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Everything posted by BGill

  1. i like how the "bestweekever.jpg" is the week you two met me sad to say that alana is no longer an Oh-hi-ho
  2. i thought HH was going to have a big huge yellow head. i was very very wrong...
  3. congrats on the sweet move alana! you definitely did pick a good spot. hope all is going well with the two of you.
  4. i can do that ...i just dont want to right now
  5. 0/1:45/0 out of town and away from the gf for the weekend, so no humps 1hr 45min of tunnel time with Dan the Man-ager... holy begeezus am i sore no beer owed since i've been in the tunnel before, just not this long all in all: my body = my flying skills =
  6. now does anyone have the robin williams sketch about the luge? i saw him live a few years back. fuckin hilarious.
  7. luckily there are people in this world that truly care about the real important aspects of science... jello shot experiments the other experiments on the page are pretty interesting as well enjoy
  8. I have no idea what's going on.... Wanna get high?
  9. Charlie is gonna show you his mad swoopin skills, Gregor!
  10. Maryland: mmmmm crabs. nothing better than a crabfeast during the summer. i also love how we get all 4 seasons, and they really do stand out. at other points, i really dislike maryland weather because it could be any of those 4 seasons depending on what day of the week it is.
  11. acai is my favorite. sooooo good.
  12. thats exactly what i was gonna say. eros is grrrrrrrreat.
  14. typical medusa also, what about wing cutaway handles? i would imagine they would be just slightly harder to reach with it being backwards. were they laced backwards to face the loops towards his front? lets see some pics.
  15. how come marge drives on the right hand side of the car (UK) and homer drives on the left side (USA)? you can tell because homer gets out of the left side when marge is pulling into the driveway. is that how it goes in the original intro or just something on this intro?
  16. you've got 6 days left to consume an entire month's supply of alcohol. i recommend you start immediately. hopefully the buzz will last you through april
  17. Don't Shoot the Puppy! there are no directions on how to play, you just gotta figure it out yourself so far i'm on level 15
  18. *ahem*, i think i speak on behalf of the rest of when i say... more boobies please
  19. everyone at Skydive Delmarva gets a free ticket on Safety Day if you participate in the leaning harness cutaway practice
  20. dude, who cares? you got paid didn't you? when i was in australia i did one of those marketing survey things for 3 hours regarding credit cards. just the various styles they were thinking of releasing, colors, those little annoying mini keychain ones, etc. but ya know what? i got paid $100, so it was all good. don't regret a second of it. enjoy the jump money
  21. well since you already own the original cassette, you own the rights to have those songs. and for this reason, you should be able to download the mp3 versions as freely as you like. with that being the case, Disc A of Garage, Inc. is the original EP i think you're looking for.