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Everything posted by BGill

  1. That's right, Patrick Swayze has signed on to make a sequel to the beloved skydiving classic Point Break. Keanu Reeves won't be back as Johnny Utah, but let's keep our fingers crossed that Swayze can provide another totally realistic skydiving scene. Oh yeah, who else is as psyched as I am?? Clicky
  2. yeah we are pretty awesome, aren't we? just kidding... we'd love to have you as soon as we're back up in the air (very very soon) and thanks for letting some of the DMV crew take refuge with you
  3. BGill

    Fuck Best Buy!

    I have "See ID" written on mine as well. I, however, only present my ID when it is asked for. I would say one of every 50 people ask for my ID. CC's with pictures are the safest bet, IMO.
  4. Also consider: Skydive Delmarva in Laurel, DE (awesome dz, unfortunately temporarily not operating, but that shouldn't be for much longer) Skydive the Point in West Point, VA
  5. That is another explanation of the sale going on, including some others that the OP didn't mention. Good deals on all the Extreme3's.
  6. Even if it is a no-go for the HC7 fix, maybe this will at least make the engineers at Sony more conscious of the issue for future models.
  7. We, the jumpers, have limited information at this time, so I can't really offer any more than this: At the present time Delmarva is having issues with the new airport owner (Lee Franklin Booth). He has shut us down until further notice for reasons unknown to us, but we are doing everything possible to get back up and running ASAP. We are currently doing tandems out of Ocean City Municipal Airport with the help of Skydive Ocean City, so yes we are still operating. Delmarva will prevail through all of this, without a doubt. For now we are staying positive and waiting for more information.
  8. Some guy came up to me while I was wearing my Maryland Skydiving jacket and told me this whopper: "Dude, you skydive? Me too. I remember this one jump I did, it was at night and I jumped with all these fireworks going off around me. Landed on the beach, packed my chute as I crossed the street to get to the pub, then people were buying me beers all night cuz of how cool it was. It was sweet." I then proceeded to ask him questions about the jump (don't remember what I asked), but he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. But he kept blabbing on like I was the whuffo. Oh, and this was in Australia. Maybe its the same guy you met?
  9. oh god! pictures? what pictures? i dont have any pictures.
  10. are you sure? i really dont mind
  11. I may have pics from that night. This was WFFC '05, right? Gotta wait til I get home from work this evening, though. Sorry.
  12. Network, network, network. If that doesn't work, play the numbers game. Get as many applications out there as possible. Do as many interviews are you can. After a few interviews, you'll be much better at selling yourself and you should eventually be able to find something decent. Persistence is key. And don't expect to have something lined up for right after graduation. It could take a couple months, maybe even up to a year to find something worthwhile.
  13. that's a typo. it's supposed to be "Virginia is for LoSers" brendan (wildcard)
  14. wow. 11 of your 21 posts are in this thread. i think this might be a new novice post-whore record or something. (and a sex thread nonetheless)
  15. do you mean a BS (Bachelor of Science)? if it helps at all, i know a few people who work for the patent office. i also know some people who used to work there but now work in regulatory affairs here at the FDA. all are engineers (biomedical).
  16. very cool man. best of luck with everything next week!
  17. so far just the gym. once i get better i'll start venturing outside... probably around the Great Falls, VA area.
  18. but it takes soooo much effort. besides, my fingers are so damn sore from climbing last night that typing is a bitch. so let's just have everyone talk to me, and i'll just sit and watch.
  19. for being on this site a whole lot i really don't say much. i guess what it really comes down to is laziness... ah well.
  20. BGill

    24 again..

    That are the EXACT two questions I kept asking last night. We'll probably get some hint at a half-assed explanation next week.
  21. I prefer to use the term "throwing a hot dog down a hallway" ...but i'll accept it.
  22. BGill

    Facebook Problems

    my profile is there and everything's fine with it. i see that they unrolled a new layout today, so my guess is you either are accessing your profile in some weird way or you got screwed over in the change.