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  1. AnalMike DrDive Gunsmokex Happychick & Jim Lady Diver Manchuso Monkycndo NWFlyer Pattersd Shell666 SuperDean & Stephanie TallGuy You guys are really putting my CDO through its paces.
  2. Hit up Mad John (jdobleman) and Sarah Skrotch. They manage the song materials. Maybe after trying out our stuff they can make some of their own and come TRY to show us up on the 50th.
  3. Probably not this year because our money is going towards a trip to Italy. But, I'll never say never! See! This is why 4 months isn't enough to plan. So I'm thinking you need to commit to coming in 2016 or 2017. Have fun in Italy!
  4. Skymama! I'm getting all nostalgic. Is this the year you come join us?
  5. Dropzone.com screen names please. You can add your significant other's name to yours if they are too for dropzone.com and for those of you following this alphabetical order saves lives! The list: Happychick & Jim TallGuy
  6. Lost Prairie boogies have long enjoyed a history of enthusiastic attendee promotion. Especially in this forum. But we got so excited couldn't wait for the obligatory four month no post rule. In fact we couldn't even wait before last year's boogie was finished. The facebook event page has been buzzing since then. All indications are that it's going to be massive. Details and pre-registration available from the Meadow Peak Skydiving website Now let's get retro and see how crazy we can get with the DZ.com going list.
  7. Yup I'm a dick and have ignored my dropzone.com roots. I've been doing most of my post whoring on the facebook this year. We've got a really nice count on the "Going" list so far and for good reason. Like you said, we'll have a Skyvan. The organizer line-up is looking solid. There is a super posh new shower house that went up last year. Sorry for those of you who missed it. We had to go coed periodically while they finished painting the boys and the girls sides. We're no longer conflicting with Summerfest, so I expect to see a bunch of new folks head up from there to join us once it wraps up. Plus, the various camps should be adding a couple new attractions for our evening festivities. I have no doubt this one is going to have everyone telling their friends "You should have been there, you have absolutely no idea."
  8. I'd love to see DZs covering camera slots for boogie videos. It just seems that many have lost interest in doing so. I won't venture to guess why. Since many professionals no longer have incentive to create professional grade videos, I thought it might be nice for amateurs to have a convenient repository for creating compilations for their own benefit, not necessarily the DZ's. Without a doubt, everybody dumping to and pulling from attached storage is fastest and in the end may be the only practical solution, but it has its own problems. Not everybody is going to have high capacity storage to get their own copy of all the videos collected. Even if they did there would be a mad dash in the 11th hour to collect it. Finally someone still has to babysit the device and even then something could happen to it. Hosting a NAS is great if you have an Internet connection that won't suffer as a result.
  9. DSE, I knew I could count on you to reply. Thank you. The problem with the event I have in mind, is that it is in a remote location. Most participants will be camping. They will be without power, laptops or even phone service. As such, being able to upload everything to a central repository after the event would seem to be ideal. One individual with power and a laptop COULD collect video from the others. But that has its own hastles which could detract from their enjoyment of the event. There are certain givens: Service and Internet speeds are going to be a major limiting factor. The grand majority of video submitted will be straight from GoPro's or similar. It will not be practical to edit directly from cloud storage. Anyone editing footage will first need to download the video files first. A service that can stream the files for preview would be a huge bonus.
  10. Forgive me if I missed previous posts on this topic in my searches. There is a boogie that I've been attending for the past 10 years which used to be the subject of some of the most epic boogie videos. Unfortunately, the days of DZs covering slots for camera flyers involved in the production of these videos is at an end. Also, with the ease in which digital video may be shared and the general drop in sales of such boogie videos, there just isn't sufficient incentive for professionals to produce them any more. Ironically, more skydivers are now wearing cameras and editting video than ever before. Unfortunately, these videos usually only end up being shared in small groups or personal collections. It would be great if there was a free or inexpensive cloud storage solution that jumpers could upload all/some of their raw footage to, which could be readilly indexed and shared with others in the community. Then those with an interest in editting would have an abundance of material to work with at their convenience. I've taken a break from wearing video cameras for the past couple of years, so this is probably already being done and I'm just out of the loop. If so, can someone please clue me in as to what you are all using? If not, does anyone have any suggestions for what might work well?
  11. Aussiechick DBCOOPER Dr Dive Kdub Kingbunky (50% chance at this point, might bring Jon) Ladydyver Lucky Mad John Mike Parker Mike Poulson Pattersd Spoon TallGuy If you are on facebook, be sure to add yourself to the "going" list on the Lost Prairie Boogie 2013 event page here. Also, be sure to invite all of your friends.
  12. That beats me, as I'll be making the trek from Bangor Maine. However, Rafael Manana has been coming up from Uruguay for the past couple of years. Kinda hard to top that.
  13. I am trouble, like a 6'9" James Dean. Rawwwr!
  14. It is time to start planning for our annual pilgrimage to Marion, Montana for the 46th annual Lost Prairie Boogie. Here's a brief update on what to expect for those who haven't been there in the past couple of years. Change is about the only constant you can expect in our sport, and this boogie is no exception. Not only is the huge landing area back, but it has been beautifully groomed. We are camping and packing right next to it. This means a great opportunity to watch your friends land, and fast turnaround between loads. While we hope to never need one, over the past couple of years an ambulance has been parked on-scene to quickly address any emergencies. You may have heard rumors that the Lost Prairie Lounge has closed its doors. Sadly, this is true, and while most of us hope it will someday be resurrected to its former glory, other provisions have been made for the time being. Most notably is FREE BEER. True, it is not our beloved Lang, but it does come from from my favorite nation... DOnation! You may enjoy it at the adjacent fire pit or the spacious party tent where harder spirits are available. We've also constructed a hitching post where you can work towards your next Cunning Linguist rating. Evening boogie festivities are now well established as being accessible only to skydivers. So no more young townies causing trouble. Camping at Lost Prairie has definitely taken a turn for the comfortable, as several hookups have been installed. The path to the camping area has been greatly shortened which has significantly cut down on the amount of dust being kicked up by vehicles. Here is some of the things that haven't changed: Same great planes and staff from Skydive Arizona. We've been jumping two Super Otters for the past couple years. However, if you can talk enough of your friends into committing to come, they might be convinced to send another Skyvan. Regardless of your discipline, there will be unparalleled access to top tier load organizing and coaching. Most of the same peripheral activities are still available. Glacier National Park offers some of the most scenic hiking trails America has to offer. The pristine water of McGregor Lake continues to provide a welcome retreat on a hot day of skydiving. The Cock Chorus will still be rocking the house all night long, while the Crack Choir presumes to F@%# em' rotten. There will a convoy up to the tower and subsequent aerial entertainment may be expected. Historically, rogue jumpers step up and organize their own special events, like lingerie loads, jumps into the lake, and sunset cross-country loads. Taking the lead on such things is strongly encouraged. If you have never been to this boogie before, do yourself a favor and make this your first year. You have likely never experienced a vibe like the one in Lost Prairie. The friendships people make here tend to last a lifetime. Hope to see you there in August!
  15. Are you joining us this year Amazon? Maybe you can find folks to take the rigs off of your hands?