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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Huh? Ethical values? From the creator of the "Elvisio way"? How can you make that statement without cracking a smile? Teach me, Obi-Wan. Hey, now, don't sell me short. We're talking about WORK here. In non-career-oriented other matters, well... too much has been said already... Elvisio "workin' on a career as beer tester" Rodriguez
  2. Hehe good one... Yeah, and I bet you love "jumpin'" her, huh? But trust me, she'll end up like all the others... taking all your money, all your time, she's always on your back (I like that one), and in your heart you know it's only a matter of time before you are going to have to cut her away! Elvisio "mine's named Javelin" Rodriguez
  3. Unless "engine-out" situations are a common occurance at said DZ, and I hope they're not, then EVERYONE on the plane owes beer! AND, if a rigger gets a bottle when his repack gets you to the ground safely, then I figure the skydivers should all chip in to buy the pilot a bottle for handling the situation well and not bending their jump plane! (as long as he didn't cause the engine out) Elvisio "chiming in for the diverdrivers" Rodriguez
  4. And how shall she be ushered into the next life? Surely she deserves a burial more respectful than just being dropped in the garbage. Set her pyre afloat in a boat and light it from shore with flaming arrows, "Viking style"!!! Elvisio "vikings are cool" Rodriguez p.s. I wasn't talking about YOU, Viking, but I guess you're pretty OK, too. I guess.
  5. There is a great quote from "The Dilbert Principle" that I don't have in front of me, but I'm pretty sure this is pretty close... "Let's face it, work sucks. That's why we get paid to do it; if it were fun everybody would do it for free." Some thoughts on your post: 1.) Get a job that pays the bills until something better comes along. I know friends who thought bankrupcy was an easy solution to the sundry forms of debt they accumulated while in school and now that they're trying to do the "get married and settle down with a house and a dog and 2.3 kids thing" are hating ever making the decision. Stock shelves, bus tables, whatever. The only exception to this statement would be that I wouldn't take any job that went against my ethical values at any cost (but that goes without saying). 2.) KEEP SENDING OUT RESUMES. Send out dozens, hundreds, thousands, whatever it takes. Is this your first career-type job search? It will take longer than you think to find a job... when I was in school I kinda figured "well, I'll just send out a handful of resumes, then I'll get a job". But the fact was it took a lot longer than I thought... it wasn't about my grades (OK, not great but not bad either) or my field, just that these things take time. Stick to your guns, man... it'll come out in the wash. Elvisio "also looking for a job" Rodriguez
  6. BUMP... Finished it this weekend. I agree with the evaluation and the "ego thing". I enjoyed it but not as much as the first installment, but the first story is a tough one to beat. (trying not to give away too much to folks who haven't read it yet) I wasn't too bothered by the "ego thing" though. He didn't take it as far as he first suggested he would. I'm sure authors have always thought about this, to varying degrees. It was interesting, if also a little self-ego-serving. it made me grin. Mark your calendars: DT VII is set to release on Sept. 21! That'll probably get bumped back a little, but worst case it should make a good Christmas stocking stuffer! Elvisio "ready for Dark Tower VII" Rodriguez
  7. I was taught the same thing, that "like sews like" to keep a sewn piece's properties as uniform as possible. Elvisio "nylon rocks" Rodriguez
  8. Does he come with the Kung-Fu grip? elvisio "eddie murphy rocks" Rodriguez
  9. Point Break! Elvisio "stirrin, stirrin, stirrin" Rodriguez
  10. I LOVE THIS IDEA! I typically HATE lawsuits BUT IMO this is justified! You could wreak havoc on this man legally, and it's all free to you! F**K HIM UP! (litigiously speaking, of course) Elvisio "is litigiously the right word" Rodriguez
  11. Ah,, my last and only bastion for all forms of knowledge, skydiving and non-skydiving... OK, so here's the digs... the Bugflector on the front of my Tahoe has finally given up the ghost, it's gotta go. Problem is, there are these little velcro pads on the hood that (I assume) are there to stop vibration (sorry ladies). They're held on there by regular adhesive. Can anyone suggest an "automotive paint friendly" adhesive remover? The little velcro pads suck, but big welts in my paint would suck worse, so I wanna make sure I use safe stuff. My first thought was to try a citrus-based solvent, would you agree? Thanks, danke, and grassy-ass; Elvisio "bugflectorless" rodriguez
  12. Best part was when he got the 39 in the mail! Just pulled it out of the envelope like a damn T-shirt! Elvisio "one of the few things where smaller is better" Rodriguez
  13. Duck... REPOST! Still a good one though... worth a second look. How high does the score go before it quits? Or does it just keep counting up , ad infinitum? If so, who had the patience to get the highest score? I made it to eight before I started to lose my mind and had to quit.... Elvisio "footy footy footy" Rodriguez
  14. There once was a man from Nantucket... Oops, not quite what you were looking for, eh? Elvisio "edited because I forgot to sign my name" Rodriguez
  15. Blows my fucking mind that none of the adults acutally waded into the pool to try and find the kid... "hey, lemme pick up this aluminum pole and poke around a bit, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna ruin my favorite WWF T-shirt looking for him" Asshats. Elvisio "more proof that the fate of mankind rests in the hands of the kids" Rodriguez
  16. reading it right now. Well, not RIGHT NOW, but you get it. My opinion so far after 100+ pages: s'ok. So far not the best of the series, not the worst. In a couple of forwards and afterwords, King has talked about how much his life has changed and how much time has passed since he started writing the Dark Tower series. It's funny that I have a sort of a parallel in my life: when reading the afterword that talked about how he figured it out to be a total of seven books taking him this long to write I thought "damn, I'll be almost THIRTY by then." I couldn't even grasp the concept of my life that far down the road... but here I am... And digging life even more than I did when I started reading the series, I must say! Elvisio "aging like a fine cheese, and smelling like it too" Rodriguez
  17. ...can't do it just for the money: there are MUCH less nerve-racking ways to make $$$ at the DZ. ...can't do it for the hotties: for every hottie there's a(at least one) heavyweight hairy scary farmer type dude... ...ya gotta do it because you love it. Love working with students, sharing the vibe of skydiving with people who otherwise wouldn't have experienced it, remembering the thrill of your first jump by sharing the first jumps of others. Elvisio "lovin' it" Rodriguez
  18. ...the dude who played Slider in Top Gun. Don't get too much of an ego rush, the same dude played Steve Martin's dumb buddy in Roxanne. Elvisio "better at titles than I am actors" Rodriguez
  19. OH HELL, don't even get me STARTED on the seals! The penguins are bad enough, but the damned SEALS! Elvisio "going back to bed" Rodriguez
  20. Put every one of them on the fast train to Hell. Stuck up little bastards, always waddling around in their little tuxedos with their noses stuck in the air like they're SO HOT.... Send in the Killer Whales! Elvisio "Before I used to be such a nice guy..." Rodriguez
  21. I like the look of some of the rings on the website, but... One thing I had heard (N.B. not seen from personal experience) is that the titanium rings are VERY hard to cut off in case of injury to your hand. The website highlights the high tensile strength of 6/4 Ti over Gold and other precious metals, I can imagine it would be tough to get off an injured hand without causing more pain. Also, I wonder if there are people whose hands (uninjured) have changed so much over the years that they've had to have rings cut off? I honestly dunno on that one... I know the injury thing is a long shot, but if you ever had a finger broken or a hand crushed or something like that... Elvisio "metals rock" Rodriguez
  22. Damn, guys; sorry if something I said implied high culture or anything... Yeah the game quality is El Crappo... I just thought the EXTREME left the game was coming from was a riot. ...blames Bush for everything but the hole in the ozone... that must be in the sequel. Elvisio "game master" Rodriguez
  23. I searched the Speaker's Corner and nothing came up, but I can't belive this isn't a repost. If it is, the moderators are more than welcome to wipe this thread... Anyhow, has anyone else played the Bush Game at Pretty odd... about as anti-Bush as anything I've ever seen. Check it out if you want, it's interesting to say the least, republican or conservative. Maybe somebody can make a clicky if they have time. Plus it's cool to see a video game with old friends like Mr. T and Hulk Hogan. Definitely not normal. And definitely NSFW. It takes a while to get through, and gets a bet repetitive toward the end, but it's interesting nonetheless... Elvisio "fence sitter" Rodriguez
  24. Good call. Burning is definitely the way to go. I used to work at a cast iron foundry that ran a cupola furnace (similar to a blast furnace); coke fired, fed with blast air at 5000 cfm enriched with around 2% pure oxygen. The result: 3000 deg F. That kind of temperature will melt just about anything except the highest temperature (silicon carbide and aluminum oxide based) refractories. I always thought that if I had to do lose ANYTHING, I'd find a way to get it into the top of the cupola furnace. It'd end up either in the exhaust gasses or as a little bit of slag at the taphole... FIRE GOOD! Elvisio "we're a bunch of sickos" Rodriguez
  25. Biggest boy I ever took was 260. Only saving grace was that it was well-distributed, he was about as tall as me and built like a farmer. Spend a little more time discussing the landing and the arch on exit... everything went fine. phew! I would prefer to keep them smaller than me, which leaves some room since I'm 230. Since I'm such a porker, I'm used to being the "motivating mass" in a tandem, i.e. my body weight is moving them out the door. It's only happened a couple times, but it's a freaky feeling to be PULLED out the door by the body weight of a student who is bigger than me! It's like "here we go... YEE HAW!" Elvisio "mover of freight" Rodriguez