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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. I thought you cooked Amazon. And I was thinkin, "Sure, I'll try some". Elvisio "If yer gonna go cannibal, go BIG or go home" Rodriguez.
  2. It's these damn high definition TVs. If I wanted to watch a fan pick his nose, I would have went to the game.
  3. At this age, you celebrate every day. Cheers!Glad you're here.
  4. While watching the World Series I noticed the Texas fans in the front row behind the plate were texting during the whole game. Even during the pitch they were looking down. It was so distracting that I was watching them more than the players at bat. Same people, both nights, texting in the front row all night long. The St. Louis fans (at home), on the other hand, are trying to distract the pitcher by spinning a shirt or rag during every pitch. Discuss.
  5. Due to my muscle density and body shape, I had to freefly. Got tired of going low. Too many twigs, not enough anvils in the sky. No piercings or tats, but I am considering some fake tits.
  6. He who calls this place Dorkzone shall inherit the Earth. The real dorkzone is in that hospital bed. What a dorky place to be. Get well Sangi. Know that every day is now a gift you should feel lucky to have. Being the living dead isn't what you wanted, so get well and become the canopy nazi from hell.
  7. Sweet Mary has the best PA voice ever.
  8. Hit a wind tunnel with a wad of cash for your 17th Birthday. Save up for a year after that and then hit a dz with a wad of cash for your 18th birthday. Meanwhile, don't waste a cent on anything else. Study the sport and how people die from it. Also study how people live from it.
  9. cocheese

    John Sakal

    He is a nice guy. Haven't seen him in a few years.
  10. Check out this kid on your old trike.
  11. Your AAD is for me and my AAD is for you. Think about it.
  12. Are you saying scavenger hunts are gay? Well then I will. Scavenger hunts are....such a happy time.
  13. I'll probably die trying to save someone who got knocked out on exit.
  14. That's it! I'll find a lady that owns a Jimmy John's Sub Shop. (They deliver excellent sammiches freaky fast). This place rocks. First post and I found the answer to my life.
  15. What comes after "I'm tired of chasing women. What have they done for me lately... or ever?" Seriously, why do guys go through hell to avoid being single? Is it really worth it? Do you have to go through hell to find true love?
  16. The Bonfire is so dead that I think they're going to keep it here.
  17. Did a day or two ever go by that you did not think about skydiving?
  18. I do not want to be too tough on a movie that is promoting skydiving but the trailer does not make me want to see it. It looks kind of lame. Dude, dialog in a sky flick is like dialog in a porno flick. You'll get over it.
  19. Tell us about the grass hopper strike. Don't just leave us hanging in the harness.
  20. cocheese

    Ally Bank?

    They are really mean to kids in their commercials.
  21. Maybe they were just trying to have an incident.