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Everything posted by RayLosli

  1. They are running Film previews of new Warren Miller (extreme ski) here in Oregon all week long. They are showing some WS teasers vid. short clips. Is it Loic ? or is this going to be something New ??? .
  2. Also Ordered New Phantom yesterday from Morpheus. I think I must have a sub-conscience NEED for a WS change after making tail modification .in GTI last week to up performance. From what I have been reading here and from what friends have told me that are also excellent ws pilots. The Phantom is turning out to be more than expected for Range and Speed with excellent Glide-Ratio. So I guess it's goodbye to my long time friend GTi. We have had good times together......... .
  3. I also remember checking out a couple of those (backpack/base rigs) that Dennis made around 1999. those thing were the shit. I mean they really looked like a small Day-Pack (backpack) nice piece of work. I would be interested in checking out the one made from x-keys. The one that Dennis made. Anyone, even jumpers could walk by and glance at and not be the wiser. .
  4. I keep hearing Body Positioning but Body Positioning is nothing without Awareness. . 60 % - Body Position Awareness 35 % - Pack 5 % - outside influence . You really want to know the Main Cause for Injury-Accidents ? That would be Throwing your Healthy Body off the top of Fixed objects. .
  5. SOooooooo, did you guys ever decide on any good advice to give him other than DuckTape & a Hook Knife.......... .
  6. I heard that you squeezed a BIG Phat. 9-Second delay on that jump............. .
  7. Most modern skysurf binder release systems would work for your cross-over to Snow. Except I would make Sure that the ( Stirrup/Toe binder ) was also set-up Released on the Same Cable. For Safety Skysurf. you are most defiantly @ high air speed when out of control cut away happens. So the board will come off easily/Fast Low air speed will be more consistent with a canopy Mal. / low air speed on the release/cutaway for the board. (might be slow) without the High air speed of free-fall. . The skysurf binders should just be make larger for your Boots and MAYBE all should work fine............ .but also I have screwed around with some Ski's for ski/skysurf and we were using VERY OLD Ancient binders off them. which did not resemble the ski binders of today. They released pretty good because the cable was easy to attach to the way they Manually released back then. NOT like the new step in type of today. If you can Hunt Down the old ski binders from a garage sale or antique store try that way for release. . good luck..... .
  8. Just a educated guess from the limited info given. exit linked/mr. bill then here is my Questions ? Was the exit a PCA for the 1st Canopy inflated/Out ? or was it a Go&Throw When was the 2nd Canopy deployed prior to - the Leg-Lock, into the Down-Plane ? was this @ BD ? . It's not as easy as it sounds. Having done some Mr.bills from a 182. Most are screwed-up @ the Exit. So this is a pretty nifty little stunt. for a BASE jump .
  9. Man I really like that F-jpg very much. Very BASE and that Suit !. Has really struck a nerve in me. Half, Tracking suit -&- Half, WingSuit. Also the concept of the Integrated Harness Container system. Very stream-line. Very Futuristic. The idea of having a integrted Rig and Suit. As One machine of fabric and hardware. Has always been in the back of my mind. .
  10. ya i always cry like little girl when i get my ass kicked by a flying WS animal............ Hey Bax, I thought about going but I went the last two years to RG. You really don't appreciate how bad-ass and special a site can be till you skip a invite. dude mail me if you are going anywhere for thanksgiving. .
  11. I usually have my neck straight, looking as the ground or side to side. Rig is about average size / 120 main / 150 reserve / 6'-0" height 180 lbs Been flying the GTi for a few years but not hard core. No big flocking just a 2 or 3 way once in a while. or some tandem slalom. No expert just like to fly but I got a good solid relationship with the GTi., know my sweat spot. . I think what I am going to do is take the wing mod. off. Then take it up for a few jumps so I can feel the Tail mod. alone by itself. Use same arm and Body position as ussual. Playing with both mods. for me is kind of like chewing gum and Whistling @ the same time........ Me pulling on and playing with trailing edge of wing was a big air flow change with the wing mod. and grippers. .
  12. Maybe. anything is possible but Logically that was to best choice for enhancement of drive. The Tail and inflation of shape is thick to the trailing edge of GTi for me the Easy choice was was.... ( add Length ) + ( make trailing edge of wing thin ) = ? Sounds like a Win-Win situation. ? Not that there is no such thing as an Easy fix. but I think it is a little more complicated than that. Everything must flow through the air fluently with proper balance when you max out your body position for max. drive. If it was that easy I would just sew two pieces of blue plastic tarp together. Then climb inside and fly.... .
  13. Hey jojo - Dude I hear you and what you are saying. That thing is a F###ing Animal. To fly it hard and clean for an entire 13-k flight in Real Hard. but I did it. I got down and slam packed and jumped on another Load. I got to about 6-k on #2 and just lost strength. Flew it dirty for a grand or two and pulled. I felt like a little girl. It was very humbling experience. That thing kicked my ass. On #-1 flight. I Knew I was moving forward a lot faster than my GTi but I really did not notice the forward speed was that hot until I pulled. I had almost instant canopy and got stretched out feet first........... BUT That's Not the BEST Thing about it. I rested up and switched suits back to GTi. Then went up on a load. I NEVER flew my GTi so well. I just hammered that thing out for everything it was worth. After the V-1 the GTi was almost no effort with Max. performance. .
  14. Well I took it for a couple of flights today. the weather has been kind of hit and miss till this afternoon. first I took it out @ 5-k for a quick one to catch the feel. then I went to 10-k to play with arm positioning with full extension of tail. I got to sat that I think that it is a mistake in taking the tail of the GTi all the way to the ground. I screwed up. (there i said it) I was wrong....... It defiantly was not smooth at all and kind of twitchy when you mad a full extension and locked the knees and pressed it out flat and stiff. I am no WS expert but I think with that narrow of stance with the GTi. then the full extension to the ground is just bad harmonics. The second I backed off just a little and bent the knee some. it smoothed out. I did have good forward drive with the extension but it just felt wrong as far as a good balance. bad balance or harmonics is the only way I can describe it. I possibly could have made a Better Choice just leaving it short but just making it wider to increase the surface area and enhance the drive. Not longer. .
  15. Mr. T ? ....... that would be Sooooooo Wrong. ! To be honest here I am not quite sure that, Mr. T would be Low Enough on the social ladder for you to actually expect him to attend. I am Sure that the Loud, Belligerent, Bing-Bling wearing x-star of the - A Team or Rocky - Would Not Fit-In and blend with the usual White Trash - Freak show that actually Hangs on that bridge. No Way You can expect him to stand next to the Snake Charmer -Bible thumper Billy-Bob tooth vendor. Or that guy running around in the Roach suit and the rest of those local-Yocals on Bridge Day. It would defiantly be a Humiliating experience for him and possibly damaging to his career...... .
  16. hey man, Now put a extension on the GTi tail. It added 5 inches to O.A.L. of Tail & also made trailing edge THIN........ I put stiffener in the thin edged extension also. To keep it's flexibility I only stiffeners are in the triangular stitching pattern closest to the trailing edge. (in the stitch pattern) - The triangles pointing up (closest to trailing edge) have stiffeners the ones that are pointing down have none. I did not see the use in doing wing mod. without Tail also. . I read in an earlier thread that someone put a Carbon Fiber in trailing wing and tail edge. I am assuming that C.F. had a directional stiffness weave in it. that also sounded like a good idea for WS mod.. .
  17. phillbo: "Since the Skydive and the Canopy ride are 2 different parts of the jump, why not regulate them as such. Current license requirements for the Skydive portion of the jump and new licensing requirements for the Canopy portion of the jump. Prove your capable and then you can downsize, in a controled enviroment. " --------------------------------- Phillbo that sounds like an outstanding Idea. I think on top of all other requirements that all new AFF graduates do. They should also be told that they now have to meet a mandatory number of Canopy flight coaching jumps given by a qualified USPA rated, Canopy Skills Coach. .
  18. RayLosli

    my new rig

    leroydb: " bet that would look smack booty under a blacklight. " ----------------------- I dont know about BlackLite but I sure could use something in Bright-Neon for Deer Season this year. .
  19. saberdave: ..."My personal thoughts on factory divers and the such is that they are more or less useless." ---------------------------------------- Hey Dave I like you and all but I beg to differ on this one. I got to say ONE Thing. All I ever hear is how fucked up Factory Diver full-face helmets are as being Sub-Standard. The one time I did have an object strike I was wearing a Factory Diver full-face. and an OLD an Original Style on top of that. The blow was enough to snap 3 Ribs and knock me dizzy but I walked a way with help from my friends. It did take impact to the -right front quarter side- and it prevented direct damage to Facial & Temporal Lobe on impact. The Factory Diver did it's JOB. while also staying in One Piece. With Exception to a few small fracture lines. I say there are choices where there has been better tests done for devastating crushing blows/impacts. but the main thing is. Just wear a full face Helmet on every BASE jump. because you never know. .
  20. ..."but this person remarked it's only day blazing if you are caught." _________ Ya that is sometimes true. If your not -Burning it- you are defiantly not jumping it enough. Becouse nobody stays invisable forever. You should be jumping that thing as much as you can get away with. Chances are when that building is done or near completion. Its going to be sealed up-tight and REAL hard to access. You should be Gettin It. While the Gettin's good. - It also Doesn't really sound like your feeling to guilty about it.......... .
  21. HEY, Yuri How Cold is the water down there early in the morning ??? I hear It's Fast Too. ......... .
  22. Tom : .Do not assume that the people at your local skydiving clubs are experienced enough to be BASE mentors. The may have made some BASE jumps, but that is not really enough to be an effective mentor. ............... Ahhhh Yes - the old case of, The Blind leading the Blind. I think I have seen or heard this happen a time or two. .
  23. 736 ..."I've been preparing to piss myself " ------- Maybe Your friends should cut-you-off the Beer. A little earlier in the evening. ....... .
  24. Dex. I can tell you are juice-up about going. You will luv-it. I been there twice. It is by far one of the best bridge You will ever jump. It is more than Tall. It gives the cliff like visuals in FF and especially on deployment. With the added excitement of a visual effect of Walls that are closing in on you when you are setting-up at the LZ. Also the thrill of Cold & fast moving water and some Boulders and Train tracks. and on top of that for a Bonus sometimes small and unpredictable wind rotors @ the bottom end of your fun. But I would not worry though. it is really nothing you have not done before. It's just on a larger scale. ................ .
  25. NICE, Very NICE ! It gets my blood pumping just watching. I had small Heart Palpitations and sweating.! Now excuse me. I have to watch the teaser, one more time......... .