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Everything posted by linestretch

  1. soft links are still pretty new (in the sense that now, a LOT of folks are using them). In a few years, we'll see the same issues of lack of maintenance on them too....when they start breaking. my pics & stuff!
  2. what? Dude, look at the whole picture. The crap about putting nailpolish on the barrels, adding lock tight, and wiping it off, putting on bumpers and checking everytime and bla bla bla. You don't need any polish or markers or locktight on the barrels, that's all personal preference. Slinks WILL wear out, rapid links generally won' long as they aren't over torgued. Both are good, but it's a personal decision about what is best for you. my pics & stuff!
  3. I just religned my stiletto and ALL the A lines are the same length. All the C lines with the exception of the 2 outer (C4 & C5) are the same length. The outer 2 are slightly longer. my pics & stuff!
  4. I tend to think that "some" things can "possibly" add or subtract from a canopy's opening. But the whole thought of rolling the nose or not rolling will make all the difference? I had a sabre that I ALWAYS rolled the nose on. I never jumped it without doing so only because I was affraid of what would happen if I didn't. Sorta silly, almost 1,000 jumps with that mindset, and I still got slammed a few times. Your best bet is to try different things, and see what works best for YOU. It makes me laugh when I hear people say that it will do this or that if you do this or that. There are just way too many possibilities. my pics & stuff!
  5. not bad, the sign look readable....if you can read what it says... By the way, what does it say? And your profile says that you are a senior rigger for lap packs. Do you do this in the military? I don't think I've ever seen one. my pics & stuff!
  6. ok, I'll give you the wrench part, but the rest? Whatever..... It's a personal opinion. I'm sure I'll step up to slinks someday, but am happy with the rapid links. When I go in due to a failed rapid link, be sure to put everything I said in here in the incident forum, otherwise, to each is own! (rapid's don't break down like slinks either....) my pics & stuff!
  7. My preference is the rapid links due to ease of use and I don't like my slider coming past the links on opening, especialy when doing camera. I don't want my slider anywhere near my camera. If I never jumped with the camera, I would most likely have the slinks, they are nice. my pics & stuff!
  8. I made a bracket so the flash would lay flat on it. The bracket will slide over the top of the "C" bracket that holds my PC-1. Works pretty slick. my pics & stuff!
  9. I've done a ton of black and white, and totally agree with everyone suggesting the route of taking a college course. You will find it very rewarding to do all the work yourself. I took this one last winter, it was with 400 speed (tri-x I'm pretty sure) and a red filter. Doing it yourself allows you to crop and enlarge the photo how you please, not too mention how much contrast you want or don't want. And as for filters, I used a red filter for better contrast. I don't remember the #, but you lose a stop or two from it. They also have filters for printing too. my pics & stuff!
  10. ummmm, that's not legal is it? my pics & stuff!
  11. I never used mine. I was afraid that it would've gotten ripped right off. But, a buddy of mine uses his now and then, and it's still attached to his camera. I don't think it's a good idea. my pics & stuff!
  12. stealing one.... my pics & stuff!
  13. it the tear is from the edge of the crossport, how would you patch it? I'm not visualizing it. my pics & stuff!
  14. In my opinion, a sabre is an excellent beginner canopy, definitaly with the wing loading you are talking about. I have also heard that the bigger ones tend to open harder (150's and up). I had a 135 and put under 1,000 jumps on it, and really loved it. But I would get the occasional thumper outa it. my pics & stuff!
  15. I think you "should" be able to get it back quicker. I'm in Guam, and twice have sent a tandem cypres in for work, and it came back in roughly 2 weeks. I was pretty surprised.
  16. is there any markings on the rig, like a s/n, and origin of mfg? Somewhere there would be something about it being TSO'd. I would bet that it's not. my pics & stuff!
  17. that's understandable. My biggest gripe is the little things like "the bridle was not folded to proper length", or "there was no nail polish on the barrels", or "the links were upside down", or "there were no bumpers on the reserve links"...bla bla bla. Some things are justified, but a lot are personal things that don't need to be marked up as "rigger mistakes", and then start bashing others work. I would hope that if I f___ed up, the person finding it would pull me aside and fill me in. And not announce it to the whole DZ as I've seen before. I've come across some iffy things and either got another rigger, or the rigger that packed it, and talk about it. I've learned a LOT from others little mistakes, or questionable issues. Granted none of what I found were life threatening, but good little bits of info to learn. Prime example....on a Javelin with a cypres, has anyone here ever opened one up, and found the closing loop wrapped around the cutter (and still going through it)? It's very easy to let happen, and I learned to look for that now. I don't think it would have killed anyone, but it's simple enough that an experienced rigger had it happen to him, and I just happen to find it. We BOTH learned from it. my pics & stuff!
  18. My biggest issue has been losing my ears to the risers whipping by. It hasn't happened in a long time, but I've had a few bloody ears. But, I don't wear anything still. I really don't care what the student wears.....unless they have very stinky hair. That's just me. YOU need to do what feels good for you. my pics & stuff!
  19. you beat me to the punch. I use a .5 and a 28mm for the SLR. They match almost perfect. I don't have to worry about being too close with video, and the stills coming out way too friggin close. I like this way of thinking. But a wider angle lens is even better for freeflying, like the .45, or even wider. I use the .5 for filming 4-way also. my pics & stuff!
  20. I ended up making my own indicator. I used a light sensing diode (or something like that) and taped it over the record indicator. Ran it through a 9V battery, and to a red LED and taped that to my ring sight. I made it almost 5 years ago, and it is still working, and on the same battery. Well over 1,000 jumps on it too. It just does the basic though, and lets me know that the thing is recording, but it hasn't let me down yet, and it was a LOT cheaper. my pics & stuff!
  21. very nice. I have seen guys use the "blind spot" mirrors (used for side view mirrors on cars) attached to thier glove for this too. It's a lot cheaper huh. my pics & stuff!
  22. I'm sorta curious how the wear is going to be on the set up you have. The tension from the top of the loop seems to me that it would break down quicker. Anyone? many jumps on a set? With mine, I pinched part of the loop together and tacked it so it wouldn't lay flat against the riser. I can pretty much grab it without looking. my pics & stuff!
  23. I'm pretty happy with mine too. Living close to the mfg is nice too. They have been very good to me. my pics & stuff!