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Everything posted by RayLosli

  1. Veter, I would like to announce that from this day forward. Anyone who buys a New BASE Canopy can have the Manufacture mail it directly to me. Plus return Postage. I will put several Test Jumps on your New Canopy. Then Will put my OFFICIAL OK (safety approval stamp) on the canopy. Nothing to me is more important than your Safety and You Feeling Confident that your BASE Canopy was given a Full Flight Check............ .
  2. RayLosli

    US Congress

    ..."men, who generally were military Airborne types." ........... Most Excellent point Made. The Hidden depth and the -Remembered- love & excitement of free-fall. That the X-members of Airborne and other Military branches have. They are a group/minority that no one ever thinks about. Especially BASE jumpers. Don't underestimate them. It can defiantly swing positive favor your way. . .
  3. Shin: ... "try to discuss without an RH attack. " . Skin, that would be a tall order to fill. I personally until this moment have never typed a word publicly concerning HR but all I had to do over the years is listen and read from the surrounding jumping community to make a decision to Not ever get involved. All I know is that I have only meet HR a couple times in my life but Every were he goes there is a constant or very Consistent Black-Cloud of bad feelings that surrounds his jump history. Just the mention of his name in any discussion on the Boards or in BASE jump conversation end up in Argument and flat out just negative energy everywhere in the 50 states of BASE jumpers. Even BASE jumpers that have never meet the man are confused by the stories that they hear flying around in there jumping travels around the country. I understand he is Articulate and inelegant but his personal interaction with the jumping community seems to be flawed. So it's kind of like RH is a small piece of ( intertwining Jump History ). Everyone is being FORBIDDEN to talk about. I don't quit understand why free discussion would be denied other than. -In this Case- It just escalades -Every Time- to Bad feelings and Bad energy and That pretty much speaks for itself. So the only way you might be able to stop any RH discussion on the boards without any Attack seems to be just flat out Censor and create a One-Sided view and discussion. On a subject hat seems to intertwined it's way through the jumping community. Or is that what you are trying to say has already happening ? .............. Skin: ..." Should BASE be legal...ever?" . Lets just Make-believe that you wake up tomorrow and Miraculously by and act of a magical Genie. All Public Domain is legal to Launch your Body or Parachute off. What do you think will happen ? I don't actually have any membershit to any jump organization other that USPA. I actually don't have any BASE # and don't know if I will ever join or get deeply involved in any jump organization. Has that stopped me from getting all the BASE jumps I want ? - NO . ** If a real BASE jumper wants a Object bad enough. He or Her will put the WORK into it and MAKE the BASE jump happen..** That little statement is the Primal Core of EVERYTHING that defines BASE. . WARNING : I am going to be a little frank and opinionated from this sentence on and the below statements. - Skin you need to QUIT FUCKING AROUND and get to the REAL underlining Point of discussion. A BASE jumper who is serious in jumping. Will jump and fulfill his or her dreams. No doubt about it. If you could just walk up and jump off any fucking thing in town at a hearts whim. I got to ask you. What is the challenge in that ? What is Learned ? & ALSO, Is that Really what BASE is ? Is BASE simply just about doing a jump ? BASE is not about having the FREEDOM to go out and just walk-up and jump anything you just fucking feel like jumping. . Fuck That Shit. That's NOT BASE jumping and that's -NOT- what I was Taught BASE was about. What kind of BASE experience and knowledge is gained by letting anybody that -THINKS- he or her are a BASE jumper. Just walk up to any God Damn thing they want and just Run it into the fucking ground. With little Thought, little Plan of action and little Respect gained by actually WORKING for a FUCKING BASE JUMP. I just want to Fucking Puke at the thought of BASE becoming just the NORMAL accepted, Run of the Mill sport. Anybody that plays along with this Bag of Horse Shit. Is a Fucking Dumb Ass. You are not a BASE jumper and never will be a BASE jumper. All I got to say is " Fuck Them." I am going out and make a BASE jump. Because I am a BASE jumper. . . also : Duuuuuuuuuuude what did you do.??? Your Trade Mark pic. / boy in a plastic hood, sucking on a plastic straw ????? . . .
  4. Faber: "You promised no hike could you hold that promise? guess not,its all your fault anyway." ..... You were not hiking. You were Running Scared and holding Peters Hand for comfort. ------------------------------------ Faber: "when will i get my waterfall?" ..... You will get your Waterfall around here, when Hell Freezes Over, Fat-Boy. ... (just joking)..... . Also BIG NEWS It's Not FABER that holds the Record for the, Fastest Pilot-Chute Toss in these neck of the woods. It now goes to Peter. I think his Toe was still touching the edge when he pitched his Pilot-Chute. Hell that jump of his may not even be Considered as being a Free-Fall. . .
  5. Be WARNED they will BURN your objects. Fucking Day Blazing Danes. those Bastards Left me hiding from the Law for about 5 Hours today. Cant talk about it right now though got to get some sleep. . . edit to add: yeah, and as the pickup guy I got shagged by the man for an hour and a half....thanks fu(#ers!!!!......base587
  6. Faber "Ray,if i get off that S on mt way down tonite ill pack slider up,i wont undo my packjob through..after all its 20 mins of work duude " ............. Fuck you Buddy. I Will Repack that for You. Noooooooo ProBbLeeemmmmmOo. Your not getting out of this that easy. . .
  7. OHhhh --- MaaaaaaaaaNnnnn. ! --- Slider Down / 900 Ft' I'm packing Up right Now for Faber tonight and that's just Bugging the hell out of me. I Cant stop thinking about that What a Dirty Fucking High Puller. . .
  8. Faber: ..."Ray L. i heard your PM ing Chad as you want to hook up,its not gonna happen i were told your weired,if i meet you tomo,just dont kill me as im jumping your A slider off .................. What the F##&X# you Mo##_f**#* LIGHT Weight F**#_##* PIECE OF F**#_#*%##) Danish_+# SH##$_ Faber - If you think I am Driving you all the way over there. To climb up to the top of our local Antenna tonight & you think you are going Slider Down. That aint going to Happen my friend. You Dane Punk - You better pull your Fu##king Skirt up an Man-Up...... . . edit to add: Hey I might have been a little Harsh just then. Let me add some positive reinforcement - I, Expect NO LESS than - Line-Stretch & Inflation right to Toggles - Flair and Land. .
  9. Man your being a little, Hostile with a slight touch of the O'l, (there coming to get me) Paranoia here. WTF ? ....a jack-Ass Post ? and I still do not see HOW that Post is helping the Cops. also the only thing Bull-Shit about these post is you, copping an attitude that In there -Frenzied Search- & by some fantastic Web-Hunt, stroke of good Luck the local Seattle police Dept. while trying to fight the Huge organized Base jumping cartel along with there other duties of a large major city. Yep. they are probably Logging-On and going down these -Crime Riddled Posts- as we speak and filing our name away in there huge anti-BASE Database to Ruthlessly track us down without Mercy. All the Post says is ... 3 parachutist were Seen @ 3 in the morning. and then all it's doing is repeating pubic info. Ohhhhh ..then there is the Replies. Fuck that's will Really Piss the Seattle law enforcement off. Zennie: Maybe the cops up there have more time on their hands but when I got busted the cop who took me into the station thought the whole thing was a complete waste of his time. McGruff says: "Help take a bite out of crime...." - and of course: leroydb, Super intelligent post with that Police aggravating witty statement of: Another bit of un-educated journalism... Dangerous, Yes... illegal... not all the time... Its like saying sex is illegal... well certain positions are.... - Fuck,! They will most likely give those BASE jump the, CHAIR or life without Parole fallowing the Drag-Net and huge Man-Hunt to Follow this THREAD. You piss off Seattle's Best off and there is Hell to Pay my friend. . .
  10. Hey.....I was wondering if anybody Knows the WANK . Who Submitted the BASE- bridge photo Jump in SUNNY California. The Photo was submitted by, Fred Pomermayer / jumper, Fernando Monteiro Skydiving News Magazine, July 05, - Issue# 288 After some -HARD- thinking on the person of FAULT to bad Etiquette and Form. It is -Clearly Not- Skydive Mag. Fault for printing SUBMITTED INFO. (name and Location) Man that really Sucks you Giving-Up a sweet little object like that to Skydive Magazine only to entertain the Public Riff-Raff. Submitting Photos of your Cool BASE Jumps is OK But - Don't leave it up to the Magazine to be the Judge of - WHAT NOT TO PRINT. Or make a decision to what is bad etiquette in the BASE community. (just my opinion) . Nice Jump / A little to much info given.. . .
  11. Dan.... Hey good job on surviving. . In your new BASE log-book / post You failed to mention somewhere between Jumps # 4-8 You Running over my BASE container, you were jumping. With a Subaru 4x4. That's right, He ran over my Rig with a fucking Car. and YES I did make him go up and Jump the container he ran over with out opening it up and fucking around with a perfectly good pack job. There was Righteous / Karma / payback, though. In the stash bag with the Rig was his New, Bonehead carbon fiber helmet nicely Fractured and Broke. .. . It was nice showing someone that had enough skydives and Tandem jumps the BASICS of BASE jumping. I had no problems with Dan doing his first jumps. Pilot-Chute Stowed and opening in Strong Winds going straight-down or Backwards on landings. With as much skydive jumps he has. I just Ground Schooled him in the car drove up to the bridge and threw his Ass Off. I didn't want to hear any Whining like. "it's to windy" or "were is my Board to stand on when I climb over the Rail and Launch of on Exit ?" or "Will you hold my Pilot-chute and PCA me ?" Skydiving experience, Doing Tandems, Canopy Swooping and Ground Launching made my job very easy for giving him a little more BASE responsibility that I would give most Students. So by the 6th jump I was letting him put himself off flat and stable. I just stood around and made sure he didn't do anything stupid and filled in answers and Do and Don't advice when asked or Needed . He wanted to do a Slider-up and be shown how to Tie himself off on a PCA with some Break Cord. So I combined the two to put a -little pressure- on him and over load his sensory input on his last jump. He Did Not fail miserably but he was overloaded and he made a couple bad decisions like instinctively going back to previously learned canopy Skills and Technique.. but the bridge is pretty forgiving and that's the place for him to make mistakes and learn. Dan did pretty good, over all and Will be a good BASE jumper if He puts the work into it. It was Good and Windy so I cut Him some slack on the Accuracy and desired Flight Control. ________________________ - OK - I even learn when I am Teaching. Even a Student that has a couple thousand skydives with Tandem experience, Swooping and some Ground Launching skills. Did not have the proper Canopy Skills that I would have liked to see. That is when after inflation and Heading assessment or Correction has been done. The Canopy must be Slammed into Half breaks and use Flat Turn technique to line-up on approach then -Ride The Wire- in to a desired landing spot. Twin Bridge is the -Perfect Spot- for repetitious training for Body Position awareness and altitude Awareness. but, Accuracy and learning how to Fly your Canopy down in a steep descending line of approach. (-Riding the Wire-) With half-breaks using flat-pivot turns. Is just as important as the first two things. In real life that will pull your ass out of a Hospital stay when things turn to shit and you are forced to go to plan-B. So from now on I am going to beat Canopy control into every student I have. Because If I Do Not. They will -Instinctively Revert back- to there previously learned skills under Canopy. When they are under pressure and are a little over loaded. So I would like to thank Dan for teaching me a Lesson and reminding me of this. * Fun Times.* . .
  12. Dex: "You'll get to jump with Faber! " - OHhhhhhh, I'm Looking forward to it. .
  13. Faber, Faber, Faber Son, You -NEED- a GOOD person to teach you the FINE-Points of BASE Jumping. You need to come here and spend a couple Weeks with me. I will shape your fucking, BASE Jumping Ass up in a Hurry, Brutha......... . Everything you say is WRONG in that post / except agreeing that. Fact - there is a higher probability that you will miss a toggle as opposed to a riser. (but you might want to add -Might Miss- to that sentance. If you don't want to use your Toggles over Risers in a Bride BASE jump for a Heading Correction. Then you don't know what your Missing. . .
  14. Is that all you got..? Bring it on Buddy...... Hey, Hey, Hey. What do you mean. If, If, If ? IF - your jumping you jump and IF you Don't you Don't Jump. If your jumping a Bridge the ONLY. decision to make is Toggles over risers. There's No - IF - about it.... If you are Jumping a Bridge and you Open off-Heading. You tell me - Why Everyone should not Use the Toggles ? It is Superior in Speed of Correction. Is it Not. ? Especially if you Have A Tail wind on a 180. On a Bridge BASE Jump. (If I am wrong about that correct me.) Learning is Learning. For every one. & Learning Is Safety. As far as Students Go. They are all different. ( Right ? ) If a learning Student is Not getting to much Sensory overload and is a Good Learner. Why not teach Him Or Her the BEST way ? They can Handle it. The Brighter mechanically skilled People will always stand-out over the SLOW-learners. ' TB : "Toggles to correct heading on lower jumps #2 - 90 degree off heading - excessive toggle input = hook turn landing....." - What the FUCK ? Is that a Trick Question ? OK....If ANY BASE jumper or Student does not know that a Hook-Turn with Toggles Low to the ground is BAD. He or Her will Learn Pretty F-ing Quick. You should not have to Teach That. You as a student BASE jumper should have enough Skydives as to already know that ? Hopefully as a Student BASE jumper you are being Taught to do. Flat-Turns in Half-Breaks . Not pulling down on a Toggle but letting up on a Toggle to Turn if you are Low to the ground..... I am not condoning the USE of Toggle for Heading Correction on Shear-Face Objects. (for anybody) they still get used though. For Students or The Advanced Jumper. They Get used though. And on a Open Bridge exit they are the ONLY way to Go. If the Fucking Student can not keep a BRIDGE separate From a Cliff Jump when using Toggles over Risers Than I say... " Fuck Them. Don't BASE Jump." - or - ..." Take it easy and Slow and LEARN @ your own pace." * OK * TB -..." Let me clarify again - toggles are faster than risers WHEN YOU CONSIDER THE OUTPUT OR RESPONSE. They are NOT a better option overall, especially when considering inexperienced jumpers or students. " - Overall I got to say that statement is CORRECT. Fuck dude. I got no big Rebuttals to that. I stated that It is an advanced Move and Risky on Shear-face objects for the Experienced jumper. But: A BASE jumper that is going to Learn to be ( FAST on the Draw ) and Far more Efficient on Bridge Exits for Heading Correction. Will learn that it's Toggles over the use of Risers. It's just the way it is. It's more Stream-Line on the Mechanics. + Faster on the Heading Correction. The Better BASE Students are going to learn that anyway. That's Why they are Better. So teach them NOW. Don't let them find out latter for themselves. . . Edit to add. Also: How's about this ? I will add that - Toggles on a Terminal delay, Shear-wall, BASE Jump for your Heading Correction is GOOD & safe to use 99 % of the time for ALL experienced BASE jumper. Provided that you got Good Clearance from the object on Opening and no Line-twists........... - I imagine that this has been done a Hundred times by others but As Example. I had the privilege of using Both, Riser and Toggle in Combination once on a Big-Wall jump. Got a Nice extra long Track and a Little Lower than desirable opening but not un-safe. I Had a Lot of clearance when I pulled but Line-Twists & flying back at the Face So. I climbed up above the Twist, Grabed Rear Riser, changed Canopy heading away parallel to cliff-face. Kicked Out of Twist. Immediately, Went to Toggles. Slammed them down in Half-Breaks. Flat-Turned around & Flaired safely On my LZ of choice. That always stuck in my mind as a memorable jump. .
  15. Ya there are some ropes out there. I think I might have seen Avery, get a Close look @ one of those Rope things Once a time ago ........ With the Repelling Ropes Hanging, It kind of goes with the Head & Tail Wind with a Bridge exit. If you got a Tail Wind on the 180. If you are a BASE jumper. The Toggle Correction will be Faster. If you got a head wind, You most likely be OK. I think I am Hinting @ that it should be made a -Standard teaching Practice - for BASE that on Bridge Jumps.Toggle Technique is Preferred for Heading Correction over Riser. . .
  16. Nick I am not picking on you necessarily. This Thread is Mainly why I am Writing this. I am tacking this on after your post because this Toggle and Riser discussion is not being properly addressed. There are BASE jumpers out there that Know this and Do This. but They are not Posting How-To or the proper PLACES to use Toggles. I am writing this to Hopefully help Give a little clarity to the ones that are still Learning to do the Right thing on Basics, when they have a 180 on a BASE Jump. * Bridge-Day is a, Bridge. WHY would you use anything but Toggles on a BRIDGE. ????? Toggles over Risers is always the best thing on Heading Correction after opening on a Bridge BASE Jump.. Slider-Up or Slider Down. OK, first thing: Bridge-Day and having a 180 deg. off Heading and using Rear-Riser impute is not the Best Example to Throw out there for What is Right on the Use of Riser or Toggle for Heading Correction. For one Thing. It has more CLEAN AIR . Almost like a Skydive. Any Moron could Turn a 180 around there If you Can Not. You are a fucking Sub-Species lower than Brain Dead. You use Bridge-Day as an Example for SKYDIVERS that are doing there 1st BASE Jump. Not for BASE Jumpers learning to jump. also: Bridges have - Almost Always - a HEAD or TAIL Wind on exit. Your 180 deg. off heading, could have a Head or a Tail-Wind. If you have a 180 deg. off Heading with a Head Wind and you are in deep Brake settings. You Will have Almost NONE or very little forward Speed. but Most Importantly you will have EXTREMELY GOOD RESPONSIVE Rear-Riser impute if that is what you chose to use for a Correction TOOL. If you exit a bridge, Have a 180 and have a Tail-Wind on top of it all Your Canopy will respond Like SHIT. You will - BURN Up - Precious Altitude, @ the same time your Canopy will turn like a over-loaded School Bus. BRIDGES : On a 180 or off heading you always , 99% of the time USE YOUR TOGGLES to correct your heading. the only - 5 - exceptions are 1. If the side or sides of the Canyon or Wall of Gorge etc of what ever the Bridge is Spanning is Very Close to you on the exits, Like very Narrow and step walls. Most exits are in the center of the span with VERY liberal Clearance. 2. Or you are Very Low to the ground on Exit. Or you are Very-Low to the ground after you Pull when exiting a Bridge. 3. If you are a Very New BASE Student. If the student does not seem to be sensory over-loaded. Then by all means Teach Him to Go For The Toggles on a Bridge Exit for Canopy Heading Correction after Opening. 4. You have Line Twists and are closer to the Sides of Gorge or Canyon and Close to other object on the Ground. You WILL REACH-UP above the line-twists and PULL a Rear-Riser for heading correction. 5. You were never Taught or Observed Better, Advanced BASE jumpers Doing It. NOW...some more FACT. Using Toggles on a Shear face object for a Heading Correction after Opening is an ADVANCED MOVE. This is a Fact. There is NO REBUTTAL or ARGUMENT that can be given to Over-Ride this. It is more Advanced, More Daring and more chance of RISK to Fucking-Up. FACT : The Classical and Proven technique of Rear-Risers Heading Correction is Taught and used by The Majority of BASE Jumpers. but: TVPB said it CORRECTLY. There is NO DEBATE about it. Toggle is Faster than Risers on Stopping and Turning your Canopy Around. FACT : Having your Canopy Tuned with your Deep-Brake Setting WILL HELP over-ride the canopy from the initial instinct to Surge into Forward movement. Combined with the proper Working Technique of Toggle Heading Correction in a 180 circumstance. When your Canopy has a Proper Deep-Brake Setting,Combined with Toggles on Heading Correction Will Stop and Turn your Canopy FASTER than the use of Rear-Risers with proper Deep Brake setting. The Proper Technique is. You Un-Stow and SLAM them both Down Equally. You Stop The Canopy. Then Back-Up the Canopy if your Crowded for space. If you Have the proper clearance from the object then let-up on the toggle of choice and Turn -Away. You do not Chose one or the other Toggle to use on this Technique. You use BOTH toggles, VERY AGGRESSIVELY. You Toggle, Man-Handle that Canopy like your Life Depends on it. You do not chose to use ONE RISER and ONE TOGGLE in combination. No mater what circumstances or theories your Little Brains can come up with. You ether use One or The Other. Not Both. Not Ever. Using Slim's jump off Garie Beach as a Example as a Toggle FUMBLE, Fuck-Up on heading correction ??? It's not like there is that much documentation out there by Eye-Witness or Video to document the HUGE RISK FACTOR or the percentage of heading correction Fuck-Ups on BASE Jumps when using toggles over Risers. Like I said... "I am writing this to Hopfully help Give a little clarity to the ones that are still Learning the Basics, to BASE Jump" The use of Toggles is an advanced move. to be used in combination with BASE experience and to what kind of object being jumped. OK : The majority of heading correction that happens for me is Riser. It's what I Drilled on as a Student. It is what I practice Now. The only way I can Explane this thing is It just came and I was not looking for it. It just Happened on certain jumps. I did not choose to do it. It Choose Me. and I am also Still Learning. It kinda a personal and sensitive issue with me anyway, on Where or when to use Toggles. If you talk to other BASE jumpers who use this Technique You might get a different answer all together. If you chose to use this Technique I feel . It has to come from inside you. - SPONTANEOUSLY- with out Thought. that's the only way I can explane it.If it does not. You might be to Slow. & that might enough to be a, fucking-up-Badly. Toggle heading correction with shear-face objects only comes about by doing a lot of repetitious BASE jumps. Enough BASE jumps to where the use of Toggles just happens as Spontaneous action. * I feel in Rare Form Tonight to Argue proper Heading Correction Technique. So anybody fellin Froggy enough, dont hesitate to Jump On. . .
  17. Base736 ..." Dude, you almost made sense there for a moment. It was awe-inspiring, and a little scary." ..... Hey, No Problemo Just trying to make things a little brighter in your life till, SKIN get's back by Giving , Sloppy-Second's, to Skins brand of Humor....... . .
  18. Ahhhhh, TB...... I totally agree that Lumping all BASE jumpers into one Chemically Un-balanced group is Total CRAP. and that aint SCIENCE. and you certinaly dont need to explane who or why or for what Reasons drew you to make all those BASE jumps. but: What about that need. That -NEED- to go out and, Do-One ??? Hu Hu Hu That, Craving, Wanting, Crying, Pawing, Urge that builds-up, inside between BASE Jumps ??? If you have been lying around and haven't done a Jump for a weeks time. You get that Hunger for a BASE Jump. Why are you Hungry for A BASE jump ? Why do you get that Need/want, to go out and do another BASE Jump ? Could there be some sort of Chemistry driven Desire to BASE Jump? Well let me tell you what my Scientific data Tells Me. You got to Admit that it's Kinda like going out and ...Getting Your - FIX. I Got to say That. "Packing your Chute and So Slowly sliding that Closing-Pin through the Loop. Then Stowing that Pilot Chute, Is kinda like, Interveines foreplay with a Tourniquet & Needle. loaded with Heroin." ????? Pitching that Pilot-Chute in Free-Fall is like Un-Leashing a Monster, load of China-White to your BRAIN. Then when you Come-Down (land). All is Calm, Sane and Balanced and you feeeeeeel - GREAT. What these so called. ( Scientists ) need to do is develop some similar kind of ( Methadone ) like substitute for BASE Jumpers. Methadone being an Artificial replacement for, Heroine. To keep you from getting....Extremely fucking - HIGH.... off, getting your next - FIX - (base jump) That Way. We can -ALL- do the normal sociable acceptable behavior like sitting on our fat-fucking Asses like all the rest of them and Think about doing something Exiting like making a BASE Jumping. . I think this Hypothesis totally supports the Fact that I just finished Packing-Up another one and going out again tonight to ... Get my , FIX .. .
  19. So that's a no on "the idea of a correlation interests you"? I wonder why you took the time to post"... ... I posted because this Thread on the BASE Zone has the least amount of Correlation to It, and actually going out and Making a BASE Jump...... And don't try to take my Toys Away or you will be Sorry. . .
  20. Serotonin and Dopamine, my Ass AHHH yes a bunch of Science trained STIFFS working with Government grants, making, (educated Guesses)...? On why some people Chose take Risks. There must be some way that they can make Sense of it all and explain why you act so different from the Majority. Is there a connection in scientific literature between risk-taking behavior ??? I smell ...... . .
  21. If you do not want to get a cell phone. don't sweat it. A Swiss. Phone Card for International Calls @ the airport for about, 10 $ USD. There International. calling card could be the cheapest I have ever ran into traveling I only used about half the minutes up and gave the card to some other jumper when I left. The town is so small, it's only a few minute walk. I called home about every day from Card Phone by the Train station and the Post Office in Lauterbrunnen. .
  22. You got my set of climbing Ascenders ? I will be there. .
  23. Not ( Hand Prints )... DUMB ASSES ....!!!! You see, HANDS ....!!! HANDS that are connected to ARMS...!!!! . . I get what Johnny is saying about helping take the Load off the Legs on 50 stories climb and helping to make your Foot-Steps much quieter especially when your legs are starting to feel like two lead pipes and your heart is pounding because you know just around the next floor there a guy fucking-off and smoking a cigarette @ the floors exit door. Next time any of you are climbing a building stair-well. Look down the center and tell me what you see. . .
  24. When over in Twin on, Mem. Weekend I saw some good jump footage. Started with climbing up the stairs, to gain exit access. Like the majority of building roof-top access you climb up the fire stairs / Spiraling stair well. If your real lucky. You get to ride the Elevator up. I have seen this on other video's as well. When people are climbing (sneaking) they are Putting there hands on the Rail as they go up. I got severally scolded on my first building jumps when I did it and you bastards should to. This is just a good Habit to get into. & just my Opinion. Follow the out-side wall up the stairs and don't run your hands on the -INSIDE- Stair-Rail. That's something that takes a conscience effort, To Do. Bad Etiquette / shame one you/ Don't do that...... Q : If you are on top of the stair well and look down. What do you see Most ? A : You see Stair Railing with HANDS ON THEM. . .