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    Vigil 2

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    Skydive Kansas City
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  1. Looking at doing a couple of days. How about you?
  2. I carry mine in a SpiBelt (iPhone6). I got it for running but it works well under my jumpsuit around my stomach. Doesn't get in the way and comfortable to carry it.
  3. Got mine in Missouri in a little over 4 weeks.
  4. Keeps showing me as logged out when I try and respond to an ad.
  5. I have a standard can opener from Pampered Chef and no troubles using it left handed. Never looked into getting a left handed can opener before.
  6. I teach 6/7 graders and the first day of each quarter I scan the room to see who is left handed. It normally takes them much longer to notice that I am but once they do, it's like an instant bond.
  7. I write, golf and throw a ball left handed but like many have learned to do some things right handed. Throwing a PC was just a matter of learning one way. There was no option so I never questioned it. Much like when I learned to play the trumpet. There wasn't an option.
  8. That's the answer. If it was square some idiot could drop it through on edge.
  9. Microsoft's famous question is "why are man hole covers in the road, round?"
  10. Boxer briefs if i'm just jumping or teaching. Wicking underwear that I run in or running shorts with nothing under if i'm packing only.
  11. I did an hour each way to my first teaching job. Covered 44 miles each direction on a two lane highway. Now I'm 8 miles and don't have to use a single highway if I don't want. Short term long drives are alright.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WhhSBgd3KI&ob=av2e The Specials - "Ghost Town"
  13. Had that tingle of something big...and then the laugh at the end. Nicely done.