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Everything posted by somethinelse

  1. Thanx once again Terry. Still trying to manage something or other! I'll let ya know.
  2. I appreciate that. yes, I need to pracice thats for sure. Packing will definitely be come easier, dontcha think? when I got my own gear to take on home with me, or to take my time packing at the dz w/o the hassle of it being needed by somebody else, or needing to leave it at the dz when I head on home at the end of the day.
  3. hmm. thanx. I'll just have to do it and see what its like to actually pack it both ways. But right about following the manufacturers instructions tho, too... Blues!2U -LiLa.
  4. Hmm, Interesting. Good tips. Thanx. I think pro pack would be easier any how the smaller the amount of sauare footage of material you have to work with. ya know? The big student and newb conaopies are just really difficult to pro pack when you are short or slight of build... awkward. Just thot flat pack COULD be easier for me somehow. ya know?
  5. thanx Billvon. I've always seen it Pro packed, but I guess one of our dz's tamdem masters always flat packs his own. I think having my own gear will help me to be able to practice both ways to have it all come together. But it is very good to hear from you that both techniques can be used to pack canopies. Does it make a difference how a canopy is packed for best deployment considering the speed or body position at time of deployment? Or is packing techniqe basically just a matter of perference? Just curious! -L
  6. Heya, Pat! Possibly... My ST&A thot it ok for me, so I just need to get in touch with the seller and try to work things out. Still nervous tho about how to do a transaction on line like this tho, too. Ya know? But really lookin gforward to having my my own gear!
  7. Not officially, but I'm sure its a real issue for me. I'm often mentally multi-tasking all the time! So tips to simplify complicated things are huge with me. I actually like the idea of flat packing better than pro packing... But can that tecnique be done on some chutes better that on some or not at all on others? does it matter what kind of container that your packing into? For Example, what about a Vector 3 container with a 175 Triathalon Main?? Never seen a post like this kind addressed before... Thanx everybody for any and all input with this and anything similar to be able to K.I.S.S., ya know, Keep It Stupid Simple or as the case might be to Keep It Simple Stupid! Blues- LiLa.
  8. Yeah, I've emailed my DZs STO/Rigger and asked if he'd inspect this possible rig for me, and am waiting for his response before I'll make any arrangements.\I've been on hold with getting much air time due to renting now for too long, So I've had lots of conversations about what I SHOULD be getting and what I COULD use etc. Anxious to move on ya know? But from a small DZ, not many folks I can call on to help me, and ones I really trusted have moved on- this community can be really nomadic ya know?! So, all this is rather unnerving. Hope I can make it happen for myself and get so much more air time with my own gear this year verses what I have been able to do with just renting CYA. LiLa.
  9. Thanx Squeak. I'll email my DZs STO - Rigger and see if he'd be cool with that. Blues LiLa.
  10. Been looking to get my first gear used and fairly affordable gear, so I've been looking at the classidieds here. When I see stuff I'm seriously interested in HOW do I possibly have it checked out for safety and appropriateness for ME before any money and shipping gets involved? I want to get going on this, but it makes me really edgy and nervous not knowing how to go about it all. Thanx - LiLa.
  11. Heya Snowwhite. I'm checking into all the particulars right now. Seems like I could have support from some of the local fliers for this too. I'm being low key about it so far, and just checking out why this is going down like it is so far. The Airport Manager says new hangars will attract more planes and biz to this airport, where as the old one can not do that. But don't see why it has to be a far gone conclusion that the old must be done away with to bring in the new. For a long time they weren't having Fly Ins, but they started 'em back up in 1997. Very cool! Originally from the old hangar, too... And it is such a really cool space too inside to have the breakfasts in. I'm gonna keep after this one, and do my home work and get some support before becoming too vocal about this perservation. Do you think I should be up on all the hisorty of the place before I would even just write an editorial letter to the editor of the local paper??? Thanx - LuLu.
  12. Thanx Jewels. Yes, I'm doing historical research right now, and trying to get in touch with the County's Historical Society for help too. Thanx for all your help! I appreciate your insights...
  13. Heya JBL. Whats a FBO? I'm checking into history of the place now. The Airport Manager- member of local flying club that owns the organization that is managing the airport too for that matter, Would also like to see that old hangar saved. I think that the city only got one opinion of one engineer to check the structure due to liability and needing to see about replacement of three garage-type doors that needed to be replaced. The engineer told them that due to heavy loads bearing, and the deterioation of the building block type construction the corners needed to be rebuilt or something like that. That is the basis for the city saying tear it down. But I think that maybe another engineering opinion from an nuetral source might prove more objective. Also if it could be used for some financially beneficial or even a postively proressive use the city maybe be open to reconsider if somebody stepped into to back it. What do you think?
  14. Heya Jewels. Met with the Airport Manager this am. Good people. He told me that he too would like to see the old hangar saved. I guess its the city that wants to get rid of it. Only one engineer advised to take it down. But so far as he knows, no concrete plans are as of yet in the works.
  15. Yeah. Good points. I'll start first with checking the history of the place. named after some local WWII hero... Might be able too to check the possibility first to talk to the air port manager and just get a feel for whats going on.
  16. No death of skydiving with the demolition of this old hangar... BUT its got potential for lots of off-beat or alternative entertain usage -in my humble opinion- especially in a university town that has a defintiely lack of entertainment options. Could be cool, right? I also think the way this building is laid out it could have a section of it that could possibly be lived in as well as having room for a big plane or a couple of smaller planes. Dream big. Ya know? Lots are possible.
  17. Jewels, The historical angle is an idea. I'll checkthat out THX LuLu.
  18. My town's airport is planning on demolishing its original big old rounded top hangar with slidding doors. I'd hate to see that happen! But they got lots of government money coming to put into the airport, and one of the several things that they are making publicallly known are they're plans to tear down this old hangar, and build more modern hangars at a different site. This airport is really growing. The main terminal and other newer buildings have been built about a half mile to the west of this old hangar which is at the far east edge of the airport and runways near a parking lot and high way. I'm wondering about possibly ways to keep this hangar from being torn down, and keeping open the possibilities for various flight and skydiving options in the future. What do you all think??? I appreciate all replies. Thanx - LuLu.
  19. Oh my heart bleeds for you... In Michigan we gotta wait out the winter snows! Count yer blessings, Tex.
  20. yeah, I can sympathize. My 11 year old wants one too. I'd like her to be able to reach me when she needs me, Plus I know that she's getting to the age where sometimes its just the ability to have privacy and freedom to have the conversations alone sometimes and I respect that... But I haven't figured out exactly how to grant that with a cell phone yet. Maybe one of those with prepaid minutes, and allott her so many minutes each month...?
  21. MarkR- Heya. Thanx for the suggestion...sent you a PM. -L.
  22. Piisfish, Thanx for your offer... PM sent to you. -L.
  23. I still can't figure it out. I think its a mix of obscure words and jibberish. Hate the thought I'm being Dissed and can't even figure out what its supposed to mean. But almost afraid to write it out HERE 'just incase it's a real nasty email of sorts. Ya know what I mean??? I'm pissed. Oh well...
  24. Hey ya'all. Still trying to figure this one out. But yeah, think I will go to the grerman forum and see if they think it maight be german afterall... Check back with ya's later. thanx! -L.