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Everything posted by BGill

  1. wouldn't putting the stills on the right side also give you access to the LCD screen of the video, which would be beneficial for adding effects in the plane and centering your subject while holding the helmet at odd anglesa? i just think having the stills on the right would make a lot more sense for multiple reasons.
  2. that's an amazing time. i hope some day i can beat it congratulations on you're outstanding accomplishment.
  3. does anyone know when Norman Kent and Dano plan on putting up all their pics online? I know Norm posted a select few on the slideshow, but there are others I'm still looking for.
  4. 1-800-SKYRIDE???;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread Check those links and see what you find. To keep it simple, NO.
  5. awesome pics gregor. i especially love the picture of me with my tequila. oh what fuzzy memories anyone got shots from the beach landings?
  6. hahaha, did you not realize who i was? i thought you knew who i was the whole time since you started talkin to me right when you got there. oh well, guess you're just a nice person then who else has pics? i wanna see more!
  7. a lot of pics are already posted on the Skydive Sebastian website. and to answer the other questions on requirements, it was a 200 jump minimum with a C license. no wing loading requirement. had to have floatation gear. oh yeah, and did i mentiong that THE BOOGIE FUCKIN ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. me and akurtom will be there wed night, staying at the sombrero. yo skychick312, PM me about your room situation. i'll check with my friend but we might be able to work out something.
  9. exactly. i always see cameraman going up to people that have bright colors on. the contrast against the sky makes for better pics/videos.
  10. yeah i've seen all of those before. really good pics.
  11. it looks like there could've been a driver, he just seems to have been all the way to the left side of his side, as if he had his arm out th window or something of that nature
  12. ummm... so now do we need a "What can we do about Travelocity?" thread?
  13. hey yo grue, didn't your mother ever teach you to share??? i call dibs!
  14. sorry Ev, i'm gonna be in Brazil that time of the year i know i know "gosh how are you gonna deal with such terrible weather down there?" ... ya know, i'll deal with it
  15. october issue? thats the most recent one i've gotten. in that case, yes, centerfold!
  16. hot damn girl! take that along with your new avatar and its a perfect combo
  17. my camera helmet came off in freefall at the WFFC this year. the helmet is somewhat jumpable, but i dont know if i trust it too much with the big ol cracks on the back of it. my pc-105 is completely trashed. so was my lens obviously. the tape was recovered but it's nothing worth viewing. just a big blue sky for a minute and a half of freefall, then it cuts out. $800 camera $50 lens $300 helmet (ehh, too dangerous to jump it much longer) total: $1150ish
  18. from the looks of it you won't be that way for long
  19. well then, looks like douve had his redline today oh yeah, that reminds me we just got the redline pills and gels in at my store. i think ill go get some now
  20. Aubrey from Aerodyne uses a mac laptop and i know for sure he can access the site. if you're having a problem getting to the site, its something on your behalf.
  21. sweet! congrats alana and justi, sorry i wasn't there to see you guys jump!
  22. my mom stepped on a slug with her bare feet once... it made a cool mushy sound
  23. only about 12 hours now... uh oh! i'm gettin the shakes!!!