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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Skydiving is a scam. They take all your money no matter how good you are. Have you considered base jumping? It's almost free if you can avoid the cops. Just buy a chute on the internet and jump off a bridge (with the chute already open of course) for the first few jumps til you get the hang of it. You'll meet people who can gve you tips for like wingsuit base jumping... the ultimate rush... which is actually pretty easy, just scary. You tube is your friend. It will save you a ton of money. Good luck and keep us posted.
  2. I guess people don't have a problem jumping out of planes that are on fire or whatever.
  3. Please don't skydive or ride a motorcycle again until you can figure out a way to breathe. Go see a bunch of doctors if you can't figure this one out on your own.
  4. My song is: "This is my song"
  5. Stats don't mean much when they can be twisted to say anything we want. People arguing here about a few numbers means nothing as well. Your next jump doesn't care if we had 50 or 100 deaths last year. Your chances of survival don't increase because of perception of a safe year. We all know how to be safe and why people die in this sport. Be safe and don't die. End of thread.
  6. Why would a woman want a man that is attracted to fake boobs? Why would a man want a woman who thinks fake boobs are a good idea? Idiocracy
  7. Dude, don't her fru fru it up too much. Gotta hold your man-cave/man-card ground, brah.
  8. 1) Don't stock the fridge with expensive beer or alcohol. You'll never get any of it. 2) All trailers leak the day after the warranty expires. 3) Don't park under a tree or the squirrels will use your roof for a bowling ally since they don't have wing suits. I'm serious. It's annoying. 4) Spend the money you saved on hotels and gas for more skydiving, not the trailer. 5) resale value is about 1/2 of what you paid. 6) Craigslist buyers can barely read the ad. 7) Going to sleep and waking up at a dz, especially when it's raining, beats a tent, or driving all the way home any day. Congratulations.
  9. Very Impressive training. Love the "dry" shake.
  10. I was just trying to be funny while sounding desperate.
  11. Awesome. Do it again and get someone to video the chaos.
  12. Just trying to help everyone out. Ya know, not spend more than you have to.
  13. This thread inspired by Skymama. Ok ladies. What gift could he give you that would for sure be a panty droppin, dick sucker of a gift? cocheese: making the world a win win, one thread at a time.
  14. Yea but sometimes the worst punishment is saying nothing at all about it. A simple head shake can be scary if done right.
  15. Yup. Leave them unwrapped. Put them in his room. No punishment, no talk. No problem. He'll figure it all out.
  16. It's almost as good as getting off AFF status. Congratulations.
  17. Good idea. Or fill it with sex toys. Might come in handy while he's away at the dz.
  18. You didn't tell us when it was going to air. We all missed it. You need a spanking.
  19. They can either share the pussy with us, or marry one. It's up to them.
  20. I met a guy in CA that found $23million in a bag containing cash and bank notes from a similar situation. He turned it in and still has the world record for largest find returned. He showed me newspaper articles. etc He's living in total poverty. The reward was $1000. His advice to me: "If you ever find that much money, keep it."
  21. Glad you're ok. Keep wearing all the gear. I wiped out on a dirt road 4 days ago. Not a scratch on me, by I hyper extened my knee or something. I'm blaming the chain I tightened before the ride.
  22. Tinted sun roof and see-thru floor/walls near the door. 20+ fresh air vents. Dash mounted rear view exit cam for the pilot.