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Everything posted by BGill

  1. DOUGH.........the stuff that buys me beer.... RAY..............the guy who sells me beer....... ME................the guy who drinks the beer........... FAH...............the distance to my beer............. SO.................I think I'll have a beer......... LA..................La, la, la, la, la, la, beer....... thanks, I'm drinking beer.......... That will bring us back to (notices glass is empty) DOH! taken from the illustrious Homer Simpson
  2. maybe its some crazy new advertising trick.
  3. i know the reb bull brand-reps that go around handing out cans wear red bull polos, i saw them tonight with some on. i would try to contact your local brand rep and see what they can help you with.
  4. i appreciate you taking the time to write all of this down aubrey. i'll call you later in the week so we can talk more about it. really really good ideas dude
  5. that's a fuckin sweet looking container
  6. at Skydive Delmarva we welcome everyone to bring their dog as long as they look after them. we kinda have a family of dogs it seems like always hanging out, but no peeing on gear or snagging lines. they know better. all the "regulars" are listed on our STAFF page on our website.
  7. hmmm... it could be that the place had some leftovers frmo when they were legal. if they are selling them its illegal to do so.
  9. it's not $179 US, its 179 South African Rand. That's about $27 US dollars. BIG BIG difference there
  10. a lot of pills that are sold at gas stations say Ephedra on them, but thats because they say Ephedra Free. yellow jackets, stacker 2 and stacker 3, all that stuff is ephedra free now. and you are right about ephedrine alkaloids being outlawed as well.
  11. well if that's the case then you should take Point Break off the list because it only had that one scene at the end. it was a kickass scene, but the rest of the movie was about surfing and robbing banks.
  12. does that link work better? jeez some people...
  13. OR
  14. yeah, sure oli, the cops were just friendly enough to "escort" you and your "girlfriend" out of what was probably Kings Cross from the looks of it... good excuse buddy, good excuse...
  15. Dude, those things are a blast if you've got enough wind. It's the perfect toy for bored skydivers on a windy day at the dropzone
  16. YES!!!!!!!! Someone else knows about RedLine!!!! I work at Smoothie King and we sell it because it's technically a "thermogenic", aka its for weight loss. DUDE, this stuff is the only energy drink that works for me. Coffee, Red Bull, Go Fast, Starbucks double espresso, all of that crap... none of that has even affected my energy levels in the least bit. I took RedLine for a whirl (hey, why the hell not?), and OH MY GOD! I was able to pull 3 all-nighters in a row studying for final exams last semester with this stuff. When we were studying, I gave my girlfriend a taste and she was like "oh my god, that's disgusting!"... 5 seconds laster she says "gimme more!!!" It's really addictive. RedLine is by far the all time energy drink. On the can it says "Always begin use with one-half can of RedLine daily to assess tolerance. Never exceed more than two cans daily or more than one can in a four-hour period. Do not consume RedLine on an empty stomach. Consuming RedLine on an empty stomach may cause nauseosness."
  17. oh my god a thread went off topic! i am so asahmed! Lew's pics kick ass!
  18. piss off Dave! there was a whole page in that issue about my tailstrike! i thought it was impressive
  19. And why would that be beer? It wasn't my time being in a skydiving mag. I was in the Australian version of Parachutist a few months back
  20. That would be me geekin the camera in the blue muffs and blue jumpsuit! Tink1717 is the one in red. YAHOOO!!!! I MADE CENTERFOLD!!!!! MUFF MUFF MUFF!!! Hey asshole!
  21. BGill

    The Pub chat

    No worries. As another note, Cornholio is technically in charge in one way or another in that thing. You getting kicked off most likely was not a personal thing but more of a technical issue. Lots of people have technical issues with getting in the Pub and get kicked out a lot. It just happens sometimes. Welcome to though
  22. BGill

    The Pub chat

    That's one rule that goes in both forums, no personal attacks.