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Everything posted by phoenixlpr

  1. Gabor, we all know you are special. You tell us all the time. We are all special on
  2. This is BS. I jump X-Bird with normal bridle and 24" PC.
  3. FYI: "NegativeG" has nothing to do with your picture. You are in acceleration if you are spiraling with a canopy in whatever position or orientation you have. "NegativeG" is what you feel on a glider or a roller-coaster when you are taken up and dropped....
  4. WL without elevation info does not tell too much...
  5. phoenixlpr

    PF Havok

    That orange suit looked quite suspicious.
  6. Another note about short risers: Lot's of wingsuiters do/did use short risers because it makes it MUCH easier to reach your toggles right after opening. The trade-off is a shorter recovery arc. Chuck My reach is limited in WS even with open zippers. I can get the slider down from the top of a 24" set of risers, but I don't want to use risers longer than 19-20" for wing suit.
  7. I use them for locking stows because rubber bands break too easily. I would rather face the risk of a tube stow not breaking (extremely unlikely scenario) than a locking stow breaking when I don't want it to (very likely scenario). I make my own tube stows, glue isn't needed. Hi could you please explain this in more detail? How do you make Tube Stows? and how do they work without glue? Cheers How do you make Tube Stows?
  8. Please let us know what you can do against the fine grain of sand grinding the textiles of your gear.
  9. Does that count as a wing suit landing?
  10. Than you should know that speed on jump run is important. Is _does_ matter if it's 120 knots or 105 knots. You can still get better results if you communicate with the pilot.
  11. This is a positive sign of a crap. If something does not sell, lets try to push it to someone with limited knowledge.
  12. Spread your wings and fly. You'll see the landscape moving under you...
  13. Why's that? Did I miss the part where the wingsuiter, using the wingsuit alone, maintained level flight (or went up)? Anyway, very, very cool video... nice job, guys. You can not see the invisible rocket engine....
  14. You are the only one who can perform recalibrate. You suppose to execute the very same turn everywhere. If you go for a new place than start your turn high enough and adjust initiation point accordingly.
  15. Electronics can help us with consistency, but we have to set the limits first. It should be just an aid not a replacement for skills.
  16. I use 24" ZP kill-line PC with my Cobalt 135.
  17. 30" PC is really oversized for a 170 sqft canopy. 26-27" could be big enough. There is less chance to getting knotted itself if it's smaller.
  18. You are always welcome to fly wing suit in Finland.
  19. Camera was not an issue with that jump, but what next? that could apply to anything... what next what next? why are we skydiving... seems like your chute might not open next... what if the world ended..... Why do you have such a negative attatude, He landed safely and learned from it.... that is what really counts... If we all could take one thing away from this too would be awesome... Negative attitude? He just got lucky. He has failed to save his life on a simple solo jump. With "D" license you suppose to know your limits. I do not use camera when I'm not current and skip the swooping part too. If someone makes the very same mistake with your amount of jumps the first advice is play golf or bowling instead....
  20. Camera was not an issue with that jump, but what next?
  21. Do you even consider to leave your camera on the ground? Why to complicate if you fail even the very basic things? You got a clear warning of bad judgement. You should already know when you are ready for jump or not. Anyway bad judgement can not be compensated with low WL...
  22. From youtube video: Thanks! I can read, but I was interested in his version. I've seen no wrap and no picture of a wrapped PC either.