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  1. Two high quality audio recordings made from the PA system at WFFC 2004 were found, digitized and are now available online for free listening. Each are 90 minute recordings. One is from Friday and the other from Saturday at the convention. It's great to hear the start of the day (Over the Rainbow, Nat'l Anthem and "GOOD MORNING, RANTOUL !") and the music, sounds, announcments, etc. made at the event. Fun listening while working at your computer. Hope you like 'em ... Chango Rodriguez (John Kirby)
  2. I just got a call from Beth at the Freefall Convention office. She recently spoke with convention owner Don Kirlin. Don is interested in hearing from skydivers about possibly resurrecting the Freefall Convention in Rantoul, IL this summer, tentatively from Friday, July 18 through Sunday, July 27, 2008. This is the week BEFORE both Summerfest and the Lost Prairie Boogie in Montana. Hosting the Freefall Convention is a major investment, so Don is trying to see if there continues to be a huge amount of interest. Please share your thoughts here on dropzone or (even better) on the message board. Thanks.... chango rodriguez (for WFFC)
  3. Mon Aug 8, 2005 at 12:30 pm... Hey there. Chango Rodriguez here. WFFC 2005 Webcams should be up. Hot / humid here, but still lots of skydiving happening. I might check in occasionally for comments. Last night, we webcast the Rodriguez Bros initiations at midnight (central time). We might try to do that again. Also, the Hellfish Toga party is tonight... webcam of that?... hmm... maybe ! But the thought is scarry. .... chango rodriguez