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Everything posted by BGill

  1. he isn't just a cookie rep. he is Cookie
  2. BGill

    Hey Spence

    maybe these are better? last one is NSFW
  3. BGill

    Marathon running

    you can do it... but i would say goodbye to saturday jumping. most programs have the long run on saturday and rest on sunday. it's possible that you could switch it around for your schedule but you're gonna have to have your schedule down packed.
  4. anyone know who this was? is there more to it than this? anyone up for trying it some more and posting more video/pics also, what tunnel is this at?
  5. BGill


    since we now have a whole week to wait for another episode, here are some random facts about jack bauer that i discovered to keep you busy:
  6. i seriously read somewhere once that sneeezing is 1/10th of an orgasm. i tell that fact to a lot of people even though it probably isn't true, but in your case... i think it's about time to go for a smoke
  7. how do you open that type of file? i cant seem to open it in anything...
  8. Yeah, me neither. liars... you are alll liars... btw, angelina 100%
  9. two muffins are in an oven. ...the first muffin says to the other "man is it hot in here" ...the second muffin says "holy shit a talking muffin!!!" ------------- you're momma's such a ho she got more clap than an auditorium
  10. What is your name and your nickname? Bobby, but most people say my full name "Bobby Gill" When is your birthday? 12 Jan 84, just turned 22 the other day What is your eye color and hair color? blue, dirty blonde Do you drink? Smoke? yes drinking, no smoking What city do you live in? College Park, MD for home and school What is your occupation, and do you enjoy your job? assistant manager of a Smoothie King, after 5 years there i'm realizing i need to make more $ in my last year of college, so i'll probably start bartending soon How often do you travel? as often as my bank account allows me too. i just got back from 2 weeks in brazil with my gf the other day How many languages do you speak? only english as of now. What kind of music do you enjoy? all kinds. lots of reggae recently since it really puts me in a good mood. i love all rock, classic and modern. growing up in a ghetto area really got me into hip hop as well. so basically everything besides country What is your favorite food? steak, steak, steak Do you have a favorite color? BLUE and white Do you have any unusual habits or quirks? i break cell phones like its my job. i can never keep a phone in tact for more than a few months. What is a talent that you have that most people don't expect from you? i can touch my nose with my tongue, does that count? ummm... i've been told that i'm a very good dancer too. Name something that you are proud of in your life. my hard work in school and work that will hopefully reward me very well after i graduate.
  11. "take risks not to escape life, but to keep life from escaping"
  12. i'm not usually a "vibes" type of person, but picton treated me like family and i miss them dearly. this really hurts to read since i think i know who it is, but don't have confirmation. i just want to let everyone in Oz know that i'm thinking about them from here is the states and i wish them all the best in dealing with this terrible tragedy. you all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. verry nice. happy holidays to you too
  14. thanks for the suggestions everyone. wedny, marc and alysse, sounds like some great times will be had. i'll keep you guys updated on the trip!
  15. Is that code for something? dude, she put some nuts in her flapjacks. what are trying to decipher out of that one?
  16. Ok, I'll be heading to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil after Xmas for about 2 weeks with my girlfriend. We know someone who runs a newly formed touring company down there, so we're planning on doing the stuff he suggest. I just wanted to check if anyone here has been to Rio, and if so, what were the "oh my god you absolutely have to see this" places, and what were the "yeah not worth the hype" places? I've got 2 weeks down there, so any reasonable suggestions are welcome. Thanks
  17. i've had an account but didn't really put any info in it until now. anyone here consider themselves my friend?
  18. at the top it states that "*Jumpers are welcome to use a larger parachute than the chart suggests.", so you're fine where you are. downsize only when you feel comfortable enough with your current canopy.
  19. ahahahahahahaha, let's all point and laugh at dixie! NERD!!!!!!! DIXIE'S A NERD!!!!!!!!! ahhh, glad i could get that out of my system....
  20. yeah, thieves friggin suck. at least you dont have it as bad as my girlfriend. she just had a bunch of stuff stolen from her room while there was a party at her house: her ipod, her digital camera, her new perfume, and her laptop charger... so about $650 worth of stuff
  21. hehe, it seems like i'm sunburnt in this pic we took. HEY i just happened to be at one of my other jobs (packer).
  22. yeah you damn aussies messed me up by giving me 3 summers in a row! no, that just happened to be a picture taken when i just got back from the beach one summer.
  23. me and my huge banana damn, forgot the pic the first time