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  1. I'm sure some of the people on here remember Chris and his accident that paralyzed him back in 2003, I thought you would want to know. I never met Chris but knew of his accident, I was only jumping a few years when that happened. And a HS classmate knew Chris from when he jumped up in Connecticut, before he moved to FL. Here is a few links Last night on FB in the "People You May Know" it had Chris Colwell listed. So I clicked on his profile to see how he was doing, and I saw one post, from one of his friends, that said RIP. So I did a quick google search and found out he passed away on 10/13/2021. I didn't see anything on here, so I decided to post it. Interesting story, I had a quadriplegic client in Arizona, who was also named Chris and had the same cervical break, and he knew of Chris Colwell and said he followed his YT channel and that he inspired him a lot. Interesting how inter-connected the world is.
  2. Dente, yes and no. People said they are going to continue having a boogie, like Chris's, but it will be later in the season and at a different location. So not the same at all, and it won't have his energy in it. It will probably be a great new boogie to go to. But, to me, that was the last of Chris Spence's St Patty's/Fitzgerald boogies.
  3. Chiquita

    Fitz Boogie

    It was great meeting you :-) I think I'm the lurker you are speaking of, or at least one of them ;-)
  4. Seeing Chris isn't here to post about his boogie it didn't get posted here this year, so this is a bit short notice, but better late then never. This will be the 20th Anniversary for Chris Spence's St Patrick's Day boogie, and the last one. There will also be a memorial jumps and Chris's ash dive. There will also be plenty of good and happy times as well. Costume contest Friday and Saturday night. Friday nite will be a 60's, 70's, 80s theme to go with the music that will be played. So bring and wear your best hippie costumes. Saturday will be a green Irish theme, so all my kilt loving friends bring em and wear them! It will be a green out night. Everything green goes! What they will have to offer: Multiple aircraft, (No one can say we have ever been in need of lift power at this event), Large covered packing area,Private group/packing tents available, Huge landing area and all of South Georgia is an out if needed, Organizers for all levels and overall friendly people to jump with the newer jumpers, Swoop pond and Tandem skydives for your friends. What we have on site: Free camping and showers, Full service RV hookups available for a fee, Onsite food service provided by the lovely Georgia Johnson and The FitzBoogie Cafe, Nightly bonfires and stupid human tricks, Nightly Music & Entertainment Provided by WaWa Productions. What we have close by: About a mile and a half to Hotels, Restaurants, Liquor stores, ChinaMart (WalMart) and ATMs. For more information check out their website: or Facebook event page Registration does include a t-shirt, but you must pre-register to ensure you get a shirt
  5. At least he is in jail. And probably for longer than he would have gotten if he was found guilty. I had no idea about her son, but looked it up, wow.
  6. Another good soul taken too soon :-( I attached a few of the photos I have of him
  7. I figured you all would enjoy this story that was posted on FB, not my post. And I figure we all someone that can relate to this story and landing "When I closed up the coop last night, I didn't realize one of my ladies was still outside. I heard her cooing this morning in the trees. She let me pick her up and put her in the run. A little later, I found this impression on the coop roof (from my bedroom window). Holy face plant! She must have worked up the gumption to try a flyover and overshot the landing. The legs/feet made me lol! There aren't any footprints walking away from the scene, so she must have flown back from that spot. Not that she would've gotten in anyways, because of the netting, but she gets a 10/10 for her perfect, chicken snow angel."
  8. I've been jumping a Sabre 1 150 for nearly 20 years, and mine is older than 2001. Only be whacked 2 times, but both were due to packing errors, I pack for myself so I know. I have been psycho packing it pretty much the entire time, not sure if that effects the openings. I also packed it slightly different than most psycho packers and I always made sure the slider was nice and spread out, and a few other things. I weigh about the same as your customer and have always jumped a 150, so a 170 might open differently seeing it is weighed less than a 150. When I used to pack tandems and sports rigs I always packed psycho packed them and most said it was the best openings they had, but who knows.
  9. I agree with both. I tried colored ones ones, because they look cool, but they do seem to be slightly different and not last as long. And I never understood why people were scared of them, I've heard people say they don't break, which is true they don't break as often as bands, but they will if they need to. I also psycho pack and don't understand why people are afraid of that either. I used to pack tandem and student gear that way, and the TM always said my openings were better. The regular jumpers always liked the openings as well, most said it was the most consistent openings. And my Sabre 1 loves it, she only got me once and I had rushed that pack job so I probably missed something. To me, it seems that certain new/different things it is like a type of cognitive dissonance, something that they just can't get beyond. With tube stows, 'they don't break' as often or easily as bands, and that is where people get stuck. Psycho pack, it is the 180 flip, 'but you put a line twist in it', even though you flip it back over and can check the lines to make sure it is right. But most people can't get beyond the first flip. It is crazy to me.
  10. I personally have used tube stows forever and love them, I don't like rubber bands. I know some people say don't like them because they don't break, but I've never had an issue with them where I would need them to break. I think if you put them on so the overlap part (where it joins together) out of the way, there is no reason for them not to work and need to break. Eventually they do wear out and break, but need to be replaced far less often than bands do. The downside is, if you don't have extra and/or at a dz with a gear shop that sells them, then you might be out of luck.
  11. My cousin would be jealous! He loves pinball machines. And has built some game machines with a lot of the older games on it. I'm sure you've heard of it, but in case you haven't, have you gone to Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas?
  12. Something to think about, this is the first time your body has experienced freefall. It could be multiple factors that made you nauseous. Some of the combination factors could be blood sugar, nerves, your nervous system being overloaded, adrenaline rush, and emotions. So, give yourself some time to process all of that and then try it again.
  13. Cookie just posted the notice of the new helmet on FB Cookie's FB annoucement skydiverek - I was sure, I haven't been that active in the sport the last few years.
  14. No problem :-) I was kind of curious. I thought at one point Cookie was supposed to make an impact resistant helmet, or something like that, so I was wondering if that was it, though it doesn't seem like it.
  15. According to their FB page (jedi wear) it is a new helmet that is in production. However, it is weird that there is no mention what so ever about it on Cookie's website or FB page Jedi Wear FB Post