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Everything posted by linestretch

  1. I don't think that is true. There is nothing that states that you have to use the manufacturers risers on their rig. my pics & stuff!
  2. we have one here that we use. Is there something I'm missing? my pics & stuff!
  3. I do it all myself. I may let them fly up high, if the spot, altitude, and their attitude is good. But as for landing, it's all me. I'm not big at all, and have never had a problem with flaring even the fatties. I've taken 2 guys that were 270+, and I did all the landing. I guess it's a control thing. my pics & stuff!
  4. thanx brotha, good to know. my pics & stuff!
  5. also, spectra will shrink due to friction from the slider zipping down the lines, working the outer most lines the worst, and steering lines get worked from just steering. Vectran doesn't shrink, but won't last as long as spectra, and I'm sure it's more expensive. my pics & stuff!
  6. looks right from my house. Now jump it to see if it works...he he he my pics & stuff!
  7. yuppers, gotta agree with you Kirk. I took my rig up there and showed Kellly some fraying, and he took it from me. Ten minutes later, it was done plus with a mod to the main closing flap. All at no cost. Their customer service is rock solid. my pics & stuff!
  8. man, that's a sad way to think. We use icarus 330's, and 300's here, and pro-pack all of them. We easily do 100+ jumps EACH a month (5-6 TM's on staff), and to add to it, there are no brake settings on these. The only mals here have been tension knots. Take the blinders off dude, shit happens in this sport. Now, I would be pissed if I had a step through...that's another story. my pics & stuff!
  9. to me it looks like it's from dragging the rig while you pack, or whoever had it before you. my pics & stuff!
  10. one out of over 1,000. Not too bad huh. The drogue came out and knotted up with about 6 inches of bridle. Needless to say, it did little good. Pulled the reserve at about 8 grand, and had a master reserve at 8.5. I sorta blacked out from the opening, it hurt to say the least. It landed fine, my neck hurt bad, and I ruined a pair of underwear too. I was still holding the handle when I totally woke up and blinked away the stars. my pics & stuff!
  11. get the PD, the -M landings can be nasty..... (is this one gonna be deleted too?) my pics & stuff!
  12. The sigma 15mm is awesome! Once I got it, I stopped using the others. It's a little wide, and may not work for all applications, but for the money, the quality is there. my pics & stuff!
  13. I have nothing! No wife, no life insurance, no medical, and it's all because of skydiving. I have a 4 years old that has 80 skydives in the womb too. I would have to say skydiving contributed a huge part to my divorce. What does this have to do with your question? Probably nothing. my pics & stuff!
  14. don't get me wrong, I'm glad you posted it. It's a good learing experience. But I am interested if the rigger in question was shown, and what his/her reaction was. my pics & stuff!
  15. first of all, everyone needs to step back and take a breath. Anyone here can fuck up, even the masterriggers. So think about what you are saying. Yes, let the rigger know about it, show him/her the photo. No need to tell anyone else. Now, if the rigger denies it, or has in the past shown to be pathetic, and sloppy, then maybe take another avenue. It sure would suck to have your reputation ruined due to one small mistake that ANYONE can make. Remember, we are here to help eachother, not piss on eachother at any given opportunity. I'm not saying this rigger didn't screw up. In my opinion, it probably would have worked. Even a perfectly packed reserve can just decide to not work on it's own. I found a closing loop on a Javelin that was looped around the cutter, which I found out can easily happen. I showed the rigger, and he was quite thankful, and slightly freaked out by it. Man, I sure would hope someone would do the same for me. We are all human, lets learn by others. There are those who have made mistakes, and those that will! my pics & stuff!
  16. I would say you have the hots for her. It is a her right? Anyway, I really like the idea of checking someone's pulse or slapping their face in freefall. I only have wierd skydiving dreams if I haven't jumps in a few weeks. I would say this is not uncommon. As for what to do, and what to pull? I would pull the reserve, probably regardless of the size. Don't know about how low I would take it, and for sure wouldn't dock, but have seen a story where someone did it and was successful (I don't do crw either). my pics & stuff!
  17. I had a tokina 19-35mm, and it SUCKED! Very cheap quality, and just all around shitty! Maybe the lense you are looking at is better quality, but since my experience with the 19-35, I won't get another lense of that brand. my pics & stuff!
  18. dude, you rock! That is EXACTLY what I needed to read. Someone had asked me to do that to thier rig, and I wasn't to thrilled about it, not knowing if it was legal. my pics & stuff!
  19. yuppers. I know of several folks who have done this same thing. Don't know the legal issues with it, or the ramifications. I am curious though. I am NOT curious about what other riggers THINK is the right or wrong about this. my pics & stuff!
  20. first of all, I wouldn't have gone to manifest and asked for a camera person. Your best bet would have been to look for someone that could/would fill the slot. Tell them you are going to pay thier slot, and say 10 bucks on top. I've done this a lot for others. Getting the DZ involved in this was a my opinion. But, every DZ is different. my pics & stuff!
  21. some rigs are set up so the spring loaded pilot chute has a velcro tab on the top. The s/l routes through the pin/ripcord, and with leaving the plane it opens the container. The very end of the s/l is velcro'd to the top of the pilot chute to aid in deploying...bla bla bla. The bonus here is that you can use the rig as either s/l or free fall. I'm sure I'm off a little in explaining, it's been years since I've seen one, or even packed one. The rig is packed as normal, but the s/l is velcro'd to the top of the pc, and then routed through the ripcord. Is this making sense? I'm a little confused. the SLPC is left on, the bag stays with the main......sound right? my pics & stuff!
  22. if I were you, I'd be happy with what you have. I take it the opening are generally soft...right? That's the only time I get them, and am usually happy to have it. It's usually not a problem, unless you can't keep them inflated. my pics & stuff!
  23. the only time it happened to me was when I hooked up the parachute backward. Well, the pilot chute wasn't over the nose, it was just in front of me. my pics & stuff!
  24. about a year ago, a buddy of mine got a south african container/reserve and main. I noticed that the main had some stiff lines, with something on them. The rigger I was with told me that it had beeswax/parafin (?) on all the lines. I was told that it helped in cutting down wear and friction. I'm sure were spectra. my pics & stuff!
  25. sony for sure. I had to learn the hard way too, after refunding a few tandem vids due to dropping frames and glitching. I even argued it. I was using TDK tapes, and won't ever again. Pay the extra, and use sony. The only problem I've had since then was over using a tape and one particular bad tape for some odd reason. And of course, that was during Nationals 4-way. Some places, you can find them for about 5 bucks a tape. But then again, it's been a few years since I've had to buy tapes. my pics & stuff!