'm shooting for 300." - " My point is starting skydiving solely to BASE isn't that far fetched... " - Very honest and understandable statements. I think there are a lot of people like you who think they want to start Skydiving in order to BASE jump. When they actually start to learn to Skydive and start to take care of themselves and start to become Altitude Aware. They see that what little they have learned about Taking care of themselves when doing that 1 Minute of Free-Fall and pulling @ 2000 feet, also to the mechanics of an open Canopy and the skills of flying and Landing. When the Beginning goal of skydive jumps / maybe 200 for example, Starts to appear on the horizon. Most I think realize that the learned skills of those 1-Minute skydive. Will now be reduced to 10 seconds or less from begining to end in some cases when making a BASE jump. The Big-Picture sometimes becomes a Little More Clear @ that point to most enthusiastic Wana-Be, BASEers. Then they start setting a more realistic Learning Path to the Dark-Side........... . . HydroGuy: "The Dark Side Already Owns Me... " . edit to add: Your intelligent statement for your ending of Post should be. . I Will Not be in such a hurry to be -Consumed, Overpowered and Owned- by the Dark-Side of BASE jumping to soon. Most of the Jumpable Objects in the world will still be there along with a few new ones when I start. . .
  18. Dont believe the Lie. Dude any BASE object in the World that you jump with a Pin-Rig you can jump with a Velcro-Rig. . That includes Wingsuit and Jumping at terminal air speeds. .
  19. RayLosli

    BASE dytter

    rl: "But I'm surely glad I have some use as a straight (wo)man. Any Lee story is a good story. " --- Hey did you hear the one about Lee and a Mormon Wedding, 15 year old Brides Maids and a bottle of Champagne ? . .
  20. RayLosli

    BASE dytter

    Jaap, When you climb out there by yourself and exit. It's up to You. & You have to make this BASE jump Happen. from beginning to the end. also I can tell you.460 can develop all the BASE Dytters he wants. You wont catch me wearing one.
  21. RayLosli

    BASE dytter

    Well Hell, Jaap Why not just give the 1st jump, BASE students a, Accelerometer Chip when You AFF the person off an object. If he gets unstable or gets away from the Jumpmaster he will get a Beep Beep to Pull. Dude you need to - Get Real - and rely on your Brain & Eyes. I believe they call that Experience. I also believe that Experience grows into timing, technique and Skill you will Need to Survive as a BASE jumper. . .
  22. RayLosli

    BASE dytter

    OK I am biting on this one. Also I am NOT Interested but I will give you some Feed-Back - 460: " ...I am in beta testing of a base Ditter. Just like skydiving years ago, jumpers said "why would we need such an item? We should be heads up enough to never have to rely on such a thing." Well, skydiving has come much further because of the Ditter. Head down for example." ............ OK, the Ditter on skydives is aware of the Hard-Deck as Zero. You exit @ 13,000 you pull @ @2000. The accelerometer chip goes by a desired pre-planed delay of choices.Both Mentally and Mechanically. besides the chance of mechanical error or failure. The Ditter has just two things. Set the altitude desired to Deploy then it Beeps. - The accelerometer chip has several Variables. you have to know the Hard-Deck correctly ( the correct height) of object to Impact. That can vary much depending ( Point of Impact ) or height of Talus or the ( Quality ) of BASE jump you Have. Like Exit, Body positioning to quality of a Track from object to impact point or even length of wingsuit BASE flight. - I am not saying it is Not a Noble cause but I don't think it is a Healthy idea to interact with any kind of altitude awareness devise when BASE jumping. A DZ is a DZ you set your Ditter. Exit out of a plane then there is the ground all weekend long. Jump after Jump. Then you pull @ a set altitude prescribed by BSR's of skydiving. Like 2000 ft. safety cushion of Space from Pull to the ground. - BASE is ever changing in Heights, Terrain and Objects also BASE can have several Points of Impact. Like Ledges or Buttresses or different ranges of Talus height and, Bla Bla Bla. - I am sure you are a smart guy and I'm not saying don't Build a BASE-Accelerometer for a altitude awareness I am Almost Positive someone will buy one. . There is always some dumb mother fucker you is NOT Confident enough to be Altitude Aware of his or her surroundings when making a BASE jump. THEY will NEED the -Artificial Confidence- of a BASE Ditter to keep him or her altitude aware and tell them when to PULL around there EVER Changing Hard-Deck. When doing a BASE Jump. Hey how about a BASE AAD for a Reserve to go along with that BASE accelerometer chip.? Then you can do all the BASE jumps you want while Tracking on your Back looking up. Doing Camera Work. your BASE accelerometer chip will tell when to ROLL-OVER and Pull. SweeeeeeeT - No Responsibility @ All.. - Fuck it sounds almost like a Skydive. . .
  23. you are saying your buddy had 2-PCA's and both were a 180 deg. heading ??? That is very interesting. - You say the launch was stable and straight out. What way is strait out on body positioning ??? Strait out Horizontal - Flat ? or strait out Vertical up & down to launch ? - There are a bunch of important variables to a PCA to remember when doing or giving one. but I really doubt if the 180 is Multi-Related. it could have been Pack Job related or container related like, dragging off a side flap and turning the canopy , body positioning. maybe you center cell striped him or outside wind influence, bridal off angle to center cell on deployment on container opening and deployment, or a bunch of others. maybe bad luck. I think he should do a couple more and see how it goes on the heading performance because if it happens more than 2 for 2 then I am real interested. . .
  24. Avery "Consider yourself a test jumper". ...... Avery Is Right about that and Also: 95% of the people cutting out and sewing your Canopy's have never been in the Air under a Canopy. . .