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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Does it bug anyone else when a black politian, judge, or anyone else on TV uses words like AXE instead of ASK or Wiff for WITH and Birffday? really? Or leaving out small words such as was, were, is, be, been, etc. People from other countries can talk right, why can't blacks in USA talk right? Is asking to talk right asking too much?
  2. But how do you get women from staring at your package? Put a wallet on your forehead?
  3. Check out modern barefoot ski jumping and you may find an idea. Or just teach a barefoot ski jumper to fly a wingsuit and give him a Red Bull.
  4. Looks great. Joking aside, I know when I fly wings (r/c planes) with no fins, the roll rate is great until the unrecoverable flat spin happens. Try using coroplast for prototypes then cover them in cloth. Hardly any drag at all. Maybe your fin idea on the feet would work good if they faced the bottom side of the wing suit.
  5. A little shark fin near the feet in the center might increase stability and reduce flat spins. Can somebody try this?
  6. If you drop your keys in a lava flow, forget it man, they're gone. ~ Jack Handy
  7. Poor rig. He did everything right and still burned in. There should be an ash dive. Mine is in a fire proof safe for a while.
  8. Dude, you'll blow the fuse to the horn. Trust me.
  9. Thank you for your service to the skydive world.
  10. I have been told that there are more people with guns in Michigan during deer hunting season than there are in all of the armed forces in the USA. Is this true and should we over-throw the government while we are here?
  11. Do you want to be bitched out by a 9 year old for screwing up the exit or going low? This is why they must wait til 18.
  12. And waiting in line for food is a repressed memory we would like to forget.
  13. Are you the writer Yashar?
  14. Dude give it up. What difference does it make? Follow the rules or go bowling. Don't be dying at the dz.
  15. You can go to speaker's corner or bowling. Your choice.
  16. Let us hear from those who wish they had more time or experience before they downsized etc.