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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Hockey hockey hockey hockey! Fun to watch, even better to play... Myself, I was rather disappointed by my only LIVE NHL game. Lightning at the Capitals... I learned that the only things more annoying than commercial breaks when you're sitting in front of the TV are the commercial breaks when you're sitting in the stands. Now, back to the point of the thread: Skydivers are usually Type A folks, which means we're VERY passionate about whatever it is we love. Skydiving, guns, politics, drinking, our SOs, sports, whatever; that passion can (from time to time) lead to the "dz politics" we dislike so much, but usually just leads to all the fun and good times we have around each other.... Elvisio "type a all the way" Rodriguez
  2. For safety reasons, I gave up bathing years ago. Elvisio "now I just roll around in the DZ dust" Rodriguez
  3. Stagnancy = Death There are about a THOUSAND cliches that will echo the equation above and tell you how to get through the tough times, but the one from Fight Club is my fav: "It is only once we have lost everything that we are free to do anything". Consider this a fork in the road... an opportunity to take "the road less travelled" (thanks, Mr. Frost). It's hard to forget what you've lost, but try to concentrate on all the doors that have opened rather than the ones that have closed. Elvisio "contemplating open doors myself" Rodriguez
  4. Thing is, fifteen years from now the newbies will be asking us oldtimers: "... and why does every jumper over 50 years old have a tie-dye rig?" Elvisio "the thought of me at fifty is scary" Rodriguez
  5. I dunno man, I've thought of this but the fact of the matter is this sport is male-dominant enough. It's difficult enough to hang out with the fairer sex in this sport without actively barring them from a meeting place. ...remember in school you would go to that buddies place because he was supposed to have a keg of GOOD beer and an apartment full of chicks! "Ya gotta be there dude, good suds and HOT babes!" Then you get there and it's a pony keg of Beast Light and there isn't a single lady in the place? "Dude, they're coming they're coming... meantime chip in for the keg and plastic cups are on top of the fridge!" Just a bunch of dudes sitting around playing N64 and bad drinking games... Nah, we don't need a Helmet Fest Forum. Ya gotta admit, half the fun of burping and farting is making the girls wrinkle their noses and go "ewww...." so I post all that good stuff in the Bonfire. It's always more fun when you share. Elvisio "I do miss keg stands though" rodriguez
  6. And wouldn't you know it, TODAY on we have a news article titled: "Air Force examines costly rocket program." Oops. Now that they're doing it in the private sector, looks like folks are getting worried about justifying all that expense... Elvisio "john q taxpayer" Rodriguez
  7. If I don't get that exact reaction for every skydiving article I own, then I didn't get the design right... Elvisio "agressive color palate" Rodriguez
  8. Some of it's pretty cool, but when they start using foam on the walls for stonework and crap like that you have to wonder how long it's gonna last... actually, maybe you don't wonder cuz you know it isn't going to last long at all... Plus, imagine trying to sell the place someday! "...and here, in the spacious living room we have the livesize T Rex molding and stone textured coffee table..." Elvisio "mine would be 'Monster Stripper Club Home'" Rodriguez
  9. Found this website a few years ago, truly one of the greatest ever. You're a little restricted by when the last survey of the area you're looking at was taken (where we're living now was just trees during the last satellite pass here) but there are definitely some cool places to check out. I've found old DZs, old homes, beaches I used to hang out at, the whole shebang... Elvisio "worth a look" Rodriguez
  10. Try somethin' like" "utilizing our core competencies and the latest technology to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers in an increasingly competitive marketplace" Yeah, that's the stuff... elvisio "brandisher of bullshit" rodriguez
  11. OK everybody, let's take this to the next level... How many people have trouble doing a particular skydiving move in one direction, but have NO problems in the other? For me, it's headdown-to-headdown or headdown-to-sit cartwheels. Cartwheels to my right are no problem, but it takes all the will I have to make one to the left work... Is this a manifestation of the righthand vs. lefthand bias we have in our lives, or did I just unintentionally teach myself to stick to cartwheels in one direction? elvisio "physiological stuff" rodriguez
  12. Right handed, but left eye dominant means: I do most stuff right handed, but I bat (baseball, softball) leftie... I golf rightie... I play hockey leftie... Elvisio "hockey is the only one that matters" Rodriguez
  13. OH GOD, so true... so very, very true... And if not the cameras of Martini Shots, then the cameras of Team Benton. Elvisio "the monthly blackmail payments = the source of my negative cash flow" Rodriguez
  14. LEW! Wazzup? How you and the C-man doin? We've had a positively AWFUL June here in VA. This is day 1 of week 4 of sitting around and looking at low clouds. I wouldn't complain so much if it was pouring down. Then you could just go off and do something more productive. But with things the way they are you keep hanging 'round, thinking "it'll burn off ANY minute now..." Elvisio "sharing your pain from the other coast" Rodriguez
  15. One nice thing about PWing on Saturday: no bandwidth problems... Elvisio "yammering useless at the speeds never before imagineable" Rodriguez
  16. Dammit, can I change my vote? I voted before I read the whole post. I agree with most: in most cases I would consider them a skydiver, but this dude merits a different classification: Genus: Asshat Species: Complete Elvisio "darwin ain't got nuthin' on me" Rodriguez
  17. Getting crosstrained to a different tandem system, but the I/E can't be at the DZ today. No crosstraining means no tandem work means no jump money! Hopefully will get training done tomorrow though... Elvisio "negative cash flow sucks" Rodriguez
  18. I go for average sex with my fav-o-rite chica. Besides: "Mindblowing?" The key to a man's heart lies NOT in blowing his MIND, rather... Elvisio "go further south" Rodriguez
  19. Another Friday Unemployed, so I don't care They're all just days off! Elvisio "it ain't all good, I'm a broke bastard ya know" Rodriguez
  20. I'm currently in month number 6 off a job I hated... still havin' fun. I'm definitely going to need to get back into serious job search mode after WFFC but until then... Didja get a good severance package? Elvisio "not that kind of package" Rodriguez
  21. Diablopilot is right on this one... it's completely up to the rigger. He may not be comfortable with shuffling his repack around during the installation, or he may just not be comfortable with where to draw the line on the "repack or not to repack" question and finds that "opening = repack" is the most black and white way of handling the situation. Elvisio "stay cypres equipped" Rodriguez
  22. Actually, some folks are trying to make this happen... IIRC the problem is getting a paragliding canopy to survive a terminal velocity deployment. elvisio 'need a swooping paraglider' Rodriguez
  23. I spent a year living REALLY close to Shaw AFB in SC. The F-16 pilots there keep SICK hours, and the last thing I need is a clock to make me think I'm back there! ...these dudes get to play with some of the coolest toys the government has to offer, WE foot the bill for it, and they have to do it at the butt crack of dawn? C'mon guys, have a friggin coffee and donut or something... Elvisio "not livin' in the flight pattern anymore" rodriguez
  24. Good to hear things worked! Me and my buds never worried too much about methanol because we were lazy bastards who just distilled what somebody else had already fermented or distilled before us, so we figured that if it made it onto the store shelves it had to be REASONABLY safe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, everybody just hold off on the rants about ignorance of the American consumer... BUT to answer your question, I did a yahoo search on "methanol in moonshine" and it comes back with a BUNCH of good sites. says: Hope this helps... Elvisio "bring the liquid lightning to the WFFC" Rodriguez
  25. Simon and Garfunkel (sp?) are just pissed that Joe did it better than they did! Elvisio "master speller" rodriguez