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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. Cookie guy? Poser/moron No suit freeflyer? Moron/poser
  2. Gives a new meaning to "free basing".
  3. Farting in the plane will increase your chances of having a malfunction. I put a spell on everyone's ass.
  4. Bring roller skates and helmet cams.
  5. At Bridge Day after 9/11, before entering the bridge, one of the policemen (with a southern accent) told a group of jumpers to take their "shoodts" off right here. Everyone thought he said "Shoes" so they all started taking off their shoes for inspection.
  6. When I was 12 I thought barefoot waterskiing was the greatest thing. I thought I would be "footin" til 40 at least. I quit when I was 18. Just never grabbed a ski rope again. Can I still walk on water? I don't want to find out. Catch a toe and I'd be in a coma.(plus they don't make a boat fast enoungh for my fat ass) The point is: Sometimes the risk isn't worth the reward anymore. And skyjumpin is safer than barefootin. But swooping is more dangerous than barefootin. But barefootin while swoopin is probably worth the risk. I could swoop in, cut away, and continue to barefoot to the beach Ok maybe I'll wear shoes, but the other point is: you never know when you're done barefootin.
  7. He took a breath and hit the throttle.
  8. Soon, you will only have friends that get mad when you DON'T skydive.
  9. cocheese


    I almost got hit on my motorcycle by a guy wearing headphones while drivng a car. He blew the stop sign. I swerved and honked. He still didn't notice me. The rest of the story is classified.
  10. cocheese

    Wish me luck!

    Good luck and we're all counting on you.
  11. You never know where this sport is going to take you. Once you arrive, you will realize that most of the money you spent elsewhere in life was wasted. Start saving now. Start selling now. Start the journey now.
  12. Hey you listed swooping in your profile ...with 380 jumps over 9 years. That's kinda what bothered me. The incidents forum has a fresh example of why.
  13. Time to up-size, ya old geezer. Congratulations. I think you must be doing it right.
  14. Things are going good. Take care.
  15. I never met or talked to Robyn. Thank you to those who are writing about her. I feel your pain and loss.
  16. Let the master try this HI eeneR. How are things? How are you doing? What are you up to?
  17. Look at it this way. If we or they didn't jump, we would have never known them. It's better to know a great person who eventually dies, than to never know them at all. We are blessed to know so many cool people. Everyone dies. But we got to know the cool ones. Take what you learned from them and spread the love they gave to you.
  18. Hang in there, bro. The good ones go first because the world needs more angels.
  19. A bird in a cage finds that it can fly a bit and when given the chance, it flies out the window. Scared and bewildered about it all, he finds himself back in the cage. All he thinks about is flying. He will never sing right until he is free. Flying.
  20. Very little Patrick Swayze, I'd bet. I don't know, the zombie genre is HOT right now... Genius comedy my man.
  21. Not suitable for fucking work you piece of...... Anyway, this would be great to hear every morning for those positive affirmations.
  22. Sunny is doing great. Better than ever, it seems.
  23. Ok let me start over folks. I need a jump and some pussy. Size 8 or less would be good. The original poster may find that bringing his own gear on a plane is no big deal. Sometimes when people get hurt or die it is thought to be because of borrowed gear. I would suggest bringing his own gear for several other reasons, but I thought his reason was because he couldn't be bothered by bringing his gear. Strange dz. Strange gear. Strange people in Utah Yea let's take the strange gear out of the equation for best results. Put the rig in a garbage bag and carry it on. How hard is that?