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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. My gut feeling is that you'll have more "honest" sponsors who truly advocate the gear they use in skydiving than in most other venues. Tony Little can push that damn Gazelle at me and George Foreman can hawk his friggin grills all they want, but neither of them stands a chance of ending up DEAD if what they're selling doesn't work. Skydivers count on their gear to work, and I think you'll find that people will only back the manufacturers and equipment that makes them feel safest in what they do. Elvisio "who wants to sponsor me" Rodriguez
  2. That's the way I read it... as long as it is "up to speed" according to the rules set forth by your governing body (the German versions of the FAA and/or USPA, sorry for my ignorance) and you are the only person jumping the rig (no letting americans borrow your gear) then you should be fine. One thought is that if you DO come to the States to jump, try to bring documentation showing that the repack cycle is one year in Germany. Larger Florida and California DZ's that are used to having lots of overseas visitors won't give you much trouble, but if you drop into a smaller Stateside DZ that doesn't see many out-of-country visitors then you might have a little convincing to do... Later Elvisio "hope for the best, plan for the worst" Rodriguez
  3. Along the same lines, has anyone here ever had their dog/cat "chipped"? Ya know, the little microchip they put in subdermally that has the dog's (and your) ID info on it? How much does it cost? The main value I could see over just a regular license/ID tag is that if somebody nabbed your dog intentionally, then down the road a vet could find the chip and get your dog back to you... Elvisio "no dog yet, but someday" Rodriguez
  4. ... I make it on the DD list. Elvisio "operator" Rodriguez
  5. I agree completely, except that I would edit to say: "...can only really be answered by the SO and the bachelor." Some people would be comfortable with this sort of this and some wouldn't. If anybody reading this ever plans such a party, always have options. Always have ways that the groom, the partygoers, and the ladies involved could say "thanks but no thanks" and not feel pressured into anything. Different strokes for different folks... but maybe that's not the best cliche for this particular topic.
  6. Me! Me! Me! back on topic: Will the new movie have Charlie freeflying in the vertical wind tunnel again? Elvisio "too early in the morning for quotes" Rodriguez
  7. I could spin this argument either way... This way: Students are more malfie prone, so the odds would be HIGHER. Examples: they might overreact (but that's a bad word, when in doubt whip it out) to something that would be fixable. I once watched a student cut away from about 1.5 line twists on a Manta. Their lack of experience could also lead to a malfunction, i.e. tumbling at deployment time. That way: Students jump mellow, predictable gear, so the odds would be LOWER. No spinning malfunctions, which is one of the main reasons we're taking rides nowadays. Elvisio "clear as mud" Rodriguez
  8. #341 here... Elvisio "Flying Rodriguez-Fish" Rodriguez
  9. You got it right, there's a thread in the "history" section. If you haven't scrolled down to that part of the forum list yet (I admit it's hard for me to get past the bonfire and speakers' corner too) definitely check out the history forum... well worth the read. Elvisio "back in MY day means earlier this morning" Rodriguez
  10. Post edited because I really overcomplicated things... PD makes the Sabre2 up to 260 sqft. It's a bit smaller than you wanted, and not fully elliptical. BUT, the combination of those two things may sort of cancel out. The wingloading will be a bit higher so you'll get a bit zippier performance, but with just a semi-elliptical the openings will be more predictable and if, on landing, you ever feel like you need to shut it down and make it behave you'll be able to do so. I've also jumped with a guy who had a Triathlon 260. So the bigger canopies are definitely out there... Elvisio "gotta go to the dentist" Rodriguez
  11. Pretty SCHWEET system. Thanks for the info guys. Like it sez on the webpage, not for just anybody, but still cool. That's a lot more crap to deal with under canopy! Elvisio "not for me (yet)" Rodriguez
  12. Somebody help me and chizazz out because I thought the same thing: that it took an act of God to retract a bid at any time during the auction. How does it work? Thanks; Elvisio "ebay newbie" Rodriguez
  13. a bunch:1:1 the gf was in A Mood. That's capital A, capital M. Good weekend in that regard! Only one jump. Bad weekend in that regard. Beer to help soothe me when I busted my ass playing ice hockey on Sunday night. I tell ya, it ain't the skydiving that's dangerous... Hey Katiebear, is BSA going to be your home DZ after the move? It's a great place to be... I had to move away but hope to be back there soon... Elvisio "I have an icepack WHERE?" Rodriguez
  14. Is the line short, so that as the slider comes down it actually pulls the link to detach the d-bag? Or is the line long enough for the slider to come all the way down, and being attached to the slider just means there isn't an extra line being stowed with the rest of the suspension lines? elvisio "learning" rodriguez
  15. I'm with slotperfect and darkwing on this one... manufacturers have experience with everything from double digit square footage all the way up to fully loaded (and OVERloaded) tandem mains. How big is big, BlindBrick? Is your profile current, it lists 131 jumps, so I'm guessing you aren't looking for anything super-zippy-mega-crossbraced or anything like that, just something with a little more kick than the PD-9 cell you have listed? Are you thinking zero P square? Semi-elliptical? Even for your size, I'm still with slotperfect. If you aren't already an aeronautical engineer or have some SERIOUS experience with commercial sewing, it'll be a LONG time before you could make anything jumpable. Think about it, skydivers can be some cheap bastards, but how many of us are making our own canopies! I'm sure somebody out there will have something that meets your needs... Edit to add: "and darkwing" because great minds think alike, and post at the same time! Elvisio "so much sewing, so little time" Rodriguez
  16. Can somebody fill me in on the details of how the "detach mod" that the swoopers are using on their d-bags and pilot chutes works? I understand the basics, am more interested in how the lanyard that controls the system and reels in the d-bag/pc is routed. Just curious; Elvisio "can't think of anything to put in quotes" Rodriguez
  17. Suddenly a "four point two way" sounds like a lot more fun... Elvisio "not even going to talk about 'big ways'" Rodriguez
  18. I went to see Troy. It was OK, I think the girlies will like it more because Brad Pitt is, AT MOST, half-dressed for the whole movie. Good battle scenes but as a whole Braveheart was better for that kinda stuff. ANYHOW, my rant does not deal with this. My rant is as follows: How long do I need to sit in my seat watching useless CRAP between the dimming of the lights and the start of the actual movie before enough is enough? It used to be a preview or two. Then it was a few previews. NOW, it's candy commercials, car commercials, coke commercials, public service announcements, and then enough previews for me to see a marked increase in the amount of gray hair on my head before FINALLY starting the movie. When did we give permission to start putting actual commercials before movies? Why do there need to be so damn many previews? Dude, just show the damn movie already! I have firmly decided NEVER to go to a movie on time again... just show up late and if I have to step on some toes to get to my seat then I'm sorry. The only thing worse for being over commercialized is the sports industry. BUT that is for ANOTHER rant on ANOTHER day...
  19. Hold on while I grab the gf to go try that one out... Edit to add: Ah yes. It took a moment of me and the gf rolling around on the living room floor (clothed, dammit!) to put the description to the action, but this is one of the favs, as you said when targeting certain parts of her anatomy manually or with assistance from B.O.B. My personal fav is a variation of yours: she's sorta on her back, sorta on her side, he's straddling her leg, the other is up under his arm or over his shoulder. Affords an unusual, "sideways" angle of attack that can be a good change of pace. If he twists one way he can work the clitoris, if he twists the other he makes room for either his hand, her hand, or B.O.B. to do the work. Elvisio "knowledge is power" Rodriguez
  20. Gonna be a good game. I'd prefer to see the Bolts win, but I can't count Philly out. I'm not much of a lightning fan as much as I don't like the Flyers (sorry Phillykev). If the game was in Philly I'd be betting on the Flyers. But with the game in Tampa, if the bolts are on then they're going to be hard to beat... Elvisio "less than two hours" Rodriguez
  21. QuoteWell as a matter of fact.........But to get thru my unlocked front doorYou have to get past my two pit bulls, a Big Roterweiler, German Shepard, Brown Bear, My girlfriend, wife & mother in law. Quote Now that's what I call a firewall! Elvisio "not into home-hacking" Rodriguez
  22. You're right. All those yahoos at Comic Book Swaps, Dungeons and Dragons meets, and Star Trek Conventions are all just as horny as us. ... the difference is that we're so much cooler that we actually get laid, instead of just going back to our rooms to jerk off while we think about Counsellor Troi! Elvisio "speaker of truth" Rodriguez
  23. OK, last night I was pressin' the gf for some lovin' and she wasn't too motivated, so I showed her this thread and explained that it was basically our national duty to have sex tonight, and she said OK. THANKS GFD! Elvisio "get some, I mean get BY with a little help from my friends" Rodriguez
  24. I'm already on the "advance purchase" list at the local bookstore. Next installment is due out in June! My only complaint is that Oy is a bit of a sell out to the 'cute and fuzzy' lovers, like the Ewoks were in Return of the Jedi. Otherwise, rock on! yeah baby! edit to add: my name: Elvisio "forgetful ass" rodriguez
  25. small BUMP... First, let me comment on the obvious: if a "thread about threads" isn't a new level of PW'ing I dunno what is. Conclusion: I LOVE IT! Next, there have been so many wonderful things on since I started hanging around here WAY more than I should. BUT, the undisputed champion is without a doubt the thread with the "skydiving babies video". Truly inspired, nothing could be better. I laugh every time I watch it. Elvisio "late to the game" rodriguez