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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. If your swoop is old school and not very long and you don't get hurt, then you qualify.
  2. There should be an "F" license for fun jumpers who are fun to jump with. They don't have anything to prove except they are safe while having fun. Raft dives, Horny Gorilla, Tandem lurking, cross country, Stillghetto swooping, banging end cells, and forgeting to turn on the camera are required.
  3. The question is: How do you feel about night jumps?
  4. All the cool kids are wingsuiting. Maybe get something mellow for a wingsuit? How about a PD Storm 190?
  5. check out DSE's link. Might do ya some good to get one.
  6. Your Bathroom Monkey lasted 2 years? or your Woomba?
  7. Or just get the Bathroom Monkey.
  8. We have open season on the LA freeway.
  9. Why is anyone really worried about any of this anyway? I think the orginal poster has enough answers to his question. Jump at night if want, and don't jump at night if you don't want to. If anyone needs a D, jump at night or tell someone you did. It's not like the cops are going to bust you.
  10. Try to see the big picture instead of just the tail lights in front of you.
  11. 10,000 feet high 10 minutes to descend. 20 mph ground speed. or use 10 mph ground speed if it is easier.
  12. Yea you're right for the 2 guys high pull, but no speed required for going North. Let's say speed is 20mph.
  13. No. The new laws prohibit littering. We must use even more resources to find the answer before exit. Also there is no wind. Due to cut backs, there will be no wind for rest of the month. But yes I think a WDI would work if you could get it to match the 10 minute descent rate.
  14. On a no-wind day. A person does a high pull at the equator from 10,000 feet and is flying North. It takes him 10 minutes to land. How many feet of correction are required to maintain the staight line North? Or Using the same numbers...2 jumpers do a high pull and one flys East and one flys West. How much further does the West flyer go? This is math Olav will need to spot a space jump so don't tell me to put the pipe down. :P
  15. I know it. Geeze. He ruins all of Skymama's siglinaquotes.
  16. He landed on Citation Rd. That's the subdivision WAY over to the right... a mile away.
  17. I'll send you a snow ball for a can of sunshine.
  18. cocheese

    Old friends

    Awesome. Bring your rig.
  19. Bonus points if they can jump from a balloon.
  20. I just want to say this about night jumps: Becoming one with the universe is as simple as making a few night jumps on a clear night.
  21. So flat spins aren't an issue... even for beginners? Sorry I'll go back to the bon fire.
  22. maybe more cowbell, but no, what the hell are church bells good for? Have you ever thought of turning a wingsuit into an inverted airplane for better performance?