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Everything posted by somethinelse

  1. no, i dont think its wise to classify all those who take part in the Purity Pledge thing as relligious fanatics or freaks. That's just so biased and narrow minded of you. I can see both sides of the issue. I was raised religious and conservative, and over time and years... am now rather "balanced" in my 'world view' and realistic about individual choices and guiding one to make informed choices based on many different issues and the situation. But... This isn't the Puritan or Victorian era, and western culture is so sexualized and sensual, that teens are widely exposed and thinking and feeling sensual and sexual, that it is unrealistic to think you can shelter them from it. RAther than hide from this environment, it's better to discuss it and to be open with one another and with our children rather than hide or unrealistically shelter them for as long as possible. From the linked articles, and from others that I have known of into the Purity Pledge thing, they are very sheltered and guarded in many ways of others involvement with their families. I think perhaps unrealistically so. And Controlling. Which I thin is not good in the long run, unhealthy.
  2. 1. Whats your name? LiLa, or sometimes "LuLu" to good friends 2. How old are you? 48 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? I was looking for a thrilling hobby 4. Are you single or taken? Married? Single but recently out of a relationship- so taking a break and not looking... right now. 5. Do you have kids? Yep, and a young teenager at that! 6. What do you drive? 1991 Dodge 7. Have you ever done a kisspass? Nope, not yet 8. Where do you live? Michigan 9. Do you have any pets? "Roxy" a 2 yr. old Jack Russell Terrier 10. How many jumps do you have? 39 11. What color eyes do you have? Blue-Green 12. What is your nationality? American 13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? Yes 14. Favorite Movie? A Year In Provence, Enchanted April, Lady Hawk ... and chick flick stuff I guess 15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? Being & doing Mom stuff, reading, hanging out with freinds and family or working 16. Have you ever BASE jumped? No 17. If not... do you want to? Maybe 18. Do you have siblings? 3 brothers and 2 sisters 19. Where do you want to travel to the most? Baja CA, maybe or, Nova Scotia, maybe Nantucket- off season. 20. What's your favorite color? Cerlian Blue 21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? Boston Mass.
  3. well, The first date with the last guy I dated was over lunch & coffee (maybe around $25 or so?) in a cool little cafe... then strolled down the street to an art gallery... Easy way to get acquainted without the stress of a night time date.... especially if you're unsure about the person yet.
  4. wow this thread is one of the MAIN reasons that i seldom visiti this forum. You all seem to be seeing things in black and white, rather than the shades of grey in between. I am a Christian and far from perfect. Chrisitianity is not about what we do or do not do... But rather the awesome gift of forgiveness, restoration and renewal of our spirit and souls with God but only thru Jesus Christ and His mediation in fact for us and our lack or worthiness and perfection of soul. Who among us could possibly say that we are completely without fault or vice or even our own "pet" tendency or tendencies towards doing the wrong thing? Hey, I am far from perfect, and that is NOT what Chrisitianity is all about anyway. Religion... a organized spiritual way of doing life, Chrisitianity... organized or not, but thru Jesus, not by WHAT I do or do not do. Sorry, if that is about as clear as mud.
  5. i.e. Stalking is often referred to as universally understood... But honestly, isn't there a lot of variance? How would you know if that was the case? What kind of things would actually and accurately be discribed or attributed to a stalker? And do you/would you know if someone was "stalking you on-line?
  6. a lot o people have a career where a concealed weapon permit is part of their job or is a requirement. and certainly, you can remember news footage of what happens in big cities when the power and lights are out for any period of time...
  7. I'm pretty broke $ right now. With getting a new apartment, setting that up, if that alone isn't a drag on my funds... My reserve's getting repacked so my rig is basically in hock (so to speak) until that can be paid for. I think I've got a friend to pick it up & pay for mine for an IOU. Thank God for good friends!
  8. altho posted by a woman, shouldn't this more appropritely been posted in either Speaker Forum, or Bon Fire??
  9. Too funny. But if you compare other adventure or expreme sports to it, it's pretty comparative. At least learning to fly and flying is, as is scuba diving and sailing too, I think. But the outlay at the beginning is the toughest though, really. Gear doesnt' need to be top of the line or the most expensive to get started either. I fact, for me I think it smartest to buy used until I become experienced and downsized too. But buying a used rig is cheaper than renting like I needed to do up til last year...
  10. Wow! Ya'all are way in to stylin' huh?! But then again, I suppose I'm more grunge in style at this point then trendy cool. But hey, I'm happy to have gear, and I add to it when I can. So, just out of curiousity... What are the "cool" shoes??
  11. I dont have facebook either. But I am also a Chrisitian Skydiver Association member. Check it out. -LiLa.
  12. yeah, I do think it's some of my earlier posts funny, and a bit embarrassing now that I've been in the sport and around lots more people, and learning better about what to and not to post. I still like hanging out a, but only now and then, and gotta a lot going on in my life in general, but wonder about folks that have the kinda time neccessary to put in so much time and energy to posts such huge numbers. Get out and enjoy just being outdoors. Even if the weather is off, enjoy getting active or stimulating your mind with something... else, at least some of the times. Ya might post less, but maybe the posts will be more interesting, and you'll be more interested in the things you read here too. Maybe.
  13. Orchid's do not continually bloom. They only bloom seasonally...kinda like how the christmas cactus does. But you really might wanna try orchid fertilizer drops to keep it well fed, so when "it's time" comes around again, it gives you a showy display of blooms.
  14. Yummy. That recipe does sound good. But not to sure about the wheatgerm. That's different. What is silpats that you need to line the baking sheets with? and why? Thank, L.
  15. Strange. I've had pre-employement back ground checks run on me, which've run approx $70, but never as a parent volunteer/chaperone. Hmmm. I wonder what's up with that.
  16. I couldn't agree more. ...thanx Sangiro, U da Man!
  17. yeah, I hardly ever "hang out" here anymore... Seems like a lot of the same ol' same ol'... & from the same ol' people most of the time. Doesn't anybody have a 'real' life- that keeps 'em busy -at least of the time??
  18. V-B I think I understand where you're coming from. Althought not 'formally diagnosed', I came to the conclusion a coupla years ago that I very likely am ADD after doing some extensive research for an Educational Psychology class I was in at the time. It was like a light bulb went off - "Whoa! THAT really explains A LOT..!!" BUT knowing what the case is that is the contributing factor to major issues to deal with in your life in general, doesn't make the problems that come about because it it necessarily "go away." It can be very frusterating. But like SkyMama said, there really ARE lot of techniques to deal with it, it in your case being our ADHD, and you can actually make it work for you. Take heart, but ya know a lot of people will not be able to understand. Good Luck to ya & hang in there dude.
  19. Ha! How eloquently stated! But seriously, sometimes we chickies really DON'T know the effect we maybe having when we press up against you with our boobies. So- should we then, assume certain somethings in return when the huggee hugs our rubs us back in a certain way when they hug us back?? Honestly, maybe we with the boobies could be enlightened to the meaning of certain male hug techniques...
  20. Found that David Gilmour CD at Schullers Books & Music. It's an amazing CD! & Yep, he is one of the two surviving original Pink Floyd Band members...
  21. Yeah. I know, but I don't schedule these things. We got scheduled in for about 3 of these "holiday" parades... gotta jump start the small town shopping with a parade of sorts, and a lighting of the "townsquare" as it were of the Christmas tree. Seems kinda premature to me, too, but hey, thats ok, I guess.
  22. Late Sat. afternoon, my daughter and I are walking in a Christmas parade with some others from my group Central Michigan Search and Rescue... And sometime or other this weekend, we're going to big book/music/store in Grand Rapids to search out David Gilmour CD "On An Island" - I can not find that awesome CD in this little hometown of mine !
  23. Wow! Great reply to the OP. As prior service, and also having varied experience at different DZs... I can relate. I think what also comes into play sometimes is the distance you might live from the other jumpers, or how far you travel to the DZ- seems like the jumpers closer to each other, live around or nearer each other tend to become better and closer friends... But like it's been said, everybody's different, but not all jump "buddies" really are your friend. Symantics? I don't know. But that's the way it is sometimes. Takes effort, extending yourself outside the DZ to make better & "real" friends... Ya know?
  24. Hey welcome to Michigan! I live in more towards the center of Mich, so call CENTRAL MICHIGAN SKYDIVERS in Mt. Pleasant my home DZ. It a friendly cessna DZ & everybody's upbeat and helpful. SKYDIVE TECUMSEH rocks as a DZ! Got a good vibe there and good staff and a great bunch that jump there. They got a caravan & cessnas. ...If Tecumseh wasn't so far away for me (250 miles) I'd make it my home DZ. CYa- LuLu