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    Cypres 2

Jump Profile

  • Home DZ
    Wickham - York - Pinjarra - Tully
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  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography
  • Second Choice Discipline
  1. I use one, love it. Haven't had any problems as yet. put about 70 jumps on it so far Cheers, Jason.
  2. Cool, reckone we can take the Skyvan up with 2 on board?? :P Cheers, Jason.
  3. I really hope your company isn't selling these... things as "stills" if so 1. thats false advertising 2. thats just disgusting. There is ABSOLUTELY NO comparison between a shitty frame grab and a high quality 8MP or 12MP still taken from a dedicated DSLR. Shame the whole business is more into bums on seats than REAL customer satisfaction. Cheers, Jason.
  4. I use the Canon 15mm Fisheye, you can't compare the glass to the kit lens, it just looks great. Fairly wide lens, I was actually surprised when got it, very happy with it. I reccommend this lens. Cheers, Jason.
  5. You still don't get an all around polished product like you do editing on a computer. Most people have seen both methods and will agree that PC edited videos are heaps better. Also, how many punters do you know that would rather hear "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH" noisy freefall instead of a decent song? Cheers, Jason.
  6. *shakes head* Uneven Flare... Cheers, Jason.
  7. Who's Going??? Sounds like it's going to be HUGE!!! Check it out Cheers, Jason.
  8. The better the glass the better the image. Using a Polarizing Filter willl "deepen" the blues in the sky Post production is the way to top off your images Attatched are a before and after with a quick level adjustment and some hue/saturation adjustment (+10 Master - +20 Blues) It's an average shot but it shows a lot of sky. Cheers, Jason.
  9. Unfortunately the reply is inevitably followed up by "what happens when your chute doesn't open" I reckon that pisses me off more... No one asks how much fun it is or anything else like that as a first question... do they... Cheers, Jason.
  10. I only paid $150(Aus) for 1 Gig when I bought my MacBook Pro Cheers, Jason.
  11. See my reply in this thread;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread Cheers, Jason.
  12. I've got a MacBook Pro 15" (Intel) 2Ghz 2Gig RAM, I run Final Cut Studio and edit SD video. I was actually amazed at how fast this laptop is, extremely impressed. I'd only ever edited on a PC before so I was basically hoping it would be what I wanted, it definately is. Amazing machine, great software, just a shame it takes up 40gig of hardrive space, haha. I'll never edit on a PC again. Cheers, Jason.
  13. 46mb Manual. Check out here, you need to sign up to post, it's free. great forums, I had a Q that was answered in about 15 minutes. As for tips, just keep playing with it, there's so much you can do with this program, wouldn't know where to start :P Also, if you can "find" it, get Motion2 ;) Great for all of the menu's, cool effects, title's etc. Cheers, Jason.
  14. Yer I thought it was something like that, just not positive. Cheers, Jason.
  15. Just wondering if the APF have any hard and fast rules re: wingsuit jumps. How many jumps are required to do a wingsuit jump, general rules etc. Checked the Op Regs and couldn't find anything on them. Thanks guys Cheers, Jason.