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Everything posted by skydiver30960

  1. Yikes. Very scary website. Elvisio "groan" Rodriguez
  2. eeneR is right; the Convention provides just about any kind of entertainment you're looking for, from the most wholesome to the most (gasp) socially disdained... you just need to find it. Don't worry, just get there and follow your nose... or whatever other part of you might be searching for attention Elvisio "t minus one day and counting" Rodriguez
  3. I didn't get any tips or repeat customers this weekend, but I got something close. I jumped with a guy and afterwords he asked if, in October when he returned with his wife for her to make her first jump, would he be able to request me as her instructor. I was completely flattered. That was WAY cooler than a monetary tip. Elvisio "beaming and blushing" Rodriguez
  4. Mebbe 3 or 4 tips in 200 tandems. I'm with most folks here, it's pretty tacky to ask for tips. I'm not too bummed out about not getting them. I just remind myself about the HUGE chunk of change the student just dropped on the tandem (even bigger if they got a video)... their wallets are hurting enough as it is... Elvisio "happy with what I'm getting" Rodriguez
  5. See? I told you everything would be OK. Elvisio "weathermen are cool, for the moment" Rodriguez
  6. 1:17:0 One surprise from the gf when we were getting ready for bed... Sixteen tandems and one "decompression dive" at sunset on Sunday Not a bad weekend... Elvisio "rantoul here I come" Rodriguez
  7. Both. I had a '97 and never got the hardtop but always wished I had it during the winter. If buying new, get the Jeep with the hard top then buy the soft top aftermarket. When I bought mine the cost of the hard top option and buying an aftermarket soft top was WAY less than buying the Jeep with the soft top and getting the hard top aftermarket. (make sense?) The true essence of the Jeep is jammin' down the road (or offroad) with the top down and the doors off. But during the winter when your essence is getting frostbitten you'll be glad to have the hardtop. Elvisio "buying another Jeep as soon as I have a real job again" rodriguez
  8. Dude, you're telling me you had a College age, Mostly naked, Drunk Skychick rolling around in your loft? Dude, I've had my ticket for three years and it hasn't exposed me ANYTHING even CLOSE to that kind of exciting. Elvisio "off to kill kittens" rodriguez
  9. Nah, don't sweat it Kitty. The weathermen are just covering their asses because it's thunderstorm season. Example: where I'm jumpin' tomorrow is "scattered thunderstorms" 40% chance of precip. That sez to me 60% chance of no rain at all, and if there is any it should be pretty short in duration. So, off to the DZ I go! Elvisio "me and the weater gods have an understanding" Rodriguez
  10. ...actually, pretty cool idea. Worthy of delaying (not forgoing) the evening's drinking. SWOOP THE PARTY TENT! Elvisio "landing next to the beer trailer" Rodriguez
  11. Dude, I've always believed that if I give fifty (or more) weeks out of my year to my work, and if I give adequate notice, then there should be NO reason for my work to ever deny vacation. We set aside our hobbies, our families, and everything else for our jobs. They can do us the honor of letting us pick what TEN DAYS out of 365 that we can acutally spend as we wish. What would your boss do if the shoe was on the other foot? What do you think they'd say if at the last minute before a busy work week you said "oh, sorry boss, something has come up and I'm going to have to cancel my work plans for the coming week. Sorry, these things happen and we'll get through them best if we all stick together and remember that we are A TEAM". So to make a long story short: I would strongly suggest that you tell your boss to GET FUCKED! ...and come to the WFFC of course. If that doesn't work for you, and you end up working that week, just do everything WRONG. Just screw up everything you possibly can without getting canned. If somebody complains about your work, just tell them you're feeling overworked and stressed out from having worked so long without any time off. Elvisio "father of good workplace relations" Rodriguez
  12. skydiver30960


    Here's one I always use to start a night of hopeless, brain-cell mauling, memory blanking drunkeness. I dunno where it comes from, I got it from a buddy I used to work with, mebbe somebody else heard it... I've smoked dope, chewed rope, dirty danced, french romanced, fought, farted, fucked, shot the moon and drove big trucks. I've been to Maine, Spain, Spokane, and Fort Wayne, been to three World's Fairs. I've been around the world twice, looked danger in the face, and seen goats fuck in the marketplace. ...But I ain't NEVER seen shit like the shit that goes on around this place! Obviously you see why it's used to start the evening rather than used later in the evening... it's hard enough to get through when sober! Elvisio "warming up for Rantoul" rodriguez
  13. "I am Sofa King We Todd Ed" " chickens" Elvisio "thank you Aqua Teen Hunger Force" Rodriguez
  14. skydiver30960


    QuoteHow do people actually accept these kinds of building restrictions? Quote To keep me from putting in that singlewide with the satellite TV dish I've always been wanting, dammit! Elvisio "fight the power" Rodriguez
  15. Good job. Your MAN quotient was increased by several points last night. I usually let the pros (Jiffylube or whatever) handle the fluid stuff like oil changes and radiators and transmission issues: by the time I factor in time and disposal issues it's just worth it to me. ...but would you believe those asshats wanted to charge me $69.99 to change a fuel filter!!! Seventy bucks for a $6 filter! I've done it before and it's in a weird place on my car, but damn, I felt bad about laughing in the mechanic's face but I couldn't hold back. The look on his face showed me that he agreed with me, i.e. a total screw-job. Elvisio "gonna be under the car this week" Rodriguez
  16. Man, I must say that the Hellfish have class. Quite possibly the only folks who will take out a half-page ad in Skydiving to advertise for a party. Not a boogie, not a product, just a party. Well done! Elvisio "gonna be there" Rodriguez
  17. Hmm... gives me an idea: ElvisiosWorld2004. It would be website about how I'm an unemployed bum looking for a young hottie millionairess to take care of me. Would it work? Elvisio "might make a good reality show" Rodriguez
  18. Isn't that kind of what happens when people are charged with "conspiracy to..." (insert crime here). It isn't something snazzy like the "precogs" but the system that we had in place found out about a crime before it happened, stopped it, and punished those who were going to commit the crime. As far as the poll goes, I voted NO, driven by a personal belief instilled in my by a Leo Buscaglia book (yeah I know, don't get started) in a high school ethics class: We can do anything we want to as long as we are willing to accept the consequences of our actions. OR, to put it another way: I should have the right to commit a crime (any crime), as long as I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions. Discuss. Elvisio "ready for a flaming" Rodriguez
  19. Previous posts have blamed the airlines, and blamed the TSA. But what about the passengers? I have always thought that one of the reasons there have been no (significant) airline hijackings since 9/11 is that there had been a perceived shift in our attitude as travellers. Up until that day, we were taught "just do what the hijackers say, 'don't rock the boat', and you'll be ok". And usually it was true: the hijackers wanted something other than dead passengers.On 9/11, that's what the people on the planes were told and they died. My thought was that nowadays, if terrorists were ever to try to tell a planeload of people the same thing again we'd tell them to get stuffed and try to take the plane back by force, like the folks on the one plane that ended up near Pittsburgh. Remember that dude who tried to use the "shoe bomb" right after 9/11? It took everything the aircrew had to keep the passengers on that plane from tearing that guy apart. So where's that attitude now? Here's a situation where EVERYBODY KNEW something was up, and yet everybody did nothing. If air marshalls are "all around" the plane and not doing anything, what the fuck are they good for? If the crew is aware something is not right and isn't doing anything, what are they good for? And by the same token, if passengers all over the plane knew something was up, and still did nothing, what right do they have to complain about the results? I'm definitely not advocating attacking the guy in the window seat at 40,000 feel because you thought he was looking at you funny. But we need to be ready to defend ourselves, right? Elvisio "beat 'em to death with those little airline pillows" Rodriguez
  20. Why to 100-jump Wonders want to jump a sub-100 sqft canopy? Because it's "cool". They see their "heroes" doing it, and they want to do it too. So they try, and they get hurt or worse. Same thing with the andro and steriods and "shady" supplements... folks read the magazines, see the body types that they are told are "ideal", and do whatever they need to do to reach it. Not saying it's right, just that's why it happens. Elvisio "drug free and bench is stuck at 285" rodriguez
  21. Somebody more computer-saavy than myself needs to get moving on this: a Cook Book. Seems like the only thing we talk about more on this forum than skydiving and boobies is FOOD. Everyone is always posting recipes for different stuff... we just need to compile it into some form of a collection. An actual book would be WAY too low-tech for us dizzydotcommers, what about a CD-rom or downloadable file? I figue anyone who wanted a copy could send a few bucks to whoever did the "publishing" to help offset the cost of the work, with all other proceeds going directly to HH for upkeep of the board. Waddaya think? Elvisio "ramen noodles and Tang three meals a day" rodriguez
  22. I've heard of going to the can to "drop a bomb" but DAYUM!!! Elvisio "must remember this at Rantoul, the land of many portajohns" Rodriguez
  23. Funny you should post this now: I just got an email from somebody in Nigeria that says I'm related to a distant relative who just passed away leaving millions and millions of dollars to ME! They said that all I need to do to collect all of it is provide them with my SSN, date of birth, all my bank account numbers and credit card numbers! Sounds like a great idea! Elvisio "419 bastards" Rodriguez
  24. I'd make the check payable to "Elvisio Rodriguez" ... Elvisio "you need HOW many forms of ID?" Rodriguez
  25. I told her "I was skydiving before you got here... and I'll be skydiving long after you're gone, so get used to it!"